
  1. 希望是直接故意犯罪的意志因素,而放任是间接故意的意志因素。

    Wish is the volitional factor in direct intention , while Allow in indirect intention .

  2. 牵连犯仅存在于故意犯罪之中,且目的罪只能是直接故意犯罪。

    Implicated Offense only lies in intentional crimes , and its aim crime should be a directly intentional one .

  3. 所以,犯罪目的只存在于直接故意犯罪之中,间接故意里不存在犯罪目的。

    Therefore , criminal purposes only exist in direct intentional crime in , indirect intentional does not exist in criminal purposes .

  4. 入户盗窃的犯罪属于直接故意犯罪,在犯罪过程中存在犯罪既遂、预备、未遂、中止等不同形态。

    Home theft crime is a direct intentional crime , crime , crime exists in the process of preparation , suspension , accomplished , attempted crime .

  5. 在支配直接故意犯罪的主观罪过要素中,犯罪意志是核心,它体现了直接犯罪故意的罪过实质。

    The will of crime is the core among the elements controlling the crime of immediate intention which embodies the essence of culpability about the immediate criminal intention .

  6. 笔者认为,单位犯罪未遂,是指在单位直接故意犯罪中,犯罪单位已着手实行犯罪,由于意志以外的原因而未能达到犯罪既遂的一种未完成犯罪形态。

    The author considers that unit attempted crime is a kind of inchoate conformation and the unit has implemented criminality but failed beyond its will in direct intention crime .

  7. 其中对犯罪性动机和非犯罪性动机的区分让我们明确了:犯罪动机不仅仅存在于直接故意犯罪中,而是存在于几乎所有的犯罪行为中。

    The distinction between criminal motivation and non-criminal motivation makes this clear : crime motive exists not only in the direct intentional crime , but in almost all criminal behavior .

  8. 而且,私分国有资产罪作为直接故意犯罪,其主观方面却不是为单位谋取利益,而是单位成员借此谋取个人私利;

    Moreover , the Crime of Unauthorized Partition of State Property as the crime with intent , its subjective aspect is not actually directly seeking the benefits for the unit , but the member of the unit seeks individual personal gains .

  9. 目的犯,是指在直接故意犯罪中以某种超客观方面的特定犯罪目的作为主观超过要件的犯罪,它具有四个特征:目的犯是直接故意犯罪之一种;

    Crime with purpose , refers to a crime that includes the super-subjective specific criminal purpose as the criminal constitute element in the directly intentional crime , which has four characteristics : Crime with purpose is one of the directly intentional crime ;

  10. 犯罪未遂形态是直接故意犯罪在犯罪发展过程中的一种停顿状态,犯罪未遂状态一旦发生则犯罪行为不会恢复,也不会发展,而是永远停顿在目前的阶段。

    Attempted crime modality is a holdup state during the process of crime committed by direct intentional criminals . Once crime is attempted , criminal behavior will neither be resumed nor be developed , but rather , will stop at the stage of holdup .

  11. 本文对传统犯罪中止概念进行了简要的评析并进而认为,犯罪中止是直接故意犯罪过程中,行为人自动放弃其犯罪行为或自动有效地防止犯罪结果的发生而使犯罪未完成的犯罪停止形态。

    By comparatively studying schools of theories , this author defines discontinuance of crime as unfinished state of crime in which the actors , by his own will , gives up the offence or successfully prevents the harmful results from happening in the process of committing direct intentional offence .

  12. 本罪主观要件表现为直接故意不包含犯罪目的。

    The subjective requisite is the direct intent without other criminal purposes .

  13. 犯罪目的可分为直接目的和间接目的,直接目的是任何一个直接故意犯罪所必需的,并且只有一个。

    Crime purpose may be divided into direct purpose and indirect purpose . Direct purpose consists in any direct intention crime and there is only one .