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  1. 他从祖父那里继承了一小笔遗产。

    He received a small legacy from his grandfather .

  2. 从祖父到父亲到儿子一代代传承

    from grandfather to father to son and so forth .

  3. 我幸运地从祖父那里继承了一块美丽的怀表。

    I 'm lucky to have inherited a beautiful pocket watch from my grandfather .

  4. 她从祖父那里继承了那块土地。

    The land from her grandfather .

  5. 从祖父烟斗里喷出的白色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。

    Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy 's pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray , wispy swirls danced around our heads .

  6. 我会从祖父那里买来整包的口香糖,然后在附近地区挨家挨户地推销。

    I would buy packs of gum from my grandfather and go around door to door in the neighborhood selling this stuff .

  7. 这名男子不愿透露姓名,其祖父是名资深旅人,他从祖父那儿继承了不少物品。

    The man , who wishes to remain anonymous , possesses many items from his grandfather , who was a well-seasoned traveler .

  8. 可是从祖父那里,知道了人生除掉了冰冷和憎恶而外,还有温暖和爱。

    Nevertheless , from grandpa I 've learned that apart from coldness and hatred , there is also warmth and love in life .

  9. 一位男子经营着从祖父和父亲传下来的生意,出售孜然、干辣椒、松子和杏仁。

    One man operates a business once owned by his father and grandfather . He sells cumin , dried peppers , pine nuts and almonds .

  10. 他接下了从祖父传到父亲手中的家族生意,现在和哥哥在印第安纳州西北部的诺克斯一片6000英亩的土地上,种植玉米种、大豆和胡椒薄荷。

    Following his father and grandfather into the family business , he and his brother grow seed corn , soyabeans and peppermint on 6,000 acres in Knox , northwest Indiana .

  11. 我从祖父那里学到很多东西,比如,把生命活到极致的态度、正确使用语法、对文学的喜爱和生活中的冒险精神。

    I learned many things from our grandfather such as to live life to its fullest , proper grammar , the love of literature , and to take risks in life .

  12. 这种特殊的烹调方法是从他祖父传下来的。

    The special way of cooking was handed from his grandfather .

  13. 从我祖父那时候起,那片地上就养着牛。

    There have been cows in that field since my grandfather 's time .

  14. 它从我祖父和父亲传承到我这里。

    From my grandfather to my father , this has come to me .

  15. 从我祖父那一代起,我家就是本地的酱油制造商。

    Up to my grandfather 's generation my family were the local soy sauce manufacturers .

  16. 是从我祖父的名字来的

    It was my grandfather 's name .

  17. 从其祖父开始,他已经是第三代渔夫了,从15岁起就开始上渔船。

    He began working on a fishing boat when he was15 , following in the steps of his father and grandfather .

  18. 而且,玛丽不仅仅有着斯图亚特王室血统,她从曾祖父亨利七世那里也继承了都铎王室血统。

    What 's more , Mary was not only a Stuart , she was also a Tudor through her great grandfather , Henry VII .

  19. 1825年,从他祖父那里继承了一笔财产之后,他辞去了工作,成立了一个讨论团体,并且广泛地阅读经济学著作。

    In1825 , after he inherited his grandfather 's estate , he quit working , established a discussion group , and read widely in economics .

  20. 从曾祖父那儿,我认识到不应该经常到公共学校去接受教育,而应该在家里聘请好的教师,人应该在自由的状态下接受教育。

    From my great-grandfather , not to have frequented public schools , and to have had good teachers at home , and to know that on such things a man should spend liberally .

  21. 在就职典礼上,我开玩笑说,我们家族用了100年走过了一英里从我祖父做家仆的房子到华盛顿州州长所住的房子。

    During my inauguration I joked that it took our family 100 years to travel one mile & from the house where my grandfather was a servant to the house where the Governor of the State of Washington lived .

  22. 当他从外祖父的见解转到父亲的见解时,他总以为自己已经站稳了,现在却又怀疑起来,感到自己并不稳,他心里苦闷,不敢自信。

    On abandoning his grandfather 's opinions for the opinions of his father , he had supposed himself fixed ; he now suspected , with uneasiness , and without daring to avow it to himself , that he was not .

  23. 从她的外祖父起,似乎就有个“文字基因”代代相传。

    There seemed to be a word gene that passed down from her maternal grandfather .

  24. 我当时被吓坏了,三个礼拜后,我才恢复了正常的饮食起居,才敢走出家门,我的女儿们那时才从她们的祖父母家回来。

    I was under shock , I found back the strength to eat , dress-up , going out of the house only after three weeks , when the girls , who were with their grandparents , came back home .

  25. 迈哈迈德·阿提夫·塔图尔从他的父亲和祖父那里学习骆驼生意。

    Mahmoud Atif Tartour learned the camel business from his father and grandfather .

  26. 麦克尔?格德戈,同时也是一位从亚特兰大来的祖父,就强烈呼吁立法设立这样一个节日。

    Michael goldgar , a grandfather from atlanta , ga. , is credited with pressing for legislation proclaiming the day .

  27. 埃里克o百保力是著名家族企业、法国网羽设备制造商百保力集团(Babolat)的第五代继承人,从他的曾曾祖父开始,百保力家族就已经在用羊肠线制做网球拍,制作原料来自法国里昂的屠宰场。

    Babolat represents the fifth generation in a family business of tennis equipment makers , started when his great-great grandfather made the first strings out of sheep gut , obtained from the slaughterhouses of Lyon .