
  • 网络cyclotomic method
  1. 印度的割圆术与π值

    Indian cyclotomic method and the value of π

  2. 用VISUALBASIC编程演示割圆术的实现过程

    Demonstrating Realizing Process of " Cyclotomic Technique " by Visual Basic

  3. 基于割圆术计算π的一种快速逼近算法

    Quick approach algorithm of π calculation based on cutting circle method

  4. 割圆术与穷竭法

    The method of cutting circle and infinite approach

  5. 一组新的割圆术不等式

    New Inequalities for Circle - Cutting Technique

  6. 晚清算家倾向于摆脱割圆术的逻辑基础而非直观基础。

    Late Qing mathematicians tried to be free from logic but not from empiric of the cyclotomy .

  7. 后继者祖冲之利用割圆术得出了正确的小数点后七位。

    the student surpasses the teacher . Lat-er , with Liu 's method , Zu Chongzhi determined pi to 7 digits .

  8. “割圆术”包含近代极限思想,其过程是一个无限过程,可以创造崭新结果;

    But the method of infinite approach is used more widely , it is a uninfinite procedure , and it only can achieve the desired results with reduction to absurdity .

  9. 在求准确圆周率值的征途中,首先迈出关键一步的是三国时期魏国杰出的数学家刘徽。他创立割圆术,用圆内接正多边形无限逼近圆而求取圆周率值。

    On the journey of finding a precise pi , Liu Hui , a prominent mathematician of the Kingdom of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period , took the first crucial step by approximated pi .

  10. 本文是文[1]的续篇,进一步阐述割圆术的思维模式对现代演化数学研究的启迪意义。

    This is sequel of the paper [ 1 ] , which makes a further exposition on the thinking model of " Cutting Circle Method " and its significant enlightenment on studying modern evolutionary mathematics .

  11. 对基于割圆术计算π的算法进行研究,介绍一种计算π的快速逼近算法,由泰勒公式只用很少的多边形就可得到具有高精度的计算结果。

    Research into algorithm of π calculation based on cutting a circle method in this paper . Quick approach algorithm of π calculation is introduced . By Taylor formula , a few polygons are used and calculating result with high precision is obtained .