
  • 网络Background Radiation;cosmic microwave background radiation;CMBR
  1. 宇宙X射线背景辐射与活动星系核

    Cosmic X-Ray Background Radiation and Active Galactic Nuclei

  2. 机载FTIR地球大气红外背景辐射光谱特征研究

    The Study of Infrared Background Radiation of Earth and Atmosphere by Airborne FTIR Spectrometer

  3. 太阳软x射线背景辐射特征分析

    Characteristic analysis of solar s of T X-ray back-ground radiation

  4. 基于FTIR的目标背景辐射测量方法研究

    Research on Radiance Measurements of Target and Background Based on FTIR

  5. 介绍了有关宇宙微波背景辐射(CBR)观测和理论研究的最新进展。

    The recent progress on observation and theory of the cosmic microwave background radiation ( CBR ) is presented in this paper .

  6. 然而,两者之间的区别在于,医用X射线在几分钟的时间内就将辐射注入你的体内,而背景辐射却需要你花上整整一年的时间来吸收。

    The difference , though , is that medical X-rays pop that radiation into you in the space of minutes , whereas it takes a whole year to absorb your typical background radiation .

  7. 宇宙微波背景辐射(CMB)也为大爆炸理论提供了有力的线索。

    The cosmic microwave background called the CMB for short also provides evidence to back up the Big Bang theory .

  8. 介绍了脉冲星计时噪声的估计方法,通过计算得出当前毫秒脉冲星的计时噪声水平影响引力波背景辐射对TOA摄动的发现。

    The detection of TOA perturbations , which caused by the gravitational wave background , is affected by the levels of the millisecond pulsar timing noise .

  9. 宇宙中存在着温度为3K的背景辐射,故在宇宙中太阳的电磁辐射不会无穷远。

    The range of the electromagnetic radiation from the sun is not infinite as the background radiation of the cosmos is 3K .

  10. 介绍了用FTIR光谱仪进行目标背景辐射测量的方法,通过黑体对系统的光谱响应进行标定,得出系统的仪器响应函数IRF。

    Methods of target and background radiance measurements based on FTIR are discussed in this paper . Calibrating spectral response of system with blackbody , we can get instrument response function of the system .

  11. COBE卫星对宇宙微波背景辐射的测量,LEP实验等,进一步支持了热大爆炸模型;

    The new measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation by the COBE satellite and the LEP experimental results support strongly the hot Big Bang model .

  12. 假设该模型是正确的,就可以用来估算Lyman限处的紫外背景辐射的平均强度。

    If the " Photoionization Model " is correct , it permits an estimate of the mean intensity of the extragalactic background radiation at the Lyman limit .

  13. 使用CCD(电荷耦合器)进行光学镀膜宽光谱监控过程中,监测信号受外界杂散光干扰、真空室内背景辐射等因数影响,信噪比低难于准确监控。

    In the monitoring procedure of optical coating with wideband spectrum based on CCD ( Charge Couple Device ), the signal-to-noise ratio of monitoring signal is too low to accurately monitoring because it is interfered by the factors of stray light , background radiation in vacuum chamber , etc.

  14. 辐射是以西弗茨(sieverts)的单位来衡量的,你每年光是受到的背景辐射就约有2.4毫西弗;

    Radiation is measured in units called sieverts , and every year you 're exposed to about 2.4 millisieverts , just from general background radiation ;

  15. 经过9年对天际的扫描,威尔金森各向异性微波探头(WMAP)航天任务得出了对宇宙微波背景辐射(及宇宙早期“光线”)的观测结论。

    After nine years of scanning the sky , the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) space mission has concluded its observations of the cosmic microwave background , the oldest light in the universe .

  16. 最近,美国加州普朗克数据中心的项目经理Ranga-RamChary,在绘制宇宙微波背景辐射图时发现了一束“神秘亮光”,被认为是宇宙大爆炸几十万年后遗留的光线。

    Ranga-Ram Chary , U.S. Planck Data Center 's project manager in California , recently discovered a " mysterious glow " by mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background , otherwise known as the light that was left over from a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang .

  17. SAS-2的Υ辐射数据,已被用来测定类星体和赛弗特星系的Υ辐射绝对光度与光学绝对光度间的函数关系,并由此导出它们对河外Υ射线背景辐射的贡献。

    The SAS-2 r-ray data have been employed to determine the functional relationships between the absolute y-ray luminosities Ly and the absolute optical luminosities of quasars and Seyfert galaxies . From these , their contribution to the extragalactic y-ray background have been derived .

  18. 红外窗口冷却和窗口背景辐射计算

    Engineering Calculating Models of Cooling IR Window and Window Background Radiation

  19. 宇宙微波背景辐射极化的近似解析公式

    An Approximate Analytic Formula for Polarization of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

  20. 微波背景辐射各向异性的计算中可能出现的偏差

    Possible Deviation in Computed Value of Anisotropy of Microwave Background Radiation

  21. 目标的红外辐射特性受其背景辐射的影响。

    The target IR radiation characteristic are affected by background radiation .

  22. 宇宙重新加热能标对微波背景辐射效应的研究

    A Study on the Effect of Reheating Energy Scale on CMB

  23. 微波背景辐射与宇宙大尺度结构的形成

    Microwave Background Radiation and the Formation of Large-scale Structure of the Universe

  24. 宇宙背景辐射下太阳电磁辐射

    Influence of Cosmos Background Radiation on the Electromagnetic Radiation from the Sun

  25. 无云地球大气背景辐射光谱亮度的计算模型

    Computation model of spectral radiation luminance of clear atmosphere background

  26. 目标对复杂背景辐射的光散射

    The light scattering of complex background radiation incident to target

  27. 红外小目标与背景辐射对比度的研究

    Analysis on radiation contrast of IR small target and background

  28. 低背景辐射校准装置的光机特性

    Optical and structural characteristics of low background radiometric calibration facility

  29. 宇宙微波背景辐射的观测和理论

    The Observation and Theory of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

  30. 不论从哪个方向,他们都会接收到一种奇怪的背景辐射噪音。

    Everywhere they looked , they picked up a strange background hum .