
méng guó
  • ally;allied country
盟国 [méng guó]
  • [ally;allied country] 通过缔结条约结成同盟的国家

盟国[méng guó]
  1. 日本在本地区推行以本国为中心的FTA战略,战略设计上置中国于优先顺序之外,协定内容中将农产品最大限度的采取例外处理,政策制定上又受到传统的战略盟国美国的牵制。

    It carried out the FTA Strategy centered on itself , put China in inferior position and dealt with the agricultural product non-conventionally at the maximum extent but it also pinned down by the USA which is its traditional allied country at the same time .

  2. 这一政策也使美国与其西方盟国的关系进一步恶化。

    This policy also caused US to the Western allied country relations further to worsen .

  3. 这个决定使这个国家在盟国中受到孤立。

    The decision left the country isolated from its allies .

  4. 没有盟国的同意,华盛顿将不会采取这样一种行动。

    Washington would not take such a step without its allies ' approval

  5. 两国不得不与盟国商议。

    The two countries will have to consult their allies

  6. 贝克正在努力消除同欧洲盟国之间的分歧。

    Baker was smoothing out differences with European allies

  7. 最可能成为盟国的有爱尔兰和丹麦,放宽些还可以把荷兰算上。

    The more obvious potential allies are Ireland , Denmark and , to a lesser degree , the Netherlands .

  8. 他从一开始就认为美国及其盟国过于强调军事手段。

    He 's argued from the start that America and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option

  9. 如今,回想起父亲的话语,还有我们中的一些人亲历的庆祝活动,我对英国、英联邦以及所有盟国表现的力量和勇气深表感激。

    As I now reflect on my father 's words and the joyous7 celebrations , which some of us experienced firsthand , I am thankful for the strength and courage that the United Kingdom , the Commonwealth8 and all our allies displayed .

  10. 华盛顿将欣然接受这笔提供给阿富汗警察的资金,与此同时,美国正要求北约(nato)的欧洲盟国为扩充阿富汗军队提供更多资金。

    Washington will welcome the police funding , which comes as the US asks NATO allies in Europe for more money to expand the Afghan army .

  11. 1944年一位心理学家出版了《v意味着胜利》一书,详细记载了二战期间盟国的宣传战。它是运用象征手段提高士气的突出例子。

    In1944a psychologist published his detailed study of the " v for victory " campaign among the Allied nations , during World War ii , an outstanding instance of morale boosting by means of symbolism .

  12. 他开始向盟国寻求支持,尤其是第二任国务卿康多莉扎•莱斯(CondoleezzaRice)在职期间,他与法国总统尼古拉斯•萨科奇、德国首相安吉拉•默克尔都建立了良好的关系;

    He reached out to America 's allies , particularly through his second secretary of state , Condoleezza Rice , establishing good relations with France 's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany 's Angela Merkel ;

  13. 此外,在布鲁塞尔的北约国家集会和意大利的G7峰会上,我还会与欧洲的朋友及盟国领导人会面。

    I will also meet with friends and allies in Europe at a gathering of NATO in Brussels and at the G-7 Summit in Italy .

  14. 澳大利亚在气候变化与伊拉克问题的上述政策,将使美国总统布什(GeorgeW.Bush)在这两个问题上更加孤立。此前,波兰和其它盟国也已决定从伊拉克撤军。

    The policies on climate change and Iraq will deepen US President George W. Bush 's isolation on both issues following decisions by Poland and other allies to withdraw contingents from Iraq .

  15. 美国及其亲密盟国,即统称的G7集团,同意就俄罗斯在乌克兰进行的活动而加大对其的制裁措施。

    The US and some of its closest allies is known collectively as the G7 have agreed to impose additional sanctions against Russia for activities in Ukraine .

  16. 日本和美国的其他盟国也许不得不转向比较小,比较慢也比较便宜的F-35联合攻击战斗机(JointStrikeFighter)。F-35拥有为猛禽战斗机开发的一些技术。

    The Japanese and other allies may have to look at the smaller , slower and cheaper F-35 Joint Strike Fighter , which has some of the advanced technology developed for the Raptor .

  17. 虽然自巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)当选美国总统以来,俄罗斯与北约盟国的关系发生了变化,但我们担心的是,俄罗斯仍只是得到(有关这个概念的)通报,而不是参与机会。

    Although there was a change in relations between Russia and the Nato allies since the election of US president Barack Obama , We are concerned that Russia is still being informed [ about this concept ] , not involved .

  18. 美国国家情报总监小詹姆斯·R·克拉珀(JamesR.ClapperJr)表示,近日来,美国一直与欧洲分享情报,与盟国一起打击国际恐怖主义。

    U.S. Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper , Jr. has said that the U.S. has shared intelligence with Europe in recent days and is working with its allies to combat international terrorism .

  19. 由于感觉自己受到西方国家的排斥,在20世纪30年代,日本开始了自己的门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)路线,引发了第二次中日战争,以及对抗盟国的太平洋战争。

    Feeling excluded by Western nations , in the 1930s , Japan embarked on its own version of the Monroe Doctrine , leading to the second Sino-Japanese war and the Pacific war against the Allied Powers .

  20. 而且,由于GDI和Nod在这场比赛不是实际上,它是讨论了将是盟国和苏联的“如果”有趣滑稽的情况。

    And since GDI and NOD weren 't actually in this game , it was discussed that it would be allies and soviets , with a " what if " fun campy scenario .

  21. 德国政府驱逐了美国情报机构驻德国的主管,原因是美国中央情报局(CIA)据称在德国招募间谍,大西洋两岸围绕间谍活动的最新争吵可能损害两个盟国间的关系。

    Berlin has expelled the head of US intelligence in Germany over claims that the CIA has been recruiting spies in the country as the latest transatlantic spying row threatens to hit relations between the two allies .

  22. 威胁到全球性战略稳定的美国国家导弹防御计划(NMD)大概难免实施,眼下的技术障碍、欧洲盟国的不满以及俄罗斯和中国的反对不足以经久阻滞之。

    NMD program which threatens global strategic stability might be formally put into practice over technological obstacles and the oppositions from U.S.European allies , Russian , and China .

  23. 赖斯中将星期四说,美国从不想对外国出售F-22猛禽战斗机,尽管日本、澳大利亚和以色列等盟国表示有意购买。

    Lieutenant General Edward Rice on Thursday said the F-22 Raptor was never intended to be sold to other countries , despite interest expressed by such allies as Japan , Australia and Israel .

  24. 她向德国《周日世界报》(DieWeltamSonntag)表示:波罗的海国家并未出现战争问题,然而,北约(Nato)协定第5条款适用于所有盟国,即各成员国负有相互支持的义务。

    The question of war in the Baltic states does not arise , she told Die Welt am Sonntag newspaper . Nevertheless , Article 5 of the Nato treaty , that is the obligation of mutual support , applies to all allies .

  25. HongHyun-Ik,在首尔一个私立的世宗研究所的高级研究员,说美国需要一个制造麻烦的朝鲜,以争取盟国的支持,为自己限制中国在该地区影响力的战略服务。

    Hong Hyun-Ik , senior researcher at the private Sejong Institute in Seoul , said the United States was in need of a trouble-making North Korea to rally support from its allies for its ultimate strategy of keeping China 's growing influence in check in the region .

  26. 希娜·拉巴尼·哈尔(HinaRabbaniKhar):“你们将失去一个盟国,你们不能疏离巴基斯坦,你们不能疏离巴基斯坦人民。如果你们选择这样做,那将是你们自己的损失。”

    HINA RABBANI KHAR : " You will lose an ally , you cannot afford to Pakistan , you cannot afford to alienate the Pakistani people . If you are choosing to do so , it will be at their own cost . " And that 's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English . I 'm Steve Ember .

  27. 为什麽攻击俄国人?他们不是盟国吗?

    Why attack russia ? Aren 't they our friends now ?

  28. 我们的盟国澳大利亚和加拿大把我们甩在后面。

    Our allies in australla and Canada are ieaving us behind .

  29. 南韩是盟国,她应该往南走。

    South Korea is an ally , she would head south .

  30. 该声明威胁对美国及其盟国发动更多袭击。

    The statement threatened more attacks on Americans and their allies .