
  • 网络Guilt culture;guilty culture;quilt culture
  1. 作为众多宗教文化的一个分支,它是构成西方文化的主流文化内容,由此便衍生出了西方文化中的罪感文化。

    As a branch of the many religious culture of mankind , it is the mainstream cultural content which constitutes the Western culture , thus western guilt culture ultimately derived from it .

  2. 西方的罪感文化从根本上来说是来源于基督教的原罪说。

    Christian culture is the foundation of guilt culture , which is a cultural pattern produced by Western social culture . Guilt Culture originated from the original sin of the Christianity .

  3. 罪感文化与乐感文化的差异;

    The differences between the cultures of offense feeling and joy feeling ;

  4. 羞耻和内疚的差异探索耻感文化与罪感文化刍议

    The Differences Between Shame and Guilt On Shame Culture and Guilt Culture

  5. 基督教反映的是一种罪感文化,它对死亡的关注远甚过对生活的关注。

    Christianity reflects the culture with sense of sin , so it prefers death to living .

  6. 罪感文化与耻感文化的差异《菊与刀日本文化类型》读后

    The Differences between Guilty Cultures and Shame Cultures On The Chrysanthemum and the Sword Patterns of Japanese Culture

  7. 从对罪感文化和耻感文化两种不同文化形态的差异入手分析日德两种不同战争史观是一种有效途径。

    It is an efficient way to analysis different historical conceptions between Japan and Germany in the aspects of two different cultural states of senses of sin and shame .

  8. 两类文化模式的典型代表&美国人和日本人的成长环境和具体行为表现,表明了罪感文化和耻感文化在形成根源、制约机制、影响后果等方面的差异。

    The typical representatives of two cultural models with the aspects of growing-up situations , concrete behaviors , attitudes and customs , illustrate the differences of formation origination , restraint mechanism and effects between Guilty Cultures and Shame Cultures .

  9. 日常生活作为一个独立的美学空间,一直受到现代性为代表的20世纪主流思想观念的抑制和改造,日常生活从而成为一个罪感的文化代名词。

    As an independent aesthetic space , daily life has been controlled and transformed by modernity which represents the 20th century thought mainstream . It is almost synonymous with the cultural " original sin " .