
zuì xínɡ fǎ dìnɡ yuán zé
  • principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime
  1. 罪刑法定原则视野下的非法经营罪

    Crime of Illegal Business Operations in the Visual View of the Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime

  2. 利益衡量作为司法过程的必然产物,很多人担忧在其适用过程中会存在很大的不确定性和不可预测性,进而违背了罪刑法定原则。

    Balancing of interest as the inevitable outcome of the judicial process , many people worry about their application will bring about great uncertainty and unpredictability , and thus violates the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime .

  3. 犯罪构成的这一动态运作必须受限于罪刑法定原则。

    But this must be confined by the principle of legality .

  4. 罪刑法定原则:视角转换与价值定位&兼论类推思维

    Transfer of Vision and Orientation on Value : Principle of Legality

  5. 罪刑法定原则与司法实践

    Principle of legally prescribed punishment for crimes and judicial practice

  6. 罪刑法定原则下类推解释的适用

    The Application of Analogy Construction on the Principle of Legally Prescribing Penalty

  7. 第二章是罪刑法定原则的心理学分析。

    The second chapter is psychological analysis of the principle of legality .

  8. 第二部分,罪刑法定原则及其局限性。

    Chapter 2 , the principle of legally prescribing penalty and its limitations .

  9. 是否符合罪刑法定原则?

    Whether is it in accordance with the law ?

  10. 其中罪刑法定原则在基本原则中具有重要的指导意义。

    And the principle of crimes according to law has great guiding significance .

  11. 关于罪刑法定原则的几个问题

    On Some Problems of the Statutory Principles about Crimes

  12. 罪刑法定原则的现实合理性与局限性

    On the Practical Rations and Limitations of the Principles of Sentencing Criminals by Law

  13. 罪刑法定原则在产生之初就伴随着一个时代理念的外衣。

    The principle of legality comes along with a beautiful cloak at the beginning .

  14. 罪刑法定原则在中国的生成和展望

    The Generation of the Principle of Verdict by Law in China and Its Vision

  15. 但在司法实践中,罪刑法定原则还远未得到全面、有效的贯彻。

    However , the principle is not entirely and effectively implemented in judiciary practice .

  16. 税收法定原则是现代税法的首要原则,与刑法上的罪刑法定原则有着相同的法理。

    The principle of legislative taxation is the most important principle for modern tax law .

  17. 论罪刑法定原则与刑法司法解释对行政法发展的范式转换论之商榷

    On the Principle of Statutory Crime and Penalty and the Judicial Interpretation of Criminal Law

  18. 试论罪刑法定原则

    On the Principle of Legally Prescribed Punishment

  19. 罪刑法定原则视野中的期待可能性理论

    The Theory of Anticipated Possibility in the Perspective of Statutory Principle of Crime and Penalty

  20. 不真正不作为犯与罪刑法定原则之冲突及解决

    The resolution and conflict of untypical crime of omission and the doctrine of legally prescribed punishment

  21. 试论我国的类推制度与罪刑法定原则法治公民当从端正法定权利观始

    Ruling the People Should Begin with Adopting a Correct Attitude Towards the Conception of Legal Rights

  22. 罪刑法定原则并不排斥刑事自由裁量权,罪刑法定原则认可以严格规则为主、以自由裁量为补充的立法模式。

    While emphasizing legislative strict rules , the principle approves discretion as a kind of supplement .

  23. 法的形式要素与罪刑法定原则的法哲学思考

    Rethinking the Legal Principles of Crimes and the Formal Factors of Law from the Philosophical Perspective

  24. 论社会危害性与罪刑法定原则的一致性&兼论我国犯罪构成体系的完善

    Identity between the Social Harmfulness and the Principle of Legality with Reference to the Constitution of Crimes

  25. 《刑法》的基本原则有:罪刑法定原则;

    Its basic principles ars as follows , the principle of crime and penalty provided by law ;

  26. 费尔巴哈的心理强制说并不是罪刑法定原则的科学心理学依据。

    The theory of mental compulsion advocated by Feuerbach is not the basis of the principle of legality .

  27. 另一方面,作为一种价值理念,罪刑法定原则却不断得到强化。

    On the other hand , as a value concept , the principle of legality has been heightened .

  28. 根据罪刑法定原则,可将拾得赃物拒不返还的行为排除在犯罪之外。

    According to the principle of criminal acts decided by law , pocketing stolen goods is not offense .

  29. 罪刑法定原则确立、贯彻的基本评价及调整取向论罪刑法定司法化的几个问题

    Comment on the Principle of Statutory Crime and Penalty A Couple of Issue of the Jurisdiction about Statutory Crime

  30. 论行政刑法规范的适用与罪刑法定原则

    On Relationship between Norm of Administrative Criminal Law and Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime