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  • 网络dorsal gland
  1. 扫描电镜观察表明,孵化第32&36天的胚胎背部第二行鳞的各列鳞片表面均有背腺腺孔,以后逐渐出现少数不规则的退化,孵化第58天以后,绝大多数背腺腺孔消失。

    Observation under scanning electron microscope revealed that there were dorsal gland holes on surface of every dorsal scale in the second row of earlier embryos , and afterwards , a few of gland holes degenerated gradually in an irregular way .

  2. 第38天,背腺腺泡明显,腺上皮为复层上皮;

    At the 38th day of incubation , dorsal gland vesicles with stratified epithelium were evident .

  3. 背食道腺开口距口针基部2.1&3.7(2.5)μm。

    Distance from dorsal esophageal gland orifice to stylet base is 2.1-3.7 ( 2.5 )μ m.

  4. 孵化第28天,背中线左右两侧第二行鳞片处的表皮内陷形成实心的背腺腺芽;

    At the28th day of incubation , solid dorsal gland buds were formed from the invaginated epidermis of the second row scales at the either sides of dorsal central line .