
jiān kònɡ huà xué pǐn
  • chemical subject to control
  1. 实销售监控化学品的账目及最终用户。

    Verification of sales accounts of the MCCs and the end-user ( s ) .

  2. 监控化学品的生产技术是指生产监控化学品的各种技术手段。

    " MCC production technology " refers to the different technological means to produce the MCCs .

  3. 监控化学品的储存条件应当符合国家有关规定。

    The conditions for storing the controlled chemicals shall comply with the relevant provisions of the State .

  4. 凡储存监控化学品数据的计算机不允许与国际交互网络及国内非禁化武数据网络联机。

    Computers that store MCC data shall not be connected with the Internet or other non CWC data network .

  5. 非为科研、医疗、制造药物或者防护目的,不得进口第一类监控化学品。

    Category I MCCs may be imported only for scientific research , medical treatment , pharmaceutical production or defensive protection purposes .

  6. 严禁在未经国务院化学工业主管部门指定的设施中生产第一类监控化学品。

    It is strictly forbidden to produce Category I MCCs at facilities not designated by the chemical industry authorities under the State Council .

  7. 监控化学品出口由国家发展和改革委员会会同商务部进行审查。

    The export of controlled chemicals is subject to examination by the State Development and Reform Commission , in coordination with the MOFCOM .

  8. 经审核,凡符合生产监控化学品各项条件的,由国务院化学工业主管部门颁发生产特别许可证书;

    After review , the chemical industry authorities under the State Council shall issue the SPL to applicants that meet the MCC production criteria .

  9. 第二十二条被指定单位和有关企业不得擅自对外提供有关监控化学品进出口数据。

    ARTICLE 22 Without authorization , designated work units and relevant enterprises shall not provide any information concerning MCC import and export to outsiders .

  10. 1998年6月,中国国家石油和化学工业局又对第三类监控化学品控制清单增加了10种化学品。

    In June 1998 , the State Administration of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry of China added ten chemicals to the third category of the List of Controlled Chemicals .

  11. 前款各类监控化学品的名录由国务院入学工业主管部门提出,报国务院批准后公布。

    A list of the MCCs in the above categories shall be prepared and submitted by the chemical industry authorities under the State Council and published upon the State Council 's approval .

  12. 接受委托进口第一类监控化学品的被指定单位;应当向国务院化学工业主管部门提出申请,并提交产品最终用途的说明和证明;

    A designated unit which has been entrusted to import Category I MCCs shall submit to the chemical industry authorities under the State Council an application attached with an explanation and certification of the product end-use .