
mù chì
  • hot eyes
目赤[mù chì]
  1. 针刺治疗目赤肿痛临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observations on the Curative Effect of Acupuncture on Conjunctive Congestion with Swelling and Pain

  2. 用于咽喉肿痛,牙龈红肿,牙疼,口舌生疮,目赤,消肿止痛。

    For sore throat , swollen gums , toothache , mouth sores , red eyes , swelling pain .

  3. 肝火炽盛特征症状群包括:目赤、咳血、口苦、头痛、心烦、数脉。

    Characteristics of Liver flourishing syndrome include : conjunctival congestion , hemoptysis , pain , headache , upset , a few veins .

  4. 主治肺热咳嗽,头目眩晕,耳鸣,耳聋,目赤羞明,肝炎,风湿痹痛,跌打损伤,蛇头疔,无名肿毒。

    It is used to cure hyperactivity cough , vertigo , tinnitus , deafness , hepatitis , rheumatism , bruises , boils , swollen unknown poison .

  5. 药用全草:用于肠痈、痈种、丹毒、目赤、瘀血腹痛、赤白带等。

    Its whole herb has been used as a folk remedy for the treatment of appendicitis , erysipelas , extravasated blood , abdominal distension and red leucorrhea .

  6. 一目赤肿痛患者,予磺胺嘧啶眼药水滴眼的同时,口服清热泻火、祛风散邪之中药,无效;

    A woman with acute conjunctivitis was firstly treated by eye drops of sulfadiazine and oral herbs effective to clear heat and fire and disperse wind , but they did not work ;

  7. 在湘西、鄂西北该属植物山莓作为常用的苗族药,用于医治常见的多发病,如腹泻、目赤、酒精中毒等,疗效确切。

    In the west of Hunan and Hubei it is common medicine in Miao nationally , used to cure the frequent disease , such as diarrhea , eye baring , alcoholism . Curative effect is specific .