
  • 网络slow-release nitrogen fertilizer
  1. 首次用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和水分特征曲线方法对实验合成的保水缓释氮肥水分状态及吸持特征进行了研究。

    In the article , Differential Scanning Calorimetry ( DSC ) and moisture characteristics curve were firstly applied to measure state and retention characteristics of water in Water-Absorbent Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer ( WASRNF ) synthesized in the laboratory .

  2. 造纸黑液木质素对尿素氮在土壤中转化与生物利用的影响改性造纸黑液木质素&氨氧化木质素(AOL)作为缓释氮肥的肥效研究

    Effect of Lignin from Paper-making Black Liquor on the Transformation of Urea-N in Soil and the Bio-utilization . Fertilizer Efficiency of Ammonia-oxidized Lignin ( AOL ) a Modified Lignin from Wastewater in Paper-Making Used as a Slow-Released Nitrogen Fertilizer

  3. 一种新型保水缓释氮肥有关特征及性能

    Characteristics and Performance of A New Water-Absorbent Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer

  4. 脲醛树脂包膜缓释氮肥释放速率的测定

    Determination of Releasing Rate of Nitrogen Fertilizer Coated with Urea-formaldehyde Resin

  5. 广西旱地耕作体系缓释氮肥效应试验研究

    Effect of Slow Releasing Fertilizers in the Upland Cropping System in Guangxi

  6. 包膜缓释氮肥的制造工艺及氮素释放速率研究

    Study on manufacturing process of slow-released nitrogen fertilizer and its nitrogen release rate

  7. 保水缓释氮肥水分状态与吸持特征研究

    State and retention characteristics of water in hydrogel of water-absorbent slow release nitrogen fertilizer

  8. 尿素改性木素磺酸钙制备缓释氮肥的工艺研究

    Preparation of Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer by the Modification of Calcium Lignosulfonate with Urea

  9. 超级杂交晚稻缓释氮肥最佳用量研究

    Study on the rate of slow - release nitrogen fertilizer for super hybrid late rice

  10. 土壤是一个十分复杂的系统,缓释氮肥施用入土后的释放速率因不同土壤条件而变化,难以预测;

    The difficulty in predicting the form and rate of slow release fertilizer in soil , resulted from the complexity of soil system ;

  11. 试论缓释氮肥及其农业化学评价尿素改性木素磺酸钙制备缓释氮肥的工艺研究

    Approach to slow release nitrogen fertilizer and its agrochemical evaluation Preparation of Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer by the Modification of Calcium Lignosulfonate with Urea

  12. 通过玉米和水稻盆栽实验对改性(氧化氨解)造纸黑液木质素&AOL作为一种缓释氮肥的肥效进行了研究。

    A pot experiment was conducted to study the fertilizer efficiency of Ammonia-oxidized Lignin ( AOL ) used as a slow-released nitrogen fertilizer on corn and rice .

  13. 基于化肥的农业化学要求讨论和评价缓释氮肥:(1)缓释氮肥的农业化学特点及其肥效;

    Slow release nitrogen fertilizers are discussed and evaluated in view of agrochemical considerations : ( 1 ) the agrochemical features and the efficiency of slow release fertilizer ;

  14. 施用缓释肥料A2,氮肥利用率和产量的增幅均较小。

    Organic-inorganic slow release fertilizer A_2was litter effect on nitrogen recovery rate and yield of tomato .

  15. 施用缓释肥料A2提高氮肥利用率,增加肥料氮在根系和叶片中的分配率;并且有利于后期产量形成,增产1633%。

    Application of organic-inorganic slow release fertilizer A_2 was also increased the nitrogen recovery rate , raised the proportion of nitrogen in roots and leaf and increased yield by 16.33 % .

  16. 控释/缓释肥料研究概述试论缓释氮肥及其农业化学评价

    The review of controlled / slow release fertilizer Approach to slow release nitrogen fertilizer and its agrochemical evaluation

  17. 缓释化肥的研究现状与进展试论缓释氮肥及其农业化学评价

    Present Situation and Progress of Slow - Release Chemical Fertilizers Approach to slow release nitrogen fertilizer and its agro chemical evaluation