
  1. 在这个斋月结束的时候,你会有多少善功呢?

    How many good deeds will you have at the end of this Ramadan ?

  2. 斋戒增加我们的善功,培养我们的本性,凸显我们的认主意识。

    Fasting increases our goodness , cultivates our nature , and sharpens our consciousness of Allah .

  3. 愿安拉接受我们的善功,在今世和后世引导我们于至善。

    May Allah accept our good deeds and guide us to what is best in this world and the world to come .

  4. 我将为此报酬他,每个善功都将获得十倍的回赐。

    I will give the reward for it , and for every good deed , he will receive ten similar to it .

  5. 想象一下,你做的所有好的事情,在后世将看到你堆了成山的善功;

    Imagine that with everything good you do you are making a mountain of good deeds that you will see in the Hereafter ;

  6. 愿全能的安拉赐悯你一个吉庆的斋月,接受你的斋戒,礼拜和坐静等等善功。

    May Allah Almighty favors you with the blessings of Ramadan and grants you the merits of observing fasting , qiyam , i'tikaf , etc.

  7. 不信道而且妨碍主道的人们,真主将使他们的善功无效。

    Those who reject Allah and hinder ( men ) from the Path of Allah , - their deeds will Allah render astray ( from their mark ) .

  8. 人们行善后会做更多的善事,意味着他们真正地受益于自己的善行,安拉接受了他们的善功。

    When people do something good and then do more good things , it means that they really benefited from their good actions and Allah accepted their good deeds .

  9. 此时节的灵性需要被介绍给他人。最好的方式是让他们感受其特殊。在此月中我们可以坚持善功和高尚的品德纪念它的特殊,这时,我们作为穆斯林就展现了我们的特殊。

    This can be done when we stick to the best of deeds and the lofty manners during the month commemorating its being special and , by this , we as Muslims are ourselves special .

  10. 先知穆罕默德(愿仁主赐福之)说,“安拉的仆人在害病或旅行时所行的善功,真主给他记下并赐予同健康时或居家时所行的善功同样的报酬。”

    Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) said ," When a slave falls ill or travels , then he will get reward similar to that he gets for good deeds practiced at home when in good health . "

  11. 这就是修行完备的人做任何事都能善尽其功的原因。

    This is why a man of perfect practice can accomplish everything .