
bái sè xuè shuān
  • White thrombus;white clot
  1. 方法自体白色血栓经血管介入造影法准确导入至猴大脑中动脉(middlecerebralartery,MCA)M1分支。

    [ Method ] Authors transmitted autologous blood clots into M1 branch of middle cerebral artery ( MCA ) of monkey by endovascular tiny injured repair .

  2. 材料与方法经雄性Wistar大鼠股静脉缓慢注入12.5mg/kg体重血卟啉衍生物的同时,用波长630nm氦氖激光照射左侧MCA近侧段15min,手术显微镜下观察白色血栓形成。

    Materials and Methods Hematoporphyrin derivative ( HPD ), a photosensitizing dye , was injected into male Wistar rat via the femoral vein ( 12.5mg / kg ), while He-Ne laser with 630 nm wavelength was focused on the proximal segment of MCA for 15 minutes .

  3. 目的探讨自体白色血栓在局部脑缺血动物模型制作中的作用与意义。

    [ Objective ] To discuss the function about autologous blood clots in making the animal model of cerebral ischemia .

  4. 结论NS患儿外周微循环白色微血栓阳性和血浆D-二聚体水平升高和RVT之间关系密切。

    Conclusions The positive white microthrombus and plasma D-Dimer levels increase are closely correlated with RVT .

  5. 肾病综合征患儿白色微血栓和血浆D-二聚体水平与肾静脉血栓形成的关系

    Relationship between white microthrombus , plasma D-Dimer levels and renal vein thrombosis in children with nephrotic syndrome

  6. 因此,病人接受了肺血栓内膜切除,术中发现双侧肺动脉都充满了白色分叶状血栓。

    She then underwent urgent pulmonary thromboendarterectomy , during which she was found to have pale , lobulated tissue completely filling both pulmonary arteries .

  7. 结果Ⅱ组甲皱微循环白色微血栓阳性率明显高于Ⅰ组(P<0.005)。

    Results Positive rate of white microthrombus in group ⅱ was much higher than that in group ⅰ( 91.6 % vs 20.4 % , P < 0.005 ) .

  8. 本文研究了丹参对微循环障碍疾病的作用机理,发现丹参具有增加微循环的血流速度,减轻红细胞聚集及消除白色微小血栓的作用。

    The mechanism of therapeutic effect of Salvia Miltiorrihiza on the microcirculatory disorder observed , in nail fold of some kind of diseases was studied in this paper .

  9. 血流中有较多白色微小血栓;细动脉血流速度平均比正常状态减慢0.9mm/s,细静脉流速减慢0.7mm/s,脑血流量可下降50%以上(P<0.01)。

    Average blood flow rate of arteriole decreased 0.9 mm / s , venulae decreased 0.7 mm / s , cerebral volume of blood fiow droped 50 % or over as compared with the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .