
fàn zuì ɡōnɡ jù
  • instrument of crime;guilty tools;means of crime
  1. 信用卡诈骗罪是一种新型的金融犯罪,是利用信用卡作为犯罪工具和犯罪手段的一种智能型犯罪。

    The crime of credit cards swindling is a new type of financial crime . It is a intelligence crime that use the credit cart as guilty tools and crime means .

  2. 很久以前,罪犯的犯罪工具只有刀和枪。

    In the old days , it was a knife and a gun .

  3. 刍议犯罪工具痕迹利用率偏低的原因及对策

    Reflections on Low Utilization of Crime Tool Traces

  4. 摘要随着信息技术的发展,利用计算机系统作为犯罪工具或目标的案件越来越多。

    With the development of information technologies , the criminal cases whose tool or goal is computer system are increasing .

  5. 信用卡诈骗罪是当前经济领域中利用信用卡作为犯罪工具的一种特殊诈骗犯罪。

    Crimes of Credit Card Fraud are special fraud crimes by means of a credit card in the current economic section .

  6. 信用卡诈骗罪是以信用卡作为犯罪工具的诈骗犯罪,它是一种较为新型的金融诈骗犯罪。

    The crime of fraud on credit card is a crime of fraud which uses credit card as the criminal tool , and it is a comparatively new crime of financial fraud .

  7. 随着汽车使用量的急剧增加,我国交通肇事逃逸与利用汽车作为犯罪工具的刑事案件也随之增加,给社会的稳定和发展带来严峻挑战。

    With the explosive increment of vehicles , the criminal cases of escaping after committing traffic offences and utilizing vehicles as criminal tool are on the rise in our country , which bring severe challenges to the social stability and development .

  8. 他被迫成为那人犯罪的工具。

    He was made the instrument of that man 's crime .

  9. 他被利用做了他人犯罪的工具。

    He was made the instrument of another 's crime .

  10. 特别是一些毒性过高的农药在使用中将导致人类及环境中的生物中毒致死,有时甚至还会成为犯罪的工具。

    Particularly , some pesticides with high toxicity will be dangerous for human beings and animals , and sometimes even used for crime .

  11. 这不仅是为了教育学生,让他们获得发现这类犯罪的工具,而且还为了让学生们了解,如果他们选择做出不道德的商业选择,他们将面对何种后果。

    It is not only about educating the students and giving them the tools to spot these types of crimes , it is also about exposing students to the consequences should they choose to make unethical business choices .

  12. 这个裁决对纽约市官员来说是次挫折,他们一直辩称“拦截盘查”政策是打击犯罪的重要工具。

    The ruling is a rebuke to city officials who have defended stop-and-frisk as an important crime fighting tool .

  13. 为了犯罪,准备工具、制造条件的,是犯罪预备。

    Preparation for a crime is preparation of the instruments or creation of the conditions for the commission of a crime .

  14. 第二十二条为了犯罪,准备工具、制造条件的,是犯罪预备。

    Article 22 Preparation for a crime refers to the preparation of the instruments or the creation of the conditions for a crime .

  15. CERT网站提供各种用于对抗网络犯罪的斗争的工具。

    The US-CERT web site provides a variety of tools for use in the war against cyber-crime .

  16. 他提到了美国好几个州正在使用的帮助评估一个人再犯罪可能性的Compas工具。据报道,该工具倾向于歧视非洲裔美国人。

    He points to the Compas tool in use in several US states to help assess a person 's likelihood to reoffend , which was reported to have discriminated against African Americans .

  17. 美洲犯罪收益和犯罪工具清洗问题首脑会议

    Summit of the Americas Conference concerning the Laundering of Proceeds and Instrumentalities of Crime

  18. 因此以色列的研究人员发明了一种快速的检测方法--借助犯罪现场调查的工具。

    So researchers in Israel have developed a rapid test - using a CSI tool .

  19. 二十世纪以来,计算机网络技术已延伸到社会的各行各业,给人们的生活带来了诸多便利,促进了社会的进步;同时,网络技术也成为不少犯罪分子利用的工具。

    Since the twentieth century , the computer network technology , which gives a great convenience to the lives of people , has extended every field of the society . However , it has also been used for criminal activities .

  20. 结果这些患者在犯罪动机、行为特点、犯罪工具、被害人等诸多方面与正常人的凶杀犯罪有明显的差异。

    ResultComparing with contral criminal , Studied subjects were clearly deference in criminal motives , behaviors , criminal tools and victim features ect .

  21. 信用卡在日常生活中的被广泛使用与人们对信用卡有关知识的相对缺乏,使得信用卡成为犯罪分子可以利用来进行犯罪活动的工具。

    Popular usage and relative shortage of relevant knowledge about the credit card for most people in their daily life make it for some criminals to commit the crime of swindling .

  22. 这两项研究的重要发现是,城市绿地有助于阻止犯罪,可以作为整个城市预防犯罪政策的有力工具。

    The takeaway from these two studies is that urban green space may help to deter crime and could be a useful tool in city-wide crime prevention policies .

  23. 第一部分主要是对网络犯罪的概念进行界定,即网络犯罪是指以计算机网络为犯罪工具或以计算机网络为犯罪对象的犯罪行为,进而分析网络犯罪的构成特征。

    The first part defines the concept of cyber crime , which refers to those crimes that make computer network as criminal tools or targets , then analyzes the performance and characteristics of cyber crime .

  24. 在考核机制问题上,一方面基于犯罪控制的要求,逮捕功能被异化,成为了维护社会稳定,有效打击犯罪的工具。

    In the evaluation mechanism on the one hand the requirements on crime control , arrest function is alienation , as the maintenance of social stability and effective tool for combating crime .

  25. 犯罪隐语亦称黑话,又名切口。它是违法犯罪分子或犯罪团伙互相结交、互相联络、交换信息,进行违法犯罪活动的语言工具。

    Criminal argots , also called cants , are linguistic tools which the criminals or the criminal groups are using for purposes of mutual acquaintance , contact and information exchange when the crime activities are committed .