
fàn zuì zhǔ tǐ
  • subject of crime
  1. 四是犯罪主体的无组织性。

    Fourth , subject of crime has no organization .

  2. 试论犯罪主体的错位

    On the Inconsistency of the Subject of Crime

  3. 刑法第三百零六条犯罪主体之探析

    A Probe to the Criminal Subject in Criminal Law Article 306

  4. 渎职犯罪主体的界定

    On the Determination of the Subject of the Crime of Malfeasance

  5. 国家工作人员也可能成为本罪的犯罪主体。

    National staff may also become the subject of the crime .

  6. 侵占罪的犯罪主体与主观方面的研究

    Study on the Subject and the Subjective Aspects of the Embezzlement Crime

  7. 浅议单位经济犯罪主体疑难问题

    On the Knotty Problem of the Main Body of Unit Economic Crimes

  8. 犯罪主体包括自然人和单位;

    The subject consists of natural person and unit ;

  9. 受贿犯罪主体的疑难界定

    On Determining the Subject of the Crime of Bribery

  10. 单位犯罪主体界定的理性研究

    The Retional Research on the Judical Assessment of the Subject of Unit Crime

  11. 单位犯罪主体认定中的若干疑难问题

    On the Difficult Issues of Subject of Institutional Crime

  12. 国家工作人员职务犯罪主体探析

    An analysis on the subject of duty crime of officials of the nation

  13. 职务犯罪主体新论&以职务本源意义为视角

    On the Subject of Duty Crime & from the Etymon Angle of Duty

  14. 泄露国家秘密罪的犯罪主体应是一般主体;

    The subject of the crime of betraying state secrets is general person ;

  15. 单位犯罪主体及刑事责任承担者的界定问题探析

    Crime Analysis Unit and the Main Bearer of the Definition of Criminal Responsibility

  16. 交通肇事罪犯罪主体辨析

    Differentiation and Analysis of the Main Body of Traffic Accident - creating Crime

  17. 第三部分,国际犯罪主体范围的扩大化趋势。

    Part III : The Expanding Tendency of the Subjects of International Crime .

  18. 其次,分析单位作为犯罪主体的主观根据。

    Secondly , the analysis of unit as the main crime subjective basis .

  19. 其犯罪主体为一般主体;

    The criminal subject is the common person .

  20. 认定犯罪主体的间接性。计算机犯罪中电子数据的获取原则是:合法性、及时性、全面性、准确性。

    The principles of getting E-data are legality , timely , comprehensive and accuracy .

  21. 论受贿罪的犯罪主体

    On the subject of the crime of bribery

  22. 它规定了该罪的犯罪主体;

    It specifies the subject of the crime ;

  23. 单位犯罪主体研究

    A Study of the Subject of Unit Crime

  24. 自然人犯罪主体的理论探讨

    Theoretical Probe into Criminal Suject of Natural Person

  25. 自然人独资公司单位犯罪主体资格辨析

    Natural entity wholly-owned company main criminal qualification analysis

  26. 共同渎职犯罪主体身份与职务不同的定罪问题研究

    On the Determination of Joint Crime of Malfeasance

  27. 犯罪主体是犯罪构成的要件之一。

    The subject of crime is one of the key elements of constitution of crime .

  28. 第二部分旨在介绍单位犯罪主体的概念、特征,主要阐明了单位犯罪主体是单位,而不包括单位内负刑事责任的自然人;

    Chapter Two aims to introduce the concept and characteristics of the unit crime subject .

  29. 我国刑法规定,单位可以成为犯罪主体。

    Unit can be the subject of crime based on the Criminal law of China .

  30. 流动人口犯罪主体预防对策

    Preventive Countermeasures of Floating Population Crime Subject