
  1. 回到皇宫后他就派士兵去调查此事。

    Returning to his palace he sent some soldiers to look into the matter .

  2. 在国王离开皇宫后的某一天,王子独自在皇宫内闲逛,不知不觉他来到关著小矮人的笼子旁,他靠著笼子倚身而坐,手上把玩著一颗金色的苹果。

    After the King left , one day , the boy , in his wanderings about the palace , came to the wild man 's cage , and sat down close by it , playing with his golden apple .

  3. 第二天一大早,他便来到皇宫的后花园,衣服都被晨露打湿了。

    Early the next morning , he came to the rear gardens of the palace , his clothes wet by the morning dew .

  4. 改组后的安倍内阁将于27日晚在日本皇宫经过认证仪式后正式投入运转。

    The new cabinet will hold a " attestation ceremony " at Japan Palace on 27th night , and then put into operation .