
  • 网络Hydroxy silicone oil;pdms;HPMS;OH-TSO
  1. 羟基硅油对Mg(OH)2高填充HDPE力学性能的影响

    Effects of Hydroxyl Silicone Oil on the Mechanical Properties of HDPE Highly Filled with Mg ( OH ) _2

  2. 羟基硅油对无卤阻燃HDPE改性研究

    Study on Hydroxyl Silicone Oil Modified Halogen-free Fire-retardant HDPE

  3. 羟基硅油能有效改善高填充HDPE的韧性。

    The toughness of a highly filled HDPE can be effectively promoted by hydroxyl silicone oil .

  4. 实验结果表明,烷羟基硅油PDMS的引入可以提高光固化树脂的耐热性和机械性能。

    The investigation showed the introduction of PDMS improved the thermal properties and tensile strength of UV-curable resin .

  5. 通过红外光谱分析表明:在合成反应阶段,TDI中的-NCO基团与羟基硅油中的-OH基团发生了酯化反应。

    Through the infrared spectrum : a synthesis phase , TDI-NCO groups in the silicone oil with hydroxyl-OH groups in the occurrence of the esterification reaction .

  6. 研究了超细Mg(OH)2填料用量、填料表面改性、羟基硅油用量等因素对于高填充高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)力学性能的影响。

    The effects of dosage and surface modification of superfine Mg ( OH ) 2 and dosage of hydroxyl silicone oil on the mechanical properties of HDPE highly filled with Mg ( OH ) 2 are investigated .

  7. 羟基硅油改性CaO-SiO2-TiO2有机-无机杂化材料的制备与显微结构

    Preparation and microstructure of hydroxyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane-modified CaO-SiO_2-TiO_2 organic-inorganic hybrids

  8. 聚醚端烯丙基化及其硅烷化技术研究羟基硅油改性HTPB型聚氨酯的合成与性能

    Study on the Terminal Allylation and Silylation Technique of Polyether ; Synthesis and performance of polyurethane modified by hydroxyl terminated polysiloxane based on HTPB

  9. 用溶胶-凝胶方法制备的聚甲基苯基乙烯基硅氧烷/羟基硅油(PMPVS/OH-TSO)复合涂层的固相微萃取探头联用气相色谱测定水中了有机磷农药(OPPs)。

    Solid-phase microextraction ( SPME ) with a novel fiber coated with polymethylphenylvinylsiloxane ( PMPVS ) / hydroxy-terminated silicone oil ( OH-TSO ) by sol-gel approach coupled to capillary gas chromatography ( GC ) was used to determine organophosphorous pesticides in water .

  10. 阳离子型自乳化端羟基硅油/聚氨酯微乳液的形态及流变性能

    Morphology and rheological behavior of cationic polyurethane / polydimethylsiloxane self-emulsifying micro emulsion

  11. 羟基硅油乳液的性质及在涤纶纤维上的成膜性

    Property of Hydroxy-Terminated Polydimethylsiloxane Emulsions and Its Film Formation on Polyester Fibre

  12. 羟基硅油改性丙烯酸树脂皮革涂饰剂的合成与应用

    Synthesis and Applications of Hydroxyl Silicon Oil Modified Acrylic Binder for Leather

  13. 硅氮化合物与羟基硅油的本体反应

    The Bulk Reaction of Silicon-nitrogen Compounds with Hydroxyl-terminated Silicone Fluids

  14. 氨基改性羟基硅油乳液的制备与性能

    Preparation and characterization of emulsion of amino - modified hydroxysilane

  15. 羟基硅油乳液废料的回收利用

    The Reclamation of the Waste of OH-terminated-silicone-fluid Emulsion

  16. 羟基硅油乳液的研究与应用进展

    Research and Application of Hydroxy Silicone Oil Emulsion

  17. 端羟基硅油功能化单壁碳纳米管溶胶凝胶涂层的性能评价及其应用。

    Evaluation and application of sol-gel SWNTs-TSO fiber .

  18. 羟基硅油对材料的热老化性能影响不明显,但甲基乙烯基硅油可显著改善材料的热老化性能;

    But the methyl vinyl silicon oil added may improve thermal aging resistance remarkably .

  19. 沉淀法白炭黑性能及羟基硅油用量对硅橡胶泡沫性能的影响

    Effect of Precipitated Silica Properties and Hydroxy Silicone Oil Content on the Properties of Silicone Rubber-foams

  20. 羟基硅油乳液305

    Hydroxy silicone oil emulsion 305

  21. 芳纶纤维和羟基硅油的用量对硅橡胶的烧蚀性能影响较大;

    The content of aramid fiber and hydroxyl silicone oil also affected the ablative properties of silicone rubber .

  22. 研究了硅氮化合物与羟基硅油的本体反应速度。

    The velocity of the bulk reaction of silicon-nitrogen compounds with hydroxyl-terminated silicone fluids is discussed in this paper .

  23. 随羟基硅油用量的提高,复合材料的气密性和断裂伸长率逐渐增大,但拉伸强度有所下降。

    With the increased amount of silicone oil composites tightness and elongation at break increases the tensile strength decreased . 5 .

  24. 采用溶胶-凝胶法制得了均匀、无裂纹的羟基硅油改性CaO-SiO2-TiO2有机-无机杂化材料。

    Homogeneous and crack-free monolithics of hydroxyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane ( OH-terminated PDMS ) modified CaO-SiO_2-TiO_2 organic-inorganic hybrids were successfully synthesized by sol-gel process .

  25. 为使羊毛织物获得较好的平滑手感,采用羟基硅油平滑剂对羊毛织物进行平滑整理并对整理工艺进行了探讨。

    In order to make the wool fabric obtain better smooth feel , the hydroxyl silicone oil was carried out to finish wool fabric .

  26. 结果表明,在硅橡胶混炼过程中,接到硅橡胶主链上的羟基硅油甚少,大部分接到白炭黑表面上;

    The results indicated that the range of optimization amounts of hydroxysilicone oil which condensed with hydroxyl groups onto the surface of gas-phase foam silica .

  27. 实验结果表明:随着羟基硅油用量的增加,涂膜的拉伸强度增大,断裂伸长率下降。

    The results showed that tensile strength of films increased and elongation at break of films declined with an increasing amount of hydroxyl silicon oil .

  28. 液体栓塞材料2-聚甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯的研制羟基硅油改性聚丙烯酸酯粘合剂的制备与表征

    Effect of renal artery embolization using 2-poly-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate as a liquid embolic agent : a study in rabbits Preparation and characterization of hydroxyl silicon modified polyacrylate binder

  29. 针对无卤阻燃体系韧性下降很大的缺点,采用羟基硅油进行增韧。

    Due to the obvious decrease of the toughness of halogen free flame retardant systems , hydroxy silicone oil was used to improved the toughness of the system .

  30. 从反应过程液层变化和粒径的动态变化角度进行研究,分析得出羟基硅油乳液漂油问题的主要原因是大颗粒过渡层粒子的存在。

    It was found that the existence of large particles called " transition-layer-particles " was the main-cause of the instability of the latex , which led to the appearance of " floating oil " .