
yán fèn
  • salinity;salt content
盐分 [yán fèn]
  • [salt content inside the bodies] 物体内所含的盐量

  1. 然而,随着海水侵入淡水湿地,不断增加的盐分正在妨害稻米产量。

    As the sea creeps into these freshwater marshes , however , rising salinity is hampering rice production .

  2. 集结在“新欧洲商业稻米项目”旗帜之下的科学家们正在寻找既能够忍受盐分增加又不会失掉吸水性的稻米品种,这种吸水性让欧洲稻米适宜西班牙和意大利的菜式。

    Scientists working under the banner " Project Neurice " are seeking varieties of rice that can withstand the increasing salinity without losing the absorbency that makes European rice ideal for traditional Spanish and Italian dishes .

  3. 许多东西中都含有盐分。

    Salt exists in many things .

  4. 牛乳中的固态物质包括盐分、蛋白质和糖。

    Milk solids include salts , protein and sugar .

  5. 海水含有盐分。

    Sea water contains salt .

  6. 作为欧盟资助的项目,此项针对盐分耐受稻米品种的研究正在这三个国家展开。

    As an EU-funded effort , the search for salt-tolerant varieties of rice is taking place in all three countries .

  7. 在未来的一年半时间内,研究人员将会测试他们培育的一系列耐受盐分的水稻。

    Over the next year and a half investigators will test the various strains of saline-tolerant rice they 've concocted .

  8. 科学家们正在培育新一代的水稻,旨在获得能够融合盐分耐受又能保留欧洲稻米97%基因组的品种。

    The scientists are breeding successive generations to arrive at varieties that incorporate salt tolerance but retain about 97 percent of the European rice genome .

  9. 如果我们没有摄入足够的盐分,我们的身体就不能正常工作。

    If we don 't have enough , our bodies can 't work properly .

  10. 然而,雨水来自海水,而海水中却含有很多盐分。

    But the water of the sea , from which that rain-water came , is quite salt .

  11. 如果你用炖锅来煮沸咸水,等到所有的水分都以蒸汽的方式蒸发之后,咸水中溶解的盐分就会变成锅底上一层白色的粉末。

    If you boil salt water in a small saucepan until the water has all passed away as steam , the salt that was dissolved in it will all be left behind as a white crust on the bottom of the saucepan .

  12. 巢湖流域河水中N,P盐分组成特征分析

    Characteristics of N , P Formation in Main Rivers of Chaohu Lake Valley

  13. 保护地蔬菜栽培对土壤盐分积累及pH值的影响

    Effects of Protected Field Vegetable Cultivation on Soil Salinity Accumulating and pH

  14. 盐分抑制羊草对N、P、K的吸收,尤其K的吸收受盐分抑制显著,不同盐度处理羊草植株茎叶与根系K含量均显著降低。

    The content of N , P and K , especially K was greatly reduced by salt .

  15. 本文研究了在目前农田大量施用化肥及有机肥的情况下南京市南郊蔬菜地土壤pH和盐分含量的变化。

    Change in pH and salinity of the vegetable soil in the southern suburbs of Nanjing was investigated .

  16. 温室土壤pH值与露地土壤相比呈下降的趋势。在温室蔬菜不同生长季,随着番茄的生长,土壤盐分及硝态氮含量均呈增加的趋势,土壤pH值呈下降的趋势。

    The electrolytic conductivity and nitrate content also increased and soil pH declined gradually with tomato growth in greenhouses .

  17. 模拟了1997年羊草及角碱蓬群落土壤盐分、碱化度、pH值动态,并与实验资料进行了比较,模拟结果可以反映土壤盐分和碱化的季节变化规律。

    Comparing with the experimental data , the simulation results can express the dynamics of saline and alkaline in different seasons .

  18. 在盆栽和田间定位试验条件下,研究了垃圾肥对潮土pH、盐分、全N、速P、速K和土壤物理性状的影响。

    Pot and field experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of city rubbish compost on soil pH , nutrients and physical properties .

  19. 土壤不同盐分含量明显影响N、P肥对油葵的增产效应,高盐分下N、P肥对油葵的增产作用大于低盐分;

    The action of N and P fertilizers on the yield of Sunflower were strongly affected by salinity and did better in high salinity than in low salinity .

  20. 各类陶瓷膜在电解质溶液中的过滤性能试验表明:各种盐分的滤出率取决于溶液的pH值、盐的种类及其浓度。

    The filtration tests of electrolytic solutions performed with different ceramic membranes show the salt rejection depends on the pH , the salt nature and concentration .

  21. 土壤的有机质、全氮及速效养分等的含量随树龄的生长呈上升趋势;土壤的PH及盐分含量呈下降趋势。

    Soil organic matter , total nitrogen and available nutrients content of an upward trend with the growth of age ; soil PH and salt content decreased .

  22. 对河西走廊盐渍化草地土壤盐分组成及pH与有机质的关系进行了通径分析。

    The path analysis was carried out on the relationship between salt irons and pH with organic matter on the soil of saline grassland in Hexi Corridor .

  23. TDR在土壤盐分测试中的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Application of TDR in Soil Salinity Test

  24. PCA和植物生理特性分析结果暗示,土壤盐分梯度是影响植物群落分布的主要因素。

    The results of PCA indicated that soil salinity was one of the most important factors affecting the community distribution .

  25. 初步分析了乳熟期水稻群体野外光谱、微分光谱与土壤盐分、pH值的关系。

    The relationships between canopy field spectra and the first derivative spectra of rice at ( milky-ripe ) stage and total salt content and pH value of soil were discussed initiatively .

  26. 橡胶促进剂CBS废水盐分高、COD浓度高,废水中含多种杂环有机物,难降解、难生化,属于高浓度难降解有机废水。

    Accelerator CBS wastewater contains heterocyclic organics and high concentrations of salinity and COD , and is difficult to be degraded and bio-treated .

  27. 试验证明,BP神经网络能较好地模拟土壤含盐量与光谱数据之间的关系,用于建立土壤盐分遥感反演模型是可行的。

    The experiment confirms that BP neural network can simulate the relationship between soil salinity and spectral data , which it is feasible to use this method in salinity inversion from remote sensing .

  28. 随着盐分浓度的增加,各竹种的净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度和蒸腾速率均呈下降趋势,而饱和水气压差均有增加的趋势。

    Under the NaCl stress , with the increasing of salinity , the net photosynthetic rate , the stomatal conductance to H2O , the inter-celluar and transpiration rate decreased while vapor pressure deficit based on Leaf temperature increased .

  29. 在土壤空间分布上,0~20cm土层盐分含量最高;

    On the spatial distribution , the accumulation of soil salt in 0 ~ 20 cm soil was the most .

  30. 研究冻融土壤的水盐分布格局表明土壤饱和含水量线呈现>形分布结构,总盐分含量和碱化度(ESP)的等值线呈∧形分布结构。

    The distribution pattern was studied scientifically . It reveal that the structure of contour of saturated soil water presents like > and that of total salt amount and ESP looks like ∧ .