
  1. 要知道对目睹的人而言,这一实验是迷人的。

    You know , it is really engaging to the person that looked at it .

  2. 不有关记着我亲眼目睹那些人对你父亲做了些什么这是重点

    Yes , I am.Remember , I witnessed firsthand what these people did to your father . They 're hard-core .

  3. 如果孩子们看到有人发脾气、对邻居多疑而不厚道、听到有人散布流言蜚语、目睹有人傲慢诡诈或没有荣辱观念,他们自己的品格几乎不可能不变坏。

    If children see temper uncontrolled , uncharitableness and suspicion of neighbors , hear gossip , witness arrogant sharp-dealing or lax honor , their own characters can scarcely escape perversion .

  4. 比赛的真正价值,不是在于竞争,而是目睹一般人做我做的事,只是他们做得比我还好。

    The real value of the contest lay not so much in competing but in witnessing ordinary people doing what I do , only extraordinarily well , much better than I do .

  5. 他目睹了许多人从五层高的楼上跳下来逃生的惊险场面。

    He witnessed many dramatic escapes as people jumped from as high as the fourth floor

  6. v.确证两个目睹车祸的人证实了驾驶员的陈述。

    corroborate Two person who saw the road accident corroborated the driver 's statement .

  7. 汤姆:能亲眼目睹真让人觉得了不起。

    Tom : It 's amazing to see it firsthand .

  8. 世人以前目睹过有人偶然当上总统,但没有几个人曾刻意地偶然当上总统。

    The world has seen accidental presidents before . But few have acceded to the top job accidentally on purpose .

  9. 当季塔连科等候在地铁站外时,他亲眼目睹到一群人的游离。

    While waiting outside a subway station , Titarenko noticed how a crowd of people transformed right in front of his very eyes .

  10. 安妮:不错,上次去健身俱乐部,我们亲眼目睹了中国人的健身热。

    Annie : Not bad . Last time we went to a fitness club and saw with our own eyes the fitness fever of the Chinese .

  11. 停火展现出战争造成破坏过的迹象,但至少给在自家门口亲眼目睹战争的人暂时的安慰。

    The cease-fire is showing signs of falling apart , but it brought at least temporary relief to people who 'd seen war at their doorstep .

  12. 尽管在巴西被目睹到两人同行(南美洲你好!)后两人极力隐瞒恋情,两人之间似乎有着什么不同寻常的关系。

    Although the two have kept things on the hush-hush since they were first discovered in Brazil ( goodbye grid , hello South America ) , they seem to be still on .

  13. 从哲学角度看,一个人目睹太多人承受无尽的病痛折磨后,会对死亡产生近乎病态的恐惧,所以当他自己无法摆脱病痛折磨时,情愿选择一死了之。

    From a philosophical aspect , man seems to have some pathological fear of death , so much so that he views intense suffering , until he is actually suffering himself , as preferable to death .

  14. 他们目睹了老年人搞的那一套摧残身体的野蛮仪式,那种对木雕泥塑偶像的顶礼膜拜。他们过去从未见过这种场面。

    As the drought grew worse , they had witnessed the barbarous rites of their elders , which they had never seen before , the mutilation of their bodies , and their prostration before wood and clay idols .

  15. 我们正目睹折磨别人的人被别人折磨。

    We are watching the tormented turn on the tormentor .

  16. 这个冷眼目睹了一切的人。

    This man who silently watched everything that day .

  17. 目睹我们心爱的人离开我们远去是一个很困难的事情。

    It is much harder to watch someone we love disappear before our eyes .

  18. 大家目睹了太多人死亡,所以觉得目前的局势不错。

    But the people are satisfied-the people have suffered so much death they consider this situation a blessing .

  19. 记者大举涌入该镇,出钱向任何亲眼目睹飞机失事的人买新闻。

    The town was being invaded by reporters offering money to anyone who had seen the plane crash .

  20. 一位英国的钓鱼爱好者称曾目睹食人鱼咬死人。

    A British angler told today how he snared a predator fish that kills men by biting off their testicles .

  21. 虽然她最近才在脸书上官宣了此事,但其实早在2017年10月就曾有人目睹到他们二人在一起。

    Although she 's just made it Facebook official , the pair had been spotted together as early as Oct 2017 .

  22. 欧洲太平洋资本有限公司总裁&彼得-希夫,想必每一位在去年目睹金融危机的人都对他非常熟悉。

    Schiff , president of Euro Pacific Capital , is familiar to everyone who has watched financial coverage in the last year .

  23. 在这些社区里我亲眼目睹了贫穷和人的坚忍,也明白了“金山梦”不是那么简单的一回事。

    I have seen poverty in these communities and observed the people 's endurance , and realized that the Golden Mountain Dream is not always what it is cracked up to be .

  24. 目睹当下事物的人也就目睹了所有,目睹了由永恒派生的事物和所有永恒的事物,毕竟,所有事物都有一个共同的起源。

    He who has seen present things has seen all , both everything which has taken place from all eternity and everything which will be for time without end ; for all things are of one kin and of one form .