
  • 网络white teeth;The White Fang
  1. 许多中国读者都喜欢他的小说特别是动物小说如《野性的呼唤》,《白牙》和《棕狼》。

    Many Chinese readers are fond of his works especially his animal novels such as The Call of the Wild , White Fang and Brown Wolf .

  2. 他的很多作品在国内外都广受欢迎。在我国,许多读者对伦敦的作品尤其是两部动物小说《野性的呼唤》(1903)和《白牙》(1906)都很熟悉。

    Many Chinese readers are familiar with London 's works especially his two animal novels The Call of the Wild ( 1903 ) and White Fang ( 1906 ) .

  3. 那个人咧着嘴笑,露出一口白牙。

    The man grinned , showing his white teeth .

  4. 他笑时露出了一口漂亮的白牙。

    When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth .

  5. 罗带的大白牙实验室制作名为“皇冠”的珐琅牙。

    Great White Dental Lab in Lodi fashions enamel teeth called " crowns " .

  6. 像喷火的怪兽轰鸣着穿过夜阴森交错的白牙。

    Like a gryphon puffing flames , crashed through Night 's staggered saber-like tusks .

  7. 一张深棕色的脸晒成黧黑,衬出一嘴耀眼白牙;

    His face was deeply brown and burnt , making his white teeth dazzling by the contrast ;

  8. 一个亚伯达省的牙医是如何得到列侬珍珠似的白牙的呢?

    How did a dentist from Alberta get his hands on one of Lennon 's pearly whites ?

  9. 挂在船头上的那些弯曲的大冰柱,活象是大象的白牙。

    and like the white ivory tusks of some huge elephant , vast curving icicles depended from the bows .

  10. 扎迪·史密斯的《白牙》(2000)中分崩离析的多文化家庭使伦敦不为人熟知的街区出了名。

    The multicultural and dysfunctional families of Zadie Smith 's " White Teeth " ( 2000 ) brought celebrity to London 's lesser-known boroughs .

  11. 别具一格的《野性的呼唤》、《白牙》和《海狼》等小说更是使他名声大噪。

    The unique stories , such as The Call of the Wild , White Fang and The Sea wolf , gave him a great reputation all over the world .

  12. 扎迪·史密斯因其小说处女作《白牙》博得了不少好评,而现在,她的第三作《论美》又在2006年赢得了为女性小说而设的“橘子奖”。

    Zadie Smith won many plaudits for her debut novel White Teeth and now her third , On Beauty , has won the2006 Orange Prize for women 's fiction .

  13. 《白牙》(1906)则讲述了一匹狼离开北方寒冷多雪的野生环境成为一条狗的故事。

    White Fang ( 1906 ) tells the story of a wolf that leaves his wild life in the cold and snow of the North to become a dog .

  14. 《白牙》则是描写一只半狼半狗的小兽白牙,与狗儿母亲绮絮一起遭印地安人灰狸擒回,训化为雪橇犬。

    White Fang was about the description of a little wolf dog , White Fang , was seized by an Indian with its mother , and was trained to be a sled dog .

  15. 他露出一口白牙笑了笑,仿佛知道所有在场的人都明白他不再住在查尔斯顿的理由,但即使明白了他也毫不在乎。

    His white teeth showed in a grin , as though he realized that everyone present knew just why he no longer lived in charleston , and cared not at all if they did know .

  16. 本文从自然主义角度入手,分析遗传因素和环境因素对这两部动物小说中的主人公布克和白牙的生命历程的影响。

    From the naturalistic point of view , this thesis analyzes the influences of heredity and environment on the lives of Buck and White Fang , heroes of The Call of the Wild and White Fang .

  17. 您的下一次旅游可以驻足在新加坡的佛牙寺和博物馆,在那里您可以欣赏另一位伟大哲人的珍珠般的白牙,它被展出在祈祷室里,纹以雕龙。

    On your next trip you can stop by the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum in Singapore , where you can admire another one of the philosopher 's pearly whites surrounded by prayer rooms and ornate dragons .