
  • 网络Cherry Tomato;cherrytomato
  1. 有机和常规种植条件下樱桃番茄的营养物质含量与矿物元素ICP-AES分析

    Analysis of Some Nutrients and Minerals in Organic and Traditional Cherry Tomato by ICP-OES Method

  2. P(SAG12)-ipt嵌合基因转化樱桃番茄的研究

    Transference of the Gomphosis Gene P_ ( SAG12 ) - ipt Into Cherry Tomato

  3. 1-MCP对樱桃番茄采后贮藏特性的影响

    Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on Postharvest Storage Characters of Cherry Tomato

  4. 因此,在栽培樱桃番茄时,DFT水培方式要优于NFT。

    So the DFT hydroponic system was advantage over NFT system in cherry tomato cultivation .

  5. 结果显示,施保克和蔗糖基聚合物处理能降低樱桃番茄的呼吸强度,抑制VC含量下降和过氧化物酶升高。

    The results showed that both treatments could lower respiration rate , inhibit the decrease of VC and the increase of peroxidase ( POD ) activity during cherry tomato storage .

  6. 不同浓度SA对樱桃番茄贮藏品质和活性氧代谢的影响(需测定的各项指标及方法同①)。

    Effect of SA of different concentration on cherry tomatoes ' storage quality and reactive oxygen metabolism ( needed indicators and methods are same to [ 1 ] ) .

  7. hLF、Lyc基因转化樱桃番茄的研究

    Study of hLF , Lyc Gene Transformated into Mini-tomato

  8. FCH水培樱桃番茄生长及有关生理特性研究

    Agronomic and Physiological Characteristics of Cherry Tomato Grown in FCH

  9. 研究基于樱桃番茄种群内丰富的遗传背景,根据RAPD标记技术的聚类结果,选择其中亲缘关系较远且性状差异较明显的9个自交系,配制了39个杂交组合。

    Based on abundant genetic background of the population , and cluster result of RAPD marker , 39 cross combinations were made from 9 inbred line of distant relationship and different characteristics .

  10. 比较分析了DFT和NFT条件下樱桃番茄叶水势变化特征及其水培系统中营养液液温的日变化。

    The effects of different hydroponic system on variation character of leaf water potential of cherry tomato and diurnal temperature variation nutrient solution were studied .

  11. 对取自种质库中的6份樱桃番茄材料所配制的7个F1代果实品质的性状调查结果初步显示,有些品质性状存在优于市场上销售品的可能。

    The preliminary results through examining the fruit quality of 7 F 1 using 6 parents showed that some qualities of the F 1 would surpass those of the marketing varieties .

  12. 基于植物水势NFT栽培樱桃番茄间歇灌溉控制规律的研究

    Studies on Law of Intermittent Irrigation of Cherry Tomato under Nutrient Film Technique Cultivation Based on Plant Water Potential

  13. 用18个引物对6个樱桃番茄亲本及其所配制的8个F1进行RAPD扩增的结果,有12个引物可以扩增,不同引物能显示被检测种质多态性的相对能力也不相同。

    By using 18 RAPD primers to amplify DNA of 6 parents and their 8 F 1 , the results showed that 12 different primers varied in the relative ability for showing the polymorphism of the varieties .

  14. 本论文主要研究了UV-C照射处理对采后樱桃番茄果实成熟、软化和色泽变化的影响及其生理、生化和分子机制。

    The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of UV-C irradiation on postharvest cherry tomato fruit quality , softening and color changes .

  15. β-胡萝卜素含量降低会导致番茄红素/β-胡萝卜素比例升高,这可能是UV-C照射樱桃番茄果实颜色表型发生变化的原因之一。

    The lower content of β - carotene , leading to higher lycopene to β - carotene ratio , is probably responsible for the altered color phenotype in UV-C treated fruit .

  16. 樱桃番茄冷藏前在40℃水中浸泡15min可减轻贮藏冷害而不影响果实品质。

    Immersion of tomato fruit in 40 ℃ water for 15 minutes was the most effective treatment for reducing chilling injury while not adversely affecting the quality of the fruit .

  17. 经穿刺处理的樱桃番茄,用饱和氯化钙溶液浸泡1.5h,糖液中添加经胶体磨处理的海藻酸钠6g/kg,提高糖渍温度和采用分次加糖的工艺能显著改善产品的饱满度;

    Measures that punctured fresh cheery tomato were dipped in saturated CaCl 2 solution for 2 hours and 6 g / kg sodium alginate was added into the syrup and technology of high dipping temperature and thickness of syrup increased gradually could improve the shape of product .

  18. 2追肥后间隔不同天数采收不同施肥处理樱桃番茄果实与土壤(0~40cm土层)中的硝酸盐含量也呈现先上升,在施肥后第6~9天达到最大值,而后又下降的趋势。

    The nitrate content in the fruits and the soil ( 0 - 40 cm soil layer ) of every fertilizer group had a tendency that moved upward in early and attained maximal value at 6 - 9 days later , then dropped once more after the same time topdressing .

  19. 樱桃番茄的组织培养与离体快繁研究

    The study of tissue culture and rapid propagation of cherry tomato

  20. 抗坏血酸钛对樱桃番茄产量和品质的影响

    Effects of Ascorbic Titanium on Yield and Quality of Cherry Tomato

  21. 木屑复合基质在樱桃番茄上的栽培效果初报

    Physicochemical Properties and Cultivation Effects of Sawdust-compound Substrates on Cherry Tomato

  22. 可食膜在樱桃番茄保鲜中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Edible Coating to Postharvest Cherry Tomato

  23. 乳酸菌发酵樱桃番茄果脯加工工艺研究

    Processing Technology of Cherry Tomato Preserves with Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation

  24. 高番茄红素樱桃番茄新品种‘樱红1号’

    A New High Lycopene Cherry Tomato Cultivar ' Yinghong 1 '

  25. 樱桃番茄的组织培养与快速繁殖研究

    Studies on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Cherry Tomato

  26. 整枝对樱桃番茄果实时空分布与品质影响的分析

    Effects of Training on Spatiotemporal Distribution and Quality of Cherry Tomato Fruit

  27. 樱桃番茄主要品质性状的遗传效应分析

    Genetic effects analysis of main quality characters of cherry tomato

  28. 乳酸菌的分离选育及对樱桃番茄果脯品质的研究

    Isolation of the Lactobacillus and Study on Quality of Tomato Preserved Fruit

  29. 室内无土栽培樱桃番茄农艺性状的比较研究

    Indoor Soilless Culture Cherry tomato of Agriculture character Compare Investigation

  30. 其中红色樱桃番茄中上述元素含量最高(除锌外)。

    The red cherry tomato was the highest ( besides zine ) .