
  • 网络Lysol
  1. 某种程度上说,是的。我是说一般的家用除菌用品比如煤酚皂溶液,湿纸巾这类用品都含有消毒剂。

    Sort of , I mean , a lot of those common household disinfectants , ur , that we think of things like Lysol or even things like wet wipes , things like that , have disinfectants in them .

  2. 有一项研究,也就是不久前爱尔兰的一项研究显示在湿纸巾,煤酚皂溶液这类产品,甚至是每天都可能用到的化妆品中存在一种名叫氯化苯甲烃铵的物质。

    There 's one research . There 's one piece of research that was on in Ireland not too long ago , looked at a common disinfectant called benzalkonium chloride which is the disinfectant that we find in wet wipes , things like Lysol and a lot of those products , even cosmetics that we use everyday .