
  • 网络The Royal Wedding
  1. 许多大街上挂起了旗子以庆祝皇室婚礼。

    A lot of streets are flagged to celebrate the royal wedding .

  2. 因为全英各大媒体巨头盯上了这块“肥肉”,打算将皇室婚礼制作成3D电影让民众亲身经历。

    Broadcasters are considering plans to screen the royal wedding in 3D .

  3. 随着围绕皇室婚礼的狂热日益高涨,PartyPieces一朝成名。

    With the growing frenzy surrounding the royal wedding , Party pieces has benefited from instant fame .

  4. 作家MegCabot在2015年出版了第一本青少年书籍《公主日记》,名为《皇室婚礼》,所以这部新电影很有可能会追随米娅首次尝试婚姻幸福的脚步。

    Author Meg Cabot released the first adult Princess Diaries book in 2015 , named The Royal Wedding , so there 's every chance the new film will follow Mia 's first foray into marital bliss .

  5. 在英国皇室婚礼上,凯特的妹妹Pippa一鸣惊人,成为全球瞩目的焦点。而现在皮帕米德尔顿又成为宝宝取名的新宠。

    She 's been capturing headlines all over the globe since her famous sister Kate became British royalty , and now Pippa Middleton is sparking a baby naming trend , too .

  6. FionaGoble在她贴切命名的新书《编织你的皇室婚礼》中提供给编织者为整个皇室编织羊毛玩偶的图案。

    In her aptly titled new book " Knit Your Own Royal Wedding ," author Fiona Goble provides knitters with patterns to create woolen dolls of the entire royal clan .

  7. “皇室婚礼是一项盛事,benham届时将发行纪念首日封,并制作如马克杯之类的其它收藏品,”豪尔表示。

    " The royal wedding is a significant event as Benham will produce the first - day covers commemorating it , and is also producing other collectables such as mugs , " said Mr Hall .

  8. 皇室婚礼是当年社会生活中的大事。

    The royal wedding was the social event of the year .

  9. 英国威廉王子和灰姑娘凯特明年举行皇室婚礼。

    A royal wedding next year for Prince William , Kate .

  10. 显然就在皇室婚礼那天,沃克的服装店赢得了米德尔顿的忠诚。

    The House of Walker clearly won Middleton loyalty on that day .

  11. 大臣对皇室婚礼的巨大开支颇有微词

    The politicians grumbled about the crippling cost of the Royal wedding ,

  12. 皇室婚礼是喜庆的盛事。

    The royal wedding was an occasion of great festivity .

  13. 共和党已经展示出它的皇室婚礼大事记。

    Republic has brought out its own royal wedding memorabilia .

  14. 街上挂起了旗子,庆祝皇室婚礼。

    The streets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding .

  15. 但是,在周五,全世界将会看到一场真正高贵的皇室婚礼。

    But on Friday the world will tune in to see real royalty .

  16. 如今,我们为英国皇室婚礼制作纪念品。

    And this time , we made souvenirs for the British Royal wedding .

  17. 皇室婚礼典礼仪式壮观。

    The pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding .

  18. 皇室婚礼热到处都是,但并不是每个人都关注它。

    Royal wedding fever is everywhere , but not everyone has caught it .

  19. 大家都为了皇室婚礼而兴奋不已

    Just the excitement of the royal wedding .

  20. 十年两次皇室婚礼?!

    Two royal weddings in one decade ? !

  21. 尽管跨越了一个时代,两场皇室婚礼的照片中折射出微妙的相似之处,却让人难以忽视。

    The echoes of a Royal wedding from an earlier era are difficult to ignore .

  22. 这场空前的皇室婚礼定于周五,它被指定为公众假日。

    The royal wedding , on a Friday , has been designated an official public holiday .

  23. 因此,“皇室婚礼”毫无悬念地荣登年度最热短语亚军宝座。

    No surprise that it came 2nd in the " phrase of the year " ranking .

  24. 人们英伦风潮的痴迷始于今年年初的皇室婚礼,而如今这股英伦风潮仍旧热度不退。

    The obsession with all things British that started with the royal wedding earlier this year continues .

  25. 忘记皇室婚礼吧。

    Forget the royal nuptials .

  26. 美国维尔金大西洋航空公司表示,皇室婚礼周时,由美国飞来的航班数有非常大的增幅。

    Virgin Atlantic said figures for the royal wedding week showed a huge increase in traffic from America .

  27. 但是她会喜欢到邀请维多利亚和她的丈夫大卫参加皇室婚礼吗?

    But does Markle like Beckham enough to invite her and her husband David to the royal wedding ?

  28. 皇室婚礼通常是在工作日举办的,这样英国居民往往会获得一天的法定假期。

    Traditionally , royal weddings take place on weekdays - meaning British residents are typically granted a bank holiday .

  29. 难道出席皇室婚礼的嘉宾们若想显得优雅高贵,就非得采纳这些不太合宜的传统,别无他法了吗?

    Is there no way to be an elegant royal wedding guest without adopting any of these unfortunate traditions ?

  30. 哈里和梅根的官方皇室婚礼纪念瓷器会使你觉得自己像皇室的一份子。

    Harry and Meghan 's official royal wedding commemorative china will make you feel like part of the royal family .