
cóng fàn
  • accessory;accessory offender;accessary;accessary criminal;confederate
从犯 [cóng fàn]
  • [accessory] 在共同犯罪中帮助主犯作恶的人

从犯[cóng fàn]
  1. 她被指控为这起挪用公款案的从犯。

    She was charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds .

  2. 他的妻子作为他的从犯被判入狱7年。

    His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him

  3. 但是尽管如此,当地辖区的警察还是以窝赃的罪名起诉了查克几天后,一个青少年犯罪法官起诉了11岁的提姆作为窝赃的从犯然后他被判三年的缓刑因为背负缓刑的罪名

    But anyway , the cops down at the precinct charged Chuck with receiving stolen property . And then a juvenile judge , a few days later , charged Tim , age 11 , with accessory to receiving a stolen property and then he was placed on three years of probation . With this probation sentence hanging over his head ,

  4. 他被控告为这项罪行的从犯。

    He was charged with being an accessory to the crime .

  5. 我可以告你教唆绑架从犯。

    I 've got you for aiding and abetting a kidnapping .

  6. 那些支持他的人就要被视为他的从犯。

    Those who have supported him will pass for his accomplices .

  7. 他被控为谋杀罪的从犯。

    He was charged with being an accessory to murder .

  8. 胁从犯是独立共同犯罪人,其哲学理论基础是相对自由意志的学说;

    Its philosophy rationale is the relative free will theory ;

  9. 这就是那个少年从犯的画像。

    JJ : This is what he looks like as a teenager .

  10. 论我国胁从犯中胁迫之认定标准

    On Judgment Criteria of Coercion of Coerced Criminals in Our Criminal Law

  11. 胁从犯的成立需要胁迫具有一定强度。

    The constitution of the coerced offender needs to reach certain degree .

  12. 那会使他们成为谋杀从犯。

    That would make them an accessory to murder .

  13. 目前警方已抓获倒卖文物案的三名主犯及20名从犯。

    Three leaders and 20 accomplices of the smuggling ring have been arrested .

  14. 胁从犯通说之反思

    Reflection on the Popular View of the Accomplice under Duress Say " Preface "

  15. 他是那件谋杀案的从犯。

    He was an accessory to the murder .

  16. 后者说明具备哪些条件才可成立胁从犯。

    The latter illustrates under which conditions the coerced offender can come into being .

  17. 那名事前从犯今天上午被提审。

    The accessory before the fact was brought to court for trial this morning .

  18. 胁从犯的意志因素使得其在刑法上的可谴责性具备且较小。

    Will factors makes condemnation of coerced accomplice in criminal law exist but little .

  19. 保罗被利用为从犯。

    Paul was made accessory to the theft .

  20. 我会说你只是个从犯。

    I will say that you cooperated .

  21. 我还是会把你作为从犯送进监狱的。

    I will make it my mission to put you in prison as an accessory .

  22. 他是此案的从犯。

    He is accessory to the crime .

  23. 另外,有关胁从犯的规定也有不妥之处。

    Moreover , there are also some improper parts in the provisions for the coerced offender .

  24. 对于从犯,应当从轻、减轻处罚或者免除处罚。

    An accomplice shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment .

  25. 可是,再作仔细观察,个人计算机更像是个事后从犯。

    On closer inspection , though , the PC looks more like an accessory after the fact .

  26. 贪污共犯中主从犯的认定问题探讨

    A Discussion of Recognized Problems of the Principal and Accessory in Accomplice of the Crime of Embezzlement

  27. 胁从犯经历了从一种从宽处罚情节上升为独立共犯人类型的转变。

    The coerced offender has undergone the transition from mitigating circumstances to the independent type of accomplice .

  28. 第二部分界定了胁从犯的概念。

    The second part defines conception of accomplice under duress and thinks accomplice under duress and duress are different .

  29. 胁从犯的立法完善应注意体系之间的协调性。

    We should pay attention to the coordination among the systems to improve on the legislation of the coerced offender .

  30. 第二十七条在共同犯罪中起次要或者辅助作用的,是从犯。

    Article 27 An accomplice refers to any person who plays a secondary or auxiliary role in a joint crime .