
gē lǐ
  • circumcision
割礼 [gē lǐ]
  • [circumcision] 犹太教和伊斯兰教的一种仪式,把男孩的阴茎包皮割去少许

割礼[gē lǐ]
  1. 给兔子行割礼的医学术语是什么?HareCut(兔割,与理发同音)。

    What 's the correct medical term for the circumcision of a rabbit ? Hare Cut .

  2. 由菲犹太医生施行的割礼被宣布为是不洁净的。

    The circumcision performed by a Gentile doctor was pronounced unclean .

  3. 根据犹太法律的规定,他在出生后8天内接受了割礼。

    He had been circumcised within eight days of birth as required by Jewish law .

  4. 当今世界上,约有9,000万到1亿的女性接受过割礼。

    An estimated number of 90 to 100 million women around the world living today have been circumcised .

  5. 割礼师会留下一个小开口用来排尿和经血。

    The cutter leaves a tiny opening to permit urination and menstruation .

  6. 今天,美国儿科协会(aap)这一具有影响力的组织宣布,割礼这种手术确实有益,而且推荐纳入公私医疗保险计划之中,这一建议于八月二十七日登载在网上儿科版块。

    Today the influential group the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) declared that the procedure is , indeed , beneficial-and that it should be covered by public and private health insurance plans . The recommendation was published online August 27 in pediatrics .

  7. 马太认为外邦人应该行割礼吗?

    P.D.M : Does Matthew believe that Gentiles should be circumcised ?

  8. 犹太人应该行割礼吗,对,因为他们是犹太人。

    Should Jews be circumcised ? Yeah , they 're Jews .

  9. 西方人反对外阴割礼是文化帝国主义吗?

    Is it cultural imperialism for Westerners to oppose genital mutilation ?

  10. 我看到对女孩行割礼,对女孩进行控制

    I 've seen that we cut girls and we control them

  11. 第八天要给婴孩行割礼。

    On the eighth day the boy is to be circumcised .

  12. 你也喝罢,显出是未受割礼的!

    You also , drink and be shown to be uncircumcised !

  13. 你下去与未受割礼的人一同躺卧吧。

    Go down , and be thou laid with the uncircumcised .

  14. 我曾被允许观看一次割礼仪式。

    I was once allowed to watch a ritual circumcision ceremony .

  15. 亚伯拉罕受割礼的时候,年九十九岁。

    Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he underwent circumcision .

  16. 也不会对你的妹妹行割礼。“

    that we will not cut your sisters either . "

  17. 是在他受割礼的时候呢。是在他未受割礼的时候呢。

    When he was in circumcision , or in uncircumcision ?

  18. 有人未受割礼蒙召呢,就不要受割礼。

    Is any called in uncircumcision ? let him not be circumcised .

  19. 约书亚就制造了火石刀,在除皮山那里给以色列人行割礼。

    So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at Gibeath Haaraloth .

  20. 正当那日、亚伯拉罕和他儿子以实玛利、一同受了割礼。

    Abraham and his son Ishmael were both circumcised on that same day .

  21. 神又赐他割礼的约。

    Then he gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision .

  22. 但未受割礼的,都不可吃这羊羔。

    No uncircumcised male may eat of it .

  23. 就在这一天,亚伯拉罕和他儿子以实玛利就都受了割礼。

    Abraham and ishmael , his son , underwent circumcision on that very day .

  24. 在犹太教,男性义不容辞必须接受割礼手术。

    In Judaism , male circumcision is obligatory .

  25. 艾格尼丝在她还很小的时候就被强迫割礼

    Agnes was a woman who was cut when she was a little girl ,

  26. 我的孩子明天要行割礼。

    I 'm having the children circumcised tomorrow .

  27. 但许多美国人认为割礼手术是不必要的。

    Many Americans say male circumcision is unnecessary .

  28. 女性生殖器割礼和产科结局:WHO在6个非洲国家协作的前瞻性研究

    Female genital mutilation and obstetric outcome : WHO collaborative prospective study in six African countries

  29. 他儿子以实玛利受割礼的时候年十三岁。

    And his son Ishmael was thirteen ;

  30. 这样说来,犹太人有甚麽长处?割礼有甚麽益处呢?

    What advantage then hath the jew ? Or what profit is there of circumcision ?