
hé fàn
  • box lunch;box rice
盒饭 [hé fàn]
  • [box rice] 装在盒子里论份儿出售的饭

  • 旅客吃饭由过去使用铝盒改为纸盒,是客车供应盒饭的一项改革

盒饭[hé fàn]
  1. 午餐盒饭收费很少。

    The charge of the box lunch was nominal .

  2. 最近,电视台的一个实习生被要求为剧组的工作人员叫餐,而他的回答是,我是来实习导演的,不是来订盒饭的。

    Recently an intern at a TV station was asked to order lunch for the production crew , and his response was my internship here is about directing programs , not booking box lunch .

  3. 由于找不到位置合适的酒馆,这里就是随便吃顿盒饭再好不过的地方了。

    In the absence of any well-placed pub , this was the perfect spot to flop down for a packed lunch .

  4. 因为在美国,午餐盒饭多半都装在棕色纸袋里。

    In the USA , those are often packed in brown paper bags .

  5. 第二天,爱尔兰人打开盒饭看到咸牛肉和卷心菜便跳楼死了。

    Next day the Irishman opens his lunch b box , sees corned beef and cabbage and jumps to his death .

  6. 但刺鼻的盒饭中经常有油性鱼类食物、奶酪和鸡蛋三明治,对工作环境和办公文化造成了不好的影响。

    But pungent2 packed lunches including oily fish , cheese and egg sandwiches are having an adverse3 effect on working conditions and office culture .

  7. 不巧的是,她在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中已经领了盒饭,但是洛基和幻视都可以死而复生回来拍自己的电视剧,她为什么不能?

    Inconveniently1 , she was killed off in Avengers : Endgame , but Loki and Vision came back from the dead for their own TV series , so why shouldn 't she ?

  8. 应用HACCP方法提高动车组快餐盒饭卫生管理的研究

    Study on the Management Improvement of Fast Food in Train Set with Power Car by HACCP

  9. 目的运用危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)管理系统,提高学生营养盒饭的卫生质量。

    Objective To improve the sanitation quality supervision of the nutritious luncheon for students through hazard analysis critical control point ( HACCP ) .

  10. 我们第一次乘火车去我的中国养女(当时8岁)格雷丝(Grace)的老家时,列车上的厕所臭到我们连盒饭都吃不下去。

    On our first train journey , to the home town of my then eight-year-old adopted Chinese daughter Grace , the rail car 's potty ponged so much that we could not stomach our picnic .

  11. 美剧《迷失》主题的爱心盒饭,是不是想起电视剧里那些个未解之谜了呢?

    LOST themed bentos remind fans of all the unanswered questions .

  12. 根据游戏中的可爱形象做成的爱心盒饭。

    Bento lunch box inspired by adorable characters from the game .

  13. 世界上最贵的盒饭是什么味道?

    How does the world 's most expensive boxed meal taste ?

  14. 为送餐业盒饭生产的安全控制提供科学依据。

    It will provide reference for the safety control of boxed meal .

  15. 方法对一起无证外送盒饭案例进行分析。

    Method A case of sending lunch box without license was analyzed .

  16. 中国式盒饭摆满一桌。

    Cartons of Chinese food were arrayed on the table .

  17. 您为我们准备好了盒饭吗?

    Have you got the box lunches ready for us ?

  18. 盒饭我倒是不介意吃盒饭。

    boxed meal I don 't mind eating boxed lunch .

  19. 盒饭生产关键控制点的确立和应用

    Establishment and application of hazard analysis critical control point in lunch box production

  20. 但是我倒是不介意吃盒饭。

    But I don 't mind eating boxed lunch .

  21. 她自带盒饭当午餐骑自行车去上班。

    She brown-bags her lunch and bikes to work .

  22. 我在车站买盒饭。

    I pick up a lunch at the station .

  23. 我们以前常带着野餐盒饭到海滩上去吃。

    We used to take a picnic lunch and eat it on the beach .

  24. 雪莉:至少,它比我们公司吃的盒饭好吃。

    Shirley : At least , it is better than my boxed lunch at work .

  25. 那些学生们每天午餐吃&样的盒饭吃腻了。

    The students are bored with eating the same kind of box lunch every day .

  26. 还好我带的是盒饭,没钱。

    Good thing I brown-bagged it .

  27. 当这队人出发步行去山里时,他们带着盒饭。

    The party took packed lunch when they set off on their walk in the mountain .

  28. 他们来这里寻找新爱,同时享用店里的免费咖啡和从家里带来的午餐盒饭。

    They come here to find new lovers and enjoy free coffee and lunch box took from home .

  29. 我喜欢在野外吃盒饭的感觉。你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?

    I love the feeling of eating a packed lunch in the open air . How often do you eat out ?

  30. 依靠冷冻食品或盒饭填饱肚子往往会让他们觉得内疚,但是一天忙下来,他们只好退而求其次地选择预制食品。

    They often feel guilty relying on frozen foods or boxed meals , but a busy day can back them into a prepared-food corner .