
tiān wén nián lì
  • astronomical almanac;astronomical yearbook
  1. 没有必要每次都从《天文年历》中查出它的值。

    It is hardly necessary to extract its value every time from an Astronomical Yearbook .

  2. 中国天文年历中92颗非FK5恒星的位置和自行的重新确定

    The precise positions and proper motions of 92 stars of Chinese astronomical almanac

  3. 天文年历和日历为业余天文学家提供了太阳会合自转周期的始时和经度Lo。

    Astronomical yearbooks and calendars for amateur astronomers provide the times of the beginning of the synodic solar rotations as well as the longitudes Lo .

  4. 提供渔船船长在不查《航海天文年历》的情况下,即可利用T1&59计算机进行太阳定位计算。

    It is intended to offer the skipper of the fishing boat to use the TI-59 Calculator to fix by the sun instead of the Nautical Almanac .