
pí huá tǐnɡ
  • kayak;canoeing
  1. 研究以30名国家皮划艇运动员为监测对象,探讨了皮划艇运动员小周期训练过程中运动负荷与血尿素氮(BUN)之间的关系。

    According to the test on30 canoeing athletes , this research has discussed the relation between canoeing athlete physiological load and the BUN during short cycle training period .

  2. 匀速划战术在皮划艇训练及比赛中的应用

    The Application of Uniform Stroke Tactics in Canoeing Training and Competition

  3. 我们到科罗拉多河湍急的河水中划皮划艇。

    We went white-water rafting on the Colorado River .

  4. 我意识到一艘皮划艇有麻烦了。

    I realized one kayak was in trouble .

  5. 海湾沐浴着阳光,离岸150米左右有一群皮划艇运动员。

    The bay was bathed in sunshine , and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore .

  6. 一般来说,一个女人在进行了一个下午的皮划艇运动后,可以减掉半磅的体重。

    Generally , a woman can lose half a pound from an afternoon of white-water kayaking .

  7. 皮划艇减肥

    Kayaking to Lose Weight

  8. 基于PC控制的皮划艇激流回旋比赛判罚系统

    Umpire system of canoe slalom wildwater games over PC control

  9. 这两位创新和创业专业的硕士生,将试图在伦敦奥运会(londonolympics)男子双人皮划艇激流回旋赛中为法国夺金。

    The masters in innovation and entrepreneurship students will try to win gold for France in the two-man canoe slalom event at the London Olympics .

  10. 埃文斯是一名前华尔街高管,曾获得奥运会皮划艇项目的金牌,他在管理高盛(GoldmanSachs)亚洲业务时结识了马云,而促成他们相识的原因是——钱。

    Mr Evans , an Olympic gold medallist in rowing and a former Wall Street executive , was running Goldman Sachs " Asia operations and the two met for one reason : money .

  11. 优秀皮划艇运动员200m短距离项目起航前三个划桨周期中,所用的时间逐渐缩短,位移逐渐增大,即艇速在不断提高。

    In the first three paddle cycles , time used gradually shortened but displacement gradually increasing , namely boat speed continuously improved in 200m canoeing competition .

  12. 通过对我国优秀皮划艇运动员测试数据的分析,提出了基于桨频曲线转折点的皮划艇500m比赛竞速结构划分方法;

    Through making analysis on testing data of Chinese elite male canoeist , this paper put forwards that the turning points of oar frequency curve are exactly the boundaries of competitive velocity structure .

  13. 注:EDF团队由20名顶尖运动员组成,他们的运动项目被集团支助,内容包括:游泳,残疾人运动,皮划艇和赛艇运动。

    Note : The EDF Team is made up of20 top level athletes from sports that are sponsored by the Group : swimming , sport for the disabled , canoe-kayak and rowing .

  14. 运用两台高速摄像机,对2005年全国皮划艇春季冠军赛中参加单人皮艇500m决赛的36名优秀男、女运动员的启航加速阶段进行跟踪扫描录像分析。

    Through using two high speed digital videos , this paper makes scanning video analysis on 36 male and female elite kayakers in acceleration phase in the 500m final in 2005 National Championship for Kayak .

  15. 皮划艇200m短距离项目优秀运动员起航前三个划桨周期中,桨频呈上升趋势,右桨桨频普遍高于左桨;桨的出、入水角呈减小趋势。

    In the first three paddle cycles , excellent canoe athletes ' paddle frequencies shows ascendant trend and always right paddle frequency above left , and the angle out and enter the water is shows reduced trend .

  16. 上海地区汉族游泳运动员、我国优秀皮划艇运动员以及中国不同地区汉族人与亚洲人mtDNA的多态性无明显差异(P>0.05),但与欧美和非洲人群均存在明显差异(P<0.05~0.001)。

    The mtDNA polymorphism in Chinese swimmers and elite canoeists , as well as in non-athletes from different areas of China was not obviously different from other Asian populations , but significantly different from Euro-Americans and African populations ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.001 ) .

  17. 惠勒解释道,公司总部傍着lynnhaven河支流,公司的想法是,让员工在午休时间去划独木舟和皮划艇。

    The company headquarters , explains Mr Wheeler , sits on a tributary of the Lynnhaven River and the idea is to let staff go canoeing and kayaking at lunchtime .

  18. 德国皮划艇运动的管理体制和特点(一)

    On the Management System of German Canoeing and its Characteristics ;

  19. 国家皮划艇激流回旋集训队膳食状况调查

    Investigation on Dietary Condition of National Canoe Kayak Slalom Team

  20. 专项力量训练对皮划艇成绩贡献的研究

    Research on the Contribution of Specific Strength Training in Canoeing

  21. 我国优秀女子皮划艇激流运动员卧拉特点的测试分析

    Testing analysis on bench pull trait of Chinese excellent women slalom kayakist

  22. 皮划艇赛事于稍后的1866年开始。

    And canoe regattas began a year later in 1866 .

  23. 皮划艇运动员膳食营养调查与评价

    Dietary Survey and Nutritional Evaluation Of Canoe and Kayak Athletes

  24. 赛艇和皮划艇运动员腰部损伤发生原因、分型及治疗情况

    Pathogenesis , classification and treatment of waist injury in rower and canoeist

  25. 福建省皮划艇激流回旋运动现状分析及发展展望

    Present Situation and Development Analysis of Fujian Slalom Event

  26. 激流皮划艇已列为奥运会正式比赛项目,国内也正在发展。

    Rapids canoeing has already been listed as one of the Olympic events .

  27. 皮划艇运动要求运动员具有力量、耐力、平衡性、协调性和巨大的决心。

    Canoeing requires strength , stamina , balance , coordination and great determination .

  28. 保持冷静皮划艇马上来救你了

    Try to remain calm . The pontoon boat is coming for you .

  29. 广东省优秀皮划艇运动员成才规律的研究

    Research on Success Regularity of the Canoe and Kayak Athletes in Guangdong Province

  30. 男人们用皮划艇积蓄雨水。

    The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy .