
bèi jiǎ
  • carapace;tergite;tergum
背甲[bèi jiǎ]
  1. 一条环状骨将背甲边缘硬化。

    A ring of bone solidifies the carapace 's edges .

  2. 最终与背甲边缘连接起来。

    Eventually , these connect to the carapace by sutures .

  3. 背甲很累赘,使病人活动不便。

    The brace is cumbersome and limits the patient 's activities .

  4. ?背甲皮瓣移植联合带指神经血管蒂岛状皮瓣移位再造拇指

    Combined transfer of the wrap around flap and digital neurovascular island flap for thumb

  5. 其背甲也拥有一个特征性的外观。

    The carapace also has a characteristic appearance .

  6. 体重、背甲长、背甲宽与日龄呈正相关,背甲长与宽呈正相关,背甲长、背甲宽与体重同样呈正相关。

    The body weight , carapace length and carapace width were directly proportional to daily age .

  7. 随着乌龟的成长,背甲和腹甲间的连接处也在延伸。

    As the turtle grows , the sutures between the bones of the carapace and plastron spread .

  8. 图20.雌性台湾招潮背面图,背甲后方通常有白色横带。

    Dorsal view of a female Uca formosensis , a white band frequently exists on the posterior carapace .

  9. 背甲略呈圆形,长2.464.56毫米,阔2.104.74毫米,长度大于宽度。

    Carapace orbicular in shape , 2.46-4.66 mm in length and 2.10-4.74 mm in width slightly longer than broad .

  10. 最外层的皮肤细胞长成鳞甲,将背甲覆盖住。

    The outer layer of skin cells produces the scales , known as scutes , that cover the carapace .

  11. 侏儒认出它们在阳光下由其背甲中央向下,边缘粗糙的棕黑小丘反射的光。

    The dwarf could see them basking in the sun , brown and black hummocks with jagged ridges down the center of their shells .

  12. 后窦梯形。吸盘的直径为背甲宽度的1/6,几丁质条有43&49。

    Posterior sinus trapezoidal Diameter of sucking disk about 1 / 6 width of carapace , chitinized rods in sucking disk 43-49 in number .

  13. 孵化温度显著影响孵出幼体的质量、背甲长和宽、腹甲长和宽、体高和尾长;

    Incubation temperature had significant effects on the hatchling mass , carapace length and width , plastron length and width , body height , and tail length ;

  14. 它主导了称为背甲的海龟之背壳的形成,可能脊椎通过吸引肋骨细胞逐渐结合在一起而形成。

    It guides the formation of the upper part of the turtle 's shell , called the carapace , likely by attracting the cells that will become ribs .

  15. 在蟹壳、尘螨背甲、苔藓细胞壁,甚至在寄生蠕虫硬质内脏中甲壳素无处不在。

    Chitin is the stuff of crab shells and the carapaces of dust mites , the cell walls of lichens , and even the rigid innards of parasitic worms .

  16. 硬壳,背甲,头胸甲一种硬骨质或甲壳质外部覆盖物,如海龟融为一体的背部板形器官,或甲壳纲动物覆盖头胸部的外骨骼部分。

    A hard bony or chitinous outer covering , such as the fused dorsal plates of a turtle or the portion of the exoskeleton covering the head and thorax of a crustacean .

  17. 陆龟的背甲高而呈圆盖形;后肢粗大,形如象腿;前肢覆以硬鳞。第一对腿上有大钳子的大型可食用海生甲壳动物。

    " Tortoises have a high , domed shell , heavy elephant-like hind legs , and hard-scaled forelegs . " large edible marine crustaceans having large pincers on the first pair of legs .

  18. 湿度对褐背小萤叶甲生长发育的影响

    Influence of relative humidity on the development of Galerucella grisescens

  19. 你才有机会把你儿子背上的脊甲卸掉

    you 've got a chance to get that harness off your son .

  20. 有人说如果把孩子们背上的脊甲取下

    some kid said that when you take those things off their backs ,

  21. 褐背小萤叶甲对寄主植物选择特性的研究

    Host Selection of Galerucella grisescens

  22. 褐背小萤叶甲是烟田蓼科杂草的重要天敌,对蓼科杂草具有良好的自然控制作用。

    Galerucella grisescens is an important natural enemy which could significantly control Polygonaceae weeds in tobacco fields .

  23. 结果168例糖尿病足坏疽患者,下肢血流量、足背动脉搏动及甲襞微循环比较,2组差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);

    Results The blood flow volume of lower extremity , pulsation of dorsal artery of foot and nail fold microcirculation of the 168 patients with diabetes foot gangrene was compared , and there were significant differences ( P < 0.05 ) .