
tiān gōng
  • the Heaven;God;the ruler of heaven
天公 [tiān gōng]
  • (1) [the Heaven]∶天。以天拟人,故称

  • (2) [the ruler of heaven;God]∶神话传说中指自然界的主宰者

  • 天公不作美

天公[tiān gōng]
  1. 在第八天,福建人会再吃一顿团圆饭,在午夜他们会向天公祈福。

    On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner , and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong , the God of Heaven .

  2. 苏格兰多个地点都正在准备星期天的大型年度庆祝活动“除夕夜”,不过,能否成功举办还得看天公是否帮忙了。

    Scotland are a number of locations Sunday to prepare for large-scale activities to celebrate the annual " New Year 's Eve ", however , whether the success will have to see whether the help of God .

  3. 天公作美,使得这次活动获得了巨大成功。

    The good weather helped to make the occasion a resounding success .

  4. 天公作美,这大大促进了救援行动的顺利进行。

    Salvage operations have been greatly assisted by the good weather conditions .

  5. 天公作美。

    The weather favoured us .

  6. 天公不作美。

    Heaven is not cooperative . ; The weather isn 't cooperating . ; Unfortunately , the weather lets us down .

  7. 我们正想去郊游,天公不作美,不料下起雨来了。

    We were thinking of an outing , but the the gods were against us and it began to rain .

  8. 虽然天公不作美,但我们的心情依旧很HAPPY,校园里张灯结彩,四处奔波着我们的身影。

    Though , but we still feel very HAPPY , decorated the campus , running around our figure .

  9. 天公却整天都不作美。

    The weather had been by no means favourable all day .

  10. 天公总是佑强者。

    Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions .

  11. 不是我厉害不是我聪明是天公保佑我。

    I 'm not so good ; it 's heaven 's blessing .

  12. 天公的逻辑这样令人可怕,怎么能叫他信服呢?

    Nature 's logic was too horrid for him to care for .

  13. 天公终于勉强把我造成一位贵妇人。

    Providence has made me a lady after a fashion .

  14. 如果天公有意,昌德拉卜的集市也会大放光彩。

    When the sky chooses , glory can rain into the Chandrapore bazaars .

  15. 欲与天公试比高。

    All try to match the sky in height .

  16. 可是这次是天公要保佑我们。

    But heaven is going to help us now .

  17. 除非天公不作美,不然我们赢定了。

    Only bad weather can defeat us now .

  18. 但愿天公作美,明天天晴。

    Let 's hope the gods smile on us and it 's sunny tomorrow .

  19. 天公不作美,我的计划成泡影。

    My plans were thwarted by the weather .

  20. 那些日子,到处风调雨顺,天公做美,作物长势很好。

    Everywhere the weather had been favourable and crops were doing well in those days .

  21. 曼联周四到达韩国,但天公不作美。

    The United party awoke to yet more bad weather on Thursday morning in seoul .

  22. 天公的逻辑这样令人可怕。

    Nature 's logic was too horrid .

  23. 如果天公作美,我们星期六将去野餐。

    We 're going to have a picnic on saturday , if the weather cooperates .

  24. 我当然希望天公做美。

    I sure hope this weather cooperates .

  25. 很有纪念意义啊,尽管天公不作美,大家情绪还是很高&这也是英国做派!

    Remarkably , spirits remained high despite the weather – again , a very British outlook !

  26. 听导游说,今天是个好的天,真是天公作美。

    Just hark to local guide , today is a fine day , the weather will be cooperative .

  27. 如果天公不作美,那么尝试找到一个安静的室内环境,例如没进行会议的会议室。

    If the weather is not cooperating , try finding a quiet place indoors , like an unoccupied conference room .

  28. 这个月是羊羊们的生日之月,本月伊始,天公作美,为各位准备了一个美好浪漫的惊喜。

    It 's birthday month , and the universe has cooked up a lovely romantic surprise for you as the month opens .

  29. 以下是几条跑步建议,如果天公不作美的话,我这里还推荐了几家室内健身场所。

    Here are a few tips for running , and some suggestions for indoor exercise options if the weather doesn 't cooperate .

  30. 张角自称“天公将军”,其弟张宝称“地公将军”,张梁称“人公将军”。

    Zhang Jiao called himself " Heavenly General " , his younger broth-ers Zhang Bao , " General of the Earth " and Zhang Liang , " General of AAen " , who assisted him in the rebellion .