
  1. 汉代统治者设立了太初历,而在唐代使用皇极历,并被日本,韩国和越南引进使用。

    The Han Dynasty rulers instituted the Taichu calendar , while during Tang Dynasty the Huangji calendar was introduced and it was adopted by Japan , Korea and Vietnam .

  2. 随着社会生产的发展,隋朝的自然科学与人文艺术也有了长足的进步。如著名的天文学家刘焯制订了“皇极历”,他计算的岁差与现代计算出的准确值相差无几。

    Along with the development of social production , natural science and liberal art the Sui Dynasty also made a substantial progress , such as astronomer Liu Zhuo published his " The Greatest Almanac . " He computed the year age only had a minor deviation from that of modern compute .