
  • 网络Underground coal gasification;UCG;CUG
  1. 与地面气化及燃煤过程不同,煤地下气化产物中,气态汞占总汞比例低于20%,明显低于地面气化及燃煤。

    In addition , gaseous mercury takes up less than 20 % of the total mercury in UCG products , which is lower than that from surface gasification and coal burning .

  2. 煤地下气化流体流动状况的研究

    The Study on Condition of Fluid Flowing of Coal Gasification underground

  3. 太原东山煤地下气化模型试验研究

    Study on underground gasification model test of Dongshan Coal

  4. 通过地下气化模型试验,获得了东山煤地下气化过程的一般规律。

    Based on the model test , the regularity of Dongshan coal underground gasification was obtained .

  5. 从地质角度谈煤的地下气化

    Discussion on Underground Gasification of Coal from the View Point of Geology

  6. 不同煤种地下气化特性研究

    Characteristics of Underground Gasification of Different Kinds of Coal

  7. 该项研究对于探讨煤层甲烷开发、煤的地下气化以及煤与瓦斯突出具有重要意义。

    The research has great significance for gas exploration in coal bed , underground gasification of coal and prevention of coal and gas outburst .

  8. 本文从地质角度出发,对煤的地下气化方法的优点、应用的局限性、当前的技术难点及在我国能源供应紧张形势下的适用性进行了探讨。

    Merits and limitations in application of the technique of underground gasification of coal to present China are discused from the view point of geology .

  9. 为了利用天津的煤碳资源,提出了综合煤层气的生产和煤的地下气化方案。

    A couple of preliminary projects focusing on the method of combined coalbed methane production and underground coal gasification was put forward to utilize the coal energy in Tianjin .

  10. 介绍地下气化煤气发电新技术,将煤的地下气化与高效率的联合循环结合起来是洁净煤发电技术的发展方向。

    Introduce a new technology of generating electricity by underground coal gasification , to combine the underground gasification with the high efficient combined cycle generation is the future direction of clean coal generation .