
pí zhī xiàn
  • glandula sebacea;sebaceous gland
皮脂腺[pí zhī xiàn]
  1. 立毛肌和皮脂腺上ER、PR、AR在两组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference of the ER , PR , and AR staining cells on arrector pill and sebaceous gland between the patients and controls .

  2. 72例人体蠕形螨病患者皮肤组织病理学检查结果显示本病以毛囊不规则扩张,皮脂腺增生、肥大伴淋巴细胞浸润为病理特征。

    72 patients with typical symptoms were given pathological examinations , and the results showed that hair follicle of them irregularly expanded , the sebaceous gland opened , and lymphocytes infiltrated .

  3. 皮脂腺

    the sebaceous glands in the skin

  4. 皮脂腺癌与汗腺癌细胞p53蛋白的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of p53 protein in sebaceous gland carcinoma and sweat gland carcinoma

  5. 丹参酮对人皮脂腺细胞增殖、脂质合成及雄性激素受体mRNA表达的影响

    Effects of Cryptotanshinone and Tanshinone Α on Proliferation , Lipid Synthesis and Expression of Androgen Receptor mRNA in Human Sebocytes in vitro

  6. 方法用RT-PCR、免疫组织化学技术和原代干细胞培养技术观察COX-2在毛囊皮脂腺单位的表达情况。

    Methods The expression pattern of COX-2 was detected by RT-PCT , immunohistochemical staining and stem cell primary culture .

  7. 眼睑部表皮内皮脂腺癌误诊为Bowen病

    Intraepithelial sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid misdiagnosed as Bowen 's disease

  8. 应用流式细胞免疫技术,对18例皮脂腺癌及汗腺癌患者细胞的p53蛋白进行了定量分析。

    The p53 protein in eighteen cases of sebaceous gland carcinoma and sweat gland carcinoma was analyzed quantitatively with flow cytometry and immunofluorescence staining technique .

  9. 厌氧环境下培养痤疮丙酸杆菌并接种于II、III、Ⅳ组金黄地鼠皮脂腺斑,诱导炎症反应产生,1周后进行光动力治疗。

    Propionibacterium acnes were cultured and inoculated into II , III , IV golden hamster sebaceous patches to induce inflammatory reaction , 1 week after photodynamic therapy .

  10. 氨基乙酰丙酸(5.arnin01evulink:acid,ALA)诱导产生的原卟啉Ix对皮脂腺有很强的选择性。

    5-aminolevulinic acid induced protoporphyrin IX has a strong selectivity of the sebaceous glands .

  11. 胚胎22周后,Leptin受体的表达逐渐减弱,至胚胎31周后仅在皮脂腺中表达。

    The expression of Leptin receptor was reduced after 22 week of gestational ages , was only observed in sebaceous gland at 31 week of gestation .

  12. 全方组、拆方1组、拆方2组及拆方3组皮脂腺松散度组间比较无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The loose degree of the sebaceous glands of the whole prescriptions group and its disassembled prescriptions groups has no significant difference compared with each other ( p0.05 ) . 3 .

  13. 由此可见皮脂腺癌和汗腺癌细胞具有很高的增殖活性及p53基因的过度表达。

    The results suggest that the cancer cells in sebaceous gland carcinoma and sweat gland carcinoma possess the characteristic of highly proliferative activity and over expression of p53 gene product .

  14. 结果实验组伤后第1天,SP及EGFEGFR表达在伤缘皮肤毛囊及皮脂腺细胞。

    Results In the experimental group , immunohistochemical stain of SP and EGF / EGFR was located on the hair follicles and sebaceous glands at the 1st day .

  15. 结果成年大鼠毛囊皮脂腺单位中,bulge(隆突)区弱表达,皮脂腺高表达,而毛球部未见表达。

    Results COX-2 expression in pilosebaceous unit of adult rat showed strongly positive at sebaceous gland , positive in bulge region and negative in hair matrix .

  16. 结论毛囊bulge细胞可以分化为皮脂腺细胞,PPARγ2基因在其中起着重要作用。

    Conclusion The hair follicle bulge cells have the capability to differentiate into sebaceous gland cells in vitro , and PPAR γ 2 play an important role in differentiation .

  17. 方法:应用ABC法检测了癌胚抗原在5例胎儿皮肤、32例成人皮肤、45例汗腺肿瘤、5例皮脂腺肿瘤及5例毛囊肿瘤中的表达情况。

    Methods : Expression of CEA was detected by immunohistochemical ABC method in 37 cases of human skin and 45 cases of sweat gland tumors and 5 cases of sebaceous gland tumors and 5 cases of follicular tumors .

  18. 结果BrdU阳性细胞出现在创面皮下组织、皮脂腺、毛囊和骨髓腔中。

    Results The BrdU positive cells appeared in the hypodermia , the sebaceous glands , and the hair follicles of the wounds , as well as the medullary canal of the femurs .

  19. Muir-Torre综合征的例证性个案:免疫组化分析在识别表示皮脂腺病变的作用

    An illustrative case of Muir-Torre syndrome : Contribution of immunohistochemical analysis in identifying indicator sebaceous lesions

  20. 结论ES细胞源性表皮干细胞为种子细胞与类真皮构建的两种组织工程皮肤在体内具有修复缺损皮肤及分化为表皮及毛囊样、皮脂腺样和汗腺样等皮肤附属结构的潜能。

    Conclusion The two types of tissue-engineered skin reconstructed with ES cell-derived epidermal stem cells and dermal analogs can restore the skin defects and have the potency to differentiate into sweat glands-like , sebaceous glands-like and hair follicles-like structures in vivo .

  21. 再谈Jadassohn皮脂腺痣重建的选择

    Nevus sebaceus of Jadassohn revisited with reconstruction options

  22. 移植45d后,可见角化复层扁平上皮、皮脂腺样、汗腺样和毛囊样等组织结构。

    Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium , sebaceous gland like , sweat gland like and hair follicle like structures were observed after 45 days ofter transplantation .

  23. 皮脂腺癌4例,表现为较大不规则长T1混杂T2信号,不均匀强化,伴周围组织血管受侵。

    Adenocarcinoma was seen in 4 cases and was manifested as irregular long T 1 heterogeneous T 2 signal and heterogeneous enhancement , the surrounding tissues and blood vessel were involved . Results Neither hemorrhage nor infection were found after the examination .

  24. AA患者秃发区头皮总AR阳性细胞百分率以及表皮、汗腺、皮脂腺、毛根鞘、毛乳头五个皮肤结构中的AR阳性细胞百分率均高于非秃发区及正常人(P<001)。

    The total AR-positive rate and the AR-positive rate in epiderm , sweat gland , sebaceous gland , hair root sheath and hair papilla were higher in the alopecia scalp of the cases than those in non-alopecia scalp of the cases and in healthy volunteers ( P < 0.01 );

  25. 结果①nestin在8例正常皮肤组织中表皮基底细胞和棘细胞、汗腺、毛囊、皮脂腺、血管内皮细胞和7例成纤维细胞的胞浆中表达。

    Results ① Nestin expression was detected in basal cells , prickle cells , sweat glands , hair follicles , sebaceous glands , and vascular endothelial cells in 8 samples of normal skin , and in fibroblasts in 7 of them .

  26. 创伤后表达加强。②正常胎儿皮肤表皮全层和毛囊、皮脂腺及汗腺细胞可见EGF的阳性表达;茎表皮毛密度大,阻碍水分份在干条件下丧失过快,遮挡强光辐射;

    In the fetal skin , the expression of the EGF was seen in the epidermis , hair follicles , sebaceous glands and sweat glands , but there were no markedly changes during the wound healing . the density of stem epidermis hair is increasing .

  27. 上面的图像显示了小鼠皮肤组织活力表皮中包裹着一根毛发的皮脂腺。(左)红色CH2图像以亚细胞分辨率显示富脂腺细胞;

    The images show a sebaceous gland wrapping around a hair in the viable epidermis of mouse skin . ( left ) CH2-image in red shows the lipid-rich gland cells with sub-cellular resolution .

  28. 油红染色显示,皮脂腺细胞含有少量脂质小滴,CK4.62、EMA免疫组织化学染色均为阳性;

    The results of oil red staining indicated that a small quantity of lipid droplets in sebocytes , and immunohistochemistry staining of CK4.62 , EMA were positive in subculture sebocytes .

  29. 对于Muir-Torre综合征这种罕见的显性遗传性疾病,其临床特点是患者易感皮脂腺肺瘤(或多发角化棘皮瘤)和内脏恶性肺瘤。

    For Muir-Torre syndrome , the rare autosomal dominant disease , the clinical characteristics of patients are susceptible to sebaceous gland tumor ( or multiple keratoacanthoma ) and visceral malignancies .

  30. 结果:进行期银屑病患者皮损处棘细胞,汗腺腺细胞,皮脂腺细胞,毛囊壁细胞浆中5HT表达呈中等以上阳性,静止期减弱。

    Results : In the active psoriatic lesions the expression of 5 HT showed a moderate positive in prickle cells , sebaceous gland cells , eccrine gland cells and the cytoplasm of hair follicle wall , but decreased in the static stage of the disease .