
  • 网络skin disinfectant
  1. 中药皮肤消毒剂杀灭微生物效果的试验观察

    Experimental observation on germicidal efficacy of skin disinfectant prepared from Chinese Drugs

  2. 泡沫型皮肤消毒剂用于外固定器针道消毒效果观察

    Foam Skin Disinfectant for Pin of External Fixator

  3. 前言:目的:观察依地红皮肤消毒剂的抗菌、抗炎作用。

    Objective : To study the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory pharmacodynamics of Yidihong .

  4. 两种喷雾皮肤消毒剂的临床应用观察

    Clinical Application of Two Kinds of Spray Skin Disinfectants : An Observation

  5. 手术皮肤消毒剂灭菌效果临床观察

    Comparative Study on the Effects of Surgical Skin Disinfectants

  6. 安尔碘皮肤消毒剂启用后有效期的初步观察

    Preliminary observation on term of validity of iodophors skin disinfectants after starting using

  7. 皮内试验皮肤消毒剂的研究进展

    Research progress on skin disinfection for intradermal test

  8. 结论静脉留置针留置期间局部皮肤消毒剂的种类与静脉炎发生率有关。

    Conclusion There was relation between the sterilization of venous indwelling trocar and phlebitis .

  9. 安尔碘皮肤消毒剂应用于长春瑞滨静脉外渗的护理

    Nursing care of patients with vinorelbine venous extravasation treated by povidone iodine skin disinfectant

  10. 三种皮肤消毒剂杀菌效果的比较

    Comparison of germicidal efficacy of three skin disinfectants

  11. 目的研究安尔碘皮肤消毒剂在采血中的应用的可行性。

    OBJECTIVE To study the possibility of applying Anerdian skin disinfectant for blood donor skin disinfection .

  12. 泡沫型皮肤消毒剂的实验研究

    Experimental investigation on foamy skin disinfectant

  13. 目的检测美逸柔、汰可分、安高特3种皮肤消毒剂的临床消毒效果。

    OBJECTIVE To study the clinical effect of disinfection with three types of surgical hand disinfectants .

  14. 前言:目的:探讨依地红皮肤消毒剂对皮肤的刺激作用,并进行安全性评价。

    Objective : To explore the guinea pigs skin irritation of Yidihong disinfectant was performed for safety assessment .

  15. 两种皮肤消毒剂用于静脉穿刺消毒的成本及效益比较

    A comparison on cost and advantage of two different kinds of skin disinfectant used for local disinfection of venepuncture

  16. 综上所述,新配置的洗必泰消毒剂是一种有效、安全的皮肤消毒剂,可以广泛应用于临床。

    As a result , we are confident that this new CHG skin prep is a kind of effective and safe skin prep which could be widely commercialized to China market .

  17. 为了解宁波市各医院常用皮肤消毒剂对临床致病菌株杀灭效果,采用载体定量杀菌试验对三种皮肤消毒液进行了试验观察。

    In order to know the efficacy of skin disinfectants commonly used in hospitals of Ningbo City in killing clinical pathogenic microorganisms , carrier quantitative germicidal test was used to observe experimentally the efficacy of 3 skin disinfectant solutions .

  18. 以醋酸氯己定和纳米氧化锌及乳化剂组成的复方消毒乳液是一种新型皮肤消毒剂,为观察其对医护人员手消毒效果,以30名志愿者手为对象进行了现场消毒试验。

    The compound disinfection emulsion composed of chlorhexidine acetate , nanometer zinc oxide and emulsifying agent is a new-type skin disinfectant . In order to observe its efficacy in disinfection of the hands of medical staffs , on-the-spot trial for disinfection of hands of 30 volunteers was carried out .

  19. 亦可用做皮肤的消毒剂、空气的清洁剂和除臭剂。

    It is also used in skin disinfector , air depurative and deodorizer .

  20. 2004年全国皮肤黏膜消毒剂专项抽检报告

    Report on special selective examination of SKIN-MUCOUS membrane disinfectants throughout the country in 2004

  21. 皮肤黏膜消毒剂及抗抑菌洗剂卫生状况的调查

    Survey of sanitary condition of SKIN-MUCOUS membrane disinfectants and antimicrobial ( microbe-inhibiting ) lotions

  22. 一种皮肤黏膜消毒剂的毒理学评价

    Toxicological evaluation of a skin-mucosa disinfectant

  23. 通过实验,二氧化氯洗手液与其他洗手用品杀菌效果比较,表明二氧化氯洗手液是一种杀菌效果较好的皮肤表面消毒剂。

    The experiment indicated that the chlorine dioxide hand lotion is the better disinfectant of skin surface than the common hand lotion .

  24. 为研究醋酸氯已定复方皮肤黏膜消毒剂的毒性,采用动物试验法进行了毒理学评价。

    In order to study the toxicity of compound chlorhexidine acetate disinfectant for skin and mucosa , animal test method was used for toxicological evaluation .

  25. 结果,皮肤黏膜消毒剂的有效证件、外包装标签标识、说明书等检查和白色念珠菌的杀菌效果均达到100%。

    Results : The eligible rates of valid documents , labels of external packings and descriptions of skin-mucous membrane disinfectants and their efficacy in killing Candida albicans attained 100 % .

  26. 结论,唐山市市场销售的皮肤黏膜消毒剂产品质量较好,而抗(抑)菌洗剂产品质量存在明显的问题。

    Conclusion : The quality of skin-mucous membrance disinfectants sold in market of Tangshan City is good , while the quality of antimicrobial ( microbe-ihhibiting ) lotions has obvious problems .

  27. 目的了解手术室常用皮肤、黏膜消毒剂的消毒、灭菌效果,寻找高效、安全的消毒剂。

    Objective To examine the effect of 8 skin disinfectants used for skin disinfection .

  28. 目的探讨一种能代替75%酒精作皮肤过敏试验消毒剂的简便方法,以能够有效降低皮试的假阳性率并防止皮肤感染。

    Objective To explore a simple method of cleaning skin before intracutaneous test to take the place of75 % alcohol so as to lower the pseudo-positive rate and prevent skin from infection .

  29. 结论穿刺技巧熟练、避免剧烈运动可降低机械性静脉炎的发生率;保证皮肤消毒后消毒剂干燥,去除操作者手套滑石粉刺激可预防化学性静脉炎;

    Conclusion Skillful puncture technique , avoiding violent movement can decrease the occurrence of mechanical phlebitis , dry of disinfectant after disinfection and avoiding irritation by talcum powder on manipulators ' gloves can prevent chemical phlebitis ;