
fàn zuì ɡù yì
  • criminal intent;guilty intent
  1. 违法性认识与犯罪故意成立关系问题的研究

    The Research on the Relationship between the Awareness of Illegality and Criminal Intent

  2. 犯罪故意法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problems of Criminal Intent

  3. 目的犯之目的,不是犯罪故意的内容。

    The special motive is not content of the criminal intention .

  4. 第四章目的犯的目的&犯罪故意的特别要素探讨的是目的犯中的特别目的。

    This chapter is to study criminal purpose in purposive crime .

  5. 英国刑法犯罪故意的构造分析

    Analysis on the Structure of Intention in UK Criminal Law

  6. 合同诈骗罪犯罪故意形式新论

    A Tentative Analysis on Criminal Intention of the Crime of Contract Fraud

  7. 单向意思联络应是共同犯罪故意的表现形式之一。

    The unilateral contact should be one of the forms of intentional accomplice .

  8. 犯罪故意不仅有类型之分,而且有结构形态之分。

    Guilty intent can be classified as types and structural forms as well .

  9. 犯罪故意是否要求有违法性认识一直是一个有争议的问题。

    Whether the criminal intention includes the understanding of illegality is still a controversy .

  10. 本文在犯罪故意成立的视野范围内探讨违法性认识的一些基本问题。

    The dissertation discusses some essential problem about illegal consciousness in criminal intention scope .

  11. 本部分主要介绍了两个大的问题:犯罪故意和犯罪目的。

    This part mainly introduces two major problems : Criminal intention and criminal intent .

  12. 犯罪故意的构造包括认识因素和意志因素。

    As a mentation , criminal intent shall consist of cognition factor and will factor .

  13. 论犯罪故意结构形态的冲突、整合与审判结果

    On the Conflict , Conformity and Trial Result of the Structural Form of Guilty Intent

  14. 论犯罪故意与违法性认识

    Comment on Intentional Crime and Illegal Cognition

  15. 犯罪故意问题研究

    The Study of Questions about Criminal Intention

  16. 犯罪故意的认识是事实认识与违法性认识的统一。

    Cognition of intentional lf fence ls the unity of fact cognition and illegal cognition .

  17. 认识犯罪故意,必须正确地解读希望和放任这种心态。

    To understand criminal intention , one must accurately interpreter the meaning of Wish and Allow .

  18. 犯罪故意成立视野下的违法性认识

    Illegal Cognition in Intention of Crime

  19. 漫谈职业(英文)对犯罪故意的思考

    Thoughts on Career On Criminal Intention

  20. 犯罪故意类型新论

    On the Types of Criminal Intention

  21. 犯罪故意的学理分析&从一则盗窃案例小议主客观相统一原则

    Theoretical Analysis of " Deliberateness " of the Crime : With a Theft Case as an Example

  22. 主观特征主要围绕犯罪故意及犯意转化而展开。

    While the subjective one is mainly around the intentional crime and the transform of crime intention .

  23. 刑法概念中认识因素和意志因素的有机统一才是犯罪故意。

    Criminal law concept know factors and the willingness of the organic unity is the crime intentionally .

  24. 第三部分是关于违法性认识与犯罪故意的关系的问题。

    The third part is about the illegal nature of the relationship between knowledge and criminal intent issues .

  25. 因此,有必要对犯罪故意明知问题展开深入研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make a deeper study on the knowledge issue of criminal intention .

  26. 首先从认识因素和意志因素两个方面介绍了犯罪故意的心理本质。

    First , it explains psychological nature of the intentional crime from the recognition and inclination two factors .

  27. 实行过限有一定的历史渊源,超出共同犯罪故意的过限行为,不能成为共犯。

    The person with going-beyond-the-limit act which is beyond the intention of joint crime shouldn 't be an accomplice .

  28. 犯罪故意在故意犯罪的犯罪构成中居于核心的地位,其作用是具有决定性意义的。

    The criminal intent is the core of the intentional crime constitution , its function has the decisive significance .

  29. 犯罪故意的认识因素包括认识的内容和认识的程度两部分。

    The cognition factors of criminal intent consist of two part , those are cognition content and cognition degree .

  30. 刑法总则第十四条关于犯罪故意的规定决定了货币犯罪行为人对“货币”的性质均应当明知;

    The14th general principle of criminal law determines that the holder should be fully aware of the character of the currency .