
tiān chì dào
  • equator
天赤道[tiān chì dào]
  1. 行星在天赤道(celestialequator)上的升落使得赤纬成为了业力占星学中需要考虑的第三个因素。

    As the planets rise and fall on the celestial equator , Declination becomes another factor of planetary karma that we need to consider .

  2. 垂直于南北极轴把天球平分成南北两半的大圆就是天赤道。

    The east-west axis , vertical to the north-south one , was the heavenly equator .

  3. 使晷面平行于天赤道面。

    The sundial surface is therefore parallel to the equatorial plane .

  4. 秋分:指黄道与天赤道相交的一点,自此太阳向南运动。

    Autumnal equinox : the point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator , the sun having a southerly motion .

  5. 太阳离天赤道的距离最远时的两次中的任何一次。

    Either of the two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator .

  6. 从观测者所在的子午线到给定天体的子午线沿着天赤道的角距离。

    The angular distance along the celestial equator from the observer 's meridian to the hour circle of a given celestial body .

  7. 天球纬度是从天赤道向南或向北以度数来表示,叫做天体的偏角δ。

    The celestial equivalent is measured in degrees north or south from the celestial equator and is called the declination of the body .

  8. 太阳每年通过天赤道的两个时刻中的任何一个时刻,在此时各地的昼夜时间是等长的。

    Either of two times of the year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth 's equator and day and night are of equal length .

  9. 从秋分到春分期间,太阳在天赤道的南侧运行,因此,晷针的影子投向晷面的下方。

    Likewise , since the sun moves in the southern side of the equator from the autumn equinox to the vernal e-quinox , the shadow is cast on the lower part .

  10. 采用复经验正交函数(CEOF)方法分析了准40天振荡沿赤道和某些大圆路径传播的规律。

    The regular patterns of the propagation of quasi-40-day oscillations along the equator and some great circle routes are analysed and revealed by a complex empirical orthogonal function ( CEOF ) method .

  11. 对流的30&50天振荡在赤道上具有自西向东的纬向传播,厄尔尼诺年传播可以通过日界线到达东太平洋地区,而正常年传播一般在日界线以西的地区出现截陷。

    The 30 & 50 day oscillation of the convection travels eastward along the equator , crossing the dateline into the eastern Pacific in the El Nino year and trapped to the west in normal years in general .