
jiān dū quán
  • right of supervision;supervisory power;supervisory authority;authority to supervise
  1. 检察院民事监督权之我见

    My Views on Procuratorate 's Civil Right of Supervision

  2. 构建法治社会重点在于维护、保障、实现公民权利,而公民监督权的实现对于社会法治化尤为重要,也是法治社会构建的必由之路。

    The emphasis in construction of society ruled by the law lies in preserving and realizing citizen rights , among which citizen right of supervision is especially important .

  3. 第五条审计机关依照法律规定独立行使审计监督权,不受其他行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。

    Article 5 Audit institutions shall independently exercise their power of supervision through auditing in accordance with the law , and be free from interference by any administrative organ , public organization or individual .

  4. 巩固基层政权,完善基层民主制度,保障人民知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权。

    We should both consolidate2 government and improve the institutions of democracy at the primary level to ensure the people ’ s rights to be informed , to participate , to be heard , and to oversee3 .

  5. 论企业会计监督权的制度安排

    On the Arrangements of the Accounting Supervising Authority System of Enterprises

  6. 最后分析了目前我国舆论监督权存在的问题。

    Final analysis of the current public oversight of the issues .

  7. 检察机关法律监督权的论争

    Controversy on the Legal Supervision Power of the Procuratorial Organ

  8. 法律监督权:检察权的合理定位

    Legal Supervision Power is the Logical Characterization of Prosecutorial Power

  9. 行政合同初探论检察监督权

    A Discussion on Administrative Contracts On the Prosecutorial Supervision Power

  10. 笔者首先对我国舆论监督权进行了历史考察。

    The author first in our opinion a historical investigation .

  11. 在会计规则监督权弱化条件下,经营者控制了企业剩余的计量。

    With feebleness of right-supervising of accounting rule , operators control surplus-measuring .

  12. 第三部分介绍新闻舆论监督权的演变。

    The third part is about the evolution of news public opinion .

  13. 论加强人大财政立法权和财政监督权

    On Strengthening Financial Supervision and Legislation of People 's Congress in China

  14. 论实现人大法律监督权的保障

    On Guarantee of Realizing the Legal Supervision Power of the People 's Congress

  15. 论检察权与法律监督权的关系

    The Relationship between Procuratorial Power and Legal Supervision Power

  16. 人大个案监督权宪法依据存疑

    On the Constitutional Basis of the People 's Congress Power of Supervising Case

  17. 舆论监督权是我国宪法规定的一项重要权利。

    Opinion was the Constitution of an important right .

  18. 第一章对舆论监督权的概念进行阐述。

    The first chapter on the concept of opinion .

  19. 民事再审制度改革与检察监督权的二元配置

    On Reformation of Civil Retrial System and Dualistic Distribution of Procuratorial Supervisory Power

  20. 对其他国家机关工作的监督权。

    Supervision of the work of other state organs .

  21. 第一部分介绍了关于传媒监督权和司法公正的基本的理论问题。

    First is the rights of media supervision and basic theory of judicial justice .

  22. 浅谈我国检察机关在刑事案件中的监督权

    On the authority to supervise among criminal cases for procuratorial organ in our country

  23. 论国家权力机关行使监督权的界限

    On the Proper Execution of the Supervisory Authority by the Organ of State Power

  24. 金融监管者一般在该领域对交易员和石油公司具有监督权。

    Financial regulators typically have oversight of traders and oil companies in this area .

  25. 论我国检察机关刑事审判监督权的存废

    On Maintain or Abolishment of Criminal Justice Supervisory Authority of Procuratorial Organ in China

  26. 从权力结构要素看检察机关法律监督权的配置

    On the Distribution of the Procuratorial Power with Focus on the Structure of Power

  27. 公诉权是行使法律监督权的一种重要形式。

    Prosecutorial power is one important form to exert the power of legal supervision .

  28. 首先阐述了加强人大监督权的重要性和国家权力机关监督权的实质、特征、原则、对象、内容及范围。

    Firstly it expounds the importance of strengthening the supervision power of the NPC .

  29. 检察监督权的若干思考

    Several Thoughts on Procuratorial Authority to Supervise

  30. 这其中当然包括财政监督权。

    Of course , include financial supervision .