
  • 网络Gas flame;gas jet;gas burner
  1. 敞式煤气火焰烘干装置

    Open gas flame dryer

  2. 通过所开发的图像采集与处理系统,对一台径向分层旋流燃烧器的煤气火焰进行了可视化研究,并应用分形理论对所提取的火焰锋面进行了定量分析。

    With the help of an image acquisition and processing system a visualization study was conducted of the coal gas flame of a radially stratified swirl-type burner . The quantitative analysis of a separated flame front was then performed through the use of a fractal theory .

  3. 煤气[火焰]烧毛机,气体烧毛机

    Gas flame singeing machine

  4. 烟和煤气从火焰或火炉中释放出来的通道;烟道。

    Chimney : a passage through which smoke and gases escape from a fire or furnace ; a flue .

  5. CARS技术测量煤气/空气火焰温度的实验研究

    Investigation on CARS thermometry for flame temperature measurement

  6. 全燃烧高炉煤气锅炉的火焰检测器以及FSSS的炉膛灭火保护。

    Fire detector and flameout protection for FSSS in all blast furnace gas fired boiler .

  7. 本文研究了N2分子的CARS光谱,通过实验谱与理论谱拟合的方法,获得了乙炔/空气及煤气/空气火焰的温度,实验中采用了BoxCARS和FoldedBoxCARS两种位相匹配方式。

    We measured and calculated Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectra of N_2 . The temperatures of C_2H_2 / air and gas / air flames were obtained by fitting theoretical and experimental spectra . In the experimental , Box CARS and folded Box CARS were performed .

  8. 他擦了根火柴点燃了煤气炉,火焰蹿了出来。

    He set a match to the gas stove and the flames burst out .

  9. 煤气燃烧反应的火焰温度

    Flame temperature of gas combustion reaction

  10. 本文用已应用的工业系统进行炉内火焰图像记录,对多种燃烧方式的对比,分析煤气掺烧的火焰黑度。

    In this paper , we use the industrial system which has been applied to record the furnace flame images through which we compare a wide range of combustion conditions and analysis the flame emissivity .