
  • 网络Hydroxymethyl;DMU;dimethylolurea
  1. 结果表明:在初始碱性阶段有70%的甲醛分子转化成了羟甲基脲,25%的甲醛分子转化成了亚甲基醚键。

    It was proved that 70 % of formaldehyde molecule transformed into hydroxymethyl ureas and another 25 % of formaldehyde molecule formed methylene-ether bond in the initial alkaline reaction stage .

  2. 本研究通过体外和活体试验研究了羟甲基脲作为反刍动物NPN的可行性和有效性。

    A series of in vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted to explored the possibility and efficacy of methylolurea as NPN of ruminants .

  3. 脲醛加成反应生成物主要为一羟甲基脲。

    The urea resin including a hydroxyl was mainly produced in the addition reaction .

  4. 甲醚化羟甲基脲树脂

    Methylated methylol urea resin

  5. 添加不同水平羟甲基脲对肉牛血液生化指标没有不良影响。

    Addition of different levels of methylolurea did not have impact on the blood biochemical parameters indicative of liver functions .

  6. 试验一、不同聚合度羟甲基脲瘤胃降解率的研究。

    This study was aimed to see the rumen degradation of methylolurea with different degree of polymerization with reference of urea .

  7. 第二种是先将甲醛与脲素合成羟甲基脲,然后在将其与大豆蛋白胶共聚。

    The second is the first synthesis of methylol urea between urea and formaldehyde , and then add it into soy protein solution to be copolymerization .

  8. 随着羟甲基脲添加水平的提高肉牛血清尿素氮和尿氮排出均升高,2.1%羟甲基脲组的血清尿素氮和尿氮排量显著高于其它三组。

    The blood urea nitrogen and urine nitrogen were both went up linearly as the supplemental rate of methylolurea increased . The blood urea content and urine nitrogen excreted were significantly higher than that of other groups .

  9. 通过对树脂~(13)C&NMR谱图的定量分析,发现酸性阶段主要发生羟甲基脲间的缩聚反应,生成亚甲基,在碱性保温阶段,部分亚甲基醚键发生分解,羟甲基含量也有提高;

    The quantitative characterization of UF resin by 13C & NMR demonstrated that methylene was mainly produced in acid stage through the condensation of methylolureas . A part of methylene ether bridges broke and the amount of methylolureas was increased in last basic stage .

  10. 用动态扭辫分析法(TBA),研究了丙烯酸酯乳胶与四羟甲基甘脲的固化行为。

    The curing behavior of acrylic latexes with tetrahydro 1,3,4,6-tetrakis ( hydroxymethy ) glycolril was studied by means of TBA .