
  • 网络Liquid Soap;soap solution
  1. 接着,她把皂液倒进一个木制模子里。

    FAITH LAPIDUS : Next , she pours the liquid soap into wooden mold forms .

  2. 结果芒硝(30g)大剂量灌肠的通便效果明显优于0.15%皂液(P<0.01)。

    Results The catharsis effect in high dose group ( 30 g ) was better than that of the soap solution ( 0.15 % ) group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 一定要把皂液冲洗干净。

    Make sure you rinse all the soap out .

  4. 洗液由一个使用方便的按压式皂液器提供。

    The lotion is dispensed by a handy pump action spray .

  5. 皂液pH值对改性乳化沥青性质的影响

    Influence of Soap Solution 's pH Value on the Property of Modified Asphalt Emulsion

  6. KPS-CuSo4-Na2SO3参与的无皂液聚合

    Emulsifier-free Emulsion Polymerization Participated by KPS-CuSO_4-Na_2SO_3

  7. 飞机内100多种物品使用HelloKitty主题特别设计而成。包括头枕套、纸杯、餐具、奶瓶、小吃、皂液器、洗手液、餐点和冰激凌。

    On board , more than 100 in-flight items are specially designed with the Hello Kitty motif & including headrest covers , tissues , paper cups , utensils , milk bottles , snacks , soap dispensers , hand lotion , meals and ice cream .

  8. 洗衣之前先把皂液搅起泡沫。

    Before washing the clothes , froth up the soap mixture .

  9. 抗菌皂液及手消毒剂使用量与医院感染管理现状的调查分析

    Investigation on Usage of Antibacterial Hand Cleanser and Disinfectant and Hospital Infection Management

  10. 滚筒及刮刀加工法(泡沫给液法)洗衣之前先把皂液搅起泡沫。

    Knife-over-roller method Before washing the clothes , froth up the soap mixture .

  11. 水箱拉丝机皂液单独循环的弊端及改进

    Disadvantage of Soap Liquid Cycling Solely of Wet Wire Drawing Machine and its Improvement

  12. 为除去皂液,用热水冲洗是必要的。

    The hot water rinse was found to be indispensable to remove the soap .

  13. 各种规格的泡沫皂液器;

    Various specification foam soap liquid implement ;

  14. 轻轻按一下右边的鼻孔,绿色的皂液马上就会滴下来。

    Simply push on the right nostril and your green gel will ooze right out .

  15. 要用流动的水和使用肥皂(皂液)洗手,揉搓的时同不少于15秒。

    Wash your hands with soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds .

  16. 水洗后用自制皂液皂煮,可获得较好的得色量和牢度。

    After scoured with self-made soaping agent , the dyed yarn features good color yield and fastness .

  17. 分析水箱拉丝机皂液单独循环的弊端,并提出改进方法。

    To analyze disadvantage of soap liquid cycling solely of wet wire drawing machine and put forward improving methods .

  18. 一种带有洗涤液的皂液分配器,其特征是它具有盛液盒总成、压液机构、底板总成、锁紧装置、罩壳;

    The utility model relates to a soap liquid distributing device , which is a using device used for washing liquid .

  19. 这个办法太好了!绿色的皂液会从鼻孔流出来,这比挤出一堆皂液好多了。

    What better way to do so than to squirt this extremely gross looking green nose gel out of the nostril of this nose ?

  20. 尤其是在洗羽绒服时,因皂液过多,漂洗不净而出现皂渍。

    In particular when washes the down clothing , because the soap lye excessively are many , floats cannot clean appears the soap to soak .

  21. 你只需要每天用皂液、温水和一块干布,即可保持眼镜清洁好用。

    Soap , warm water and a dry cloth are all you need , once a day , to keep glasses optimally clean and functional . '

  22. 条形肥皂会滋生细菌,所以要使用洗手液,最好是免提式皂液器。选择普通肥皂,不要用抗菌肥皂。

    Germs can grow on bar soaps , so use the pumped kind & or better yet , a hands-free dispenser and choose regular soap over antibacterial .

  23. “这个实验项目证明:存在一种非常良好有效的标准,既能促使化学反应达到足够程度,又不至于生成太多皂液,导致生物柴油被分解。”马丁利说。

    " The project demonstrated that there is a very fine line between facilitating an adequate reaction and generating so much soap that the biodiesel yield is diminished ," Mattingly said .

  24. 这是电沙拉干燥器、电罐头起子、电皂液器、电空气清新器、电卷发器、炒蛋器、电拔毛器的国土。

    This is the land of the elec-tric salad dryer , the electric can opener , the electric soap dispenser , the electric air freshener , the electric hair curler , the in-the-shell egg scrambler , and the electric tweezers .

  25. 如果你的皮肤比较容易干燥,就用不含皂剂的沐浴液或者水质乳剂。

    If you have a tendency towards dry skin , use a soap-free shower gel or aqueous cream .

  26. 分散蓝14热转印棉织物皂洗变色的影响因素,探讨了架桥剂、温度、水和皂液浓度对热转移棉织物上C.I。

    Disperse Blue 14 on heat transfer printed cotton fabric , the effect of bridge-agent , temperature , water and concentration of soap liquor on the color of disperse blue 14 on heat transfer printed cotton was tested .