
  • 网络patho-production;Pathological Product
  1. 痰郁为病理产物。

    And ( 3 ) the pathological product is phlegm accumulation .

  2. 痰浊和瘀血既是老年肺炎发展过程中形成的病理产物,也是引起或加重肺炎的重要病理因素。

    Phlegm and stasis of blood is not only the pathological product of the disease but also the important etiological factor .

  3. CHF的病理产物主要涉及血瘀、水饮、痰浊;

    The pathological products of CHF included : blood stasis , excessive fluid and phlegm-turbid .

  4. 血瘀是DOP的病理产物和加重因素,贯穿于整个疾病的始终。

    Blood stasis may be the pathological products and aggravating factors throughout the disease .

  5. 脾肾虚弱机体会产生痰浊血瘀等病理产物;

    Spleen and kidney deficiency can result to phlegm and stasis ;

  6. 痰浊与瘀血是胰岛素抵抗重要的致病因素和病理产物。

    Phlegm and stagnant blood are etiological factors and pathologic results of IR .

  7. 痰浊瘀血是胰岛素抵抗的病理产物。

    And phlegm , turbid substance and blood - stasis are its pathological products .

  8. 认为风痰淤乃滓、气、血的病理产物;

    Wind - phlegm stasis is pathological state of body fluid , Qi and blood .

  9. 另外,情志所伤、饮食不当和病理产物性病因亦是荨麻疹发病的重要原因。

    Injured emotion , dietetic irrationality and pathogenic factors were also important factors resulting to urticaria .

  10. 瘀血、痰湿是疾病在发生发展过程中产生的病理产物,同时又成为新的致病因素,促使胃癌的恶化。

    Stagnant blood and phlegm-damp , which is pathologic output and new etiological factor , cause SC deterioration .

  11. 中风病常见的痰、瘀、火、风等病理产物均由气机逆乱,气血津液运行失常所致。

    Such pathogenic products as phlegm , blood-stasis , fire and stagnation all result from qi-movement disturbance and qi-blood imbalance .

  12. 痰、热、瘀既为病理产物,又是致病之因。

    Phelgm , heat and stagnation are pathological production and pathogenic facors as well . Heat can cause phlegm and stagnation .

  13. 近年来,水湿、瘀血等病理产物性病因以及中药药邪对肾脏的影响越来越被人们所关注;

    In recent years , the effects of causes from pathologic substances and drug pathogenic factor are getting more and more attention .

  14. 痰瘀既是病理产物,又是致病因素,贯穿本病始终;

    Phlegm and stasis are both the pathologic results and pathogenic factors for this disease , which go through the whole progress of the disease .

  15. 瘀血既是肾病的病理产物,又是肾病发展和加重的重要原因。

    The stagnate blood is the pathological product of the kidney disease as well as the important cause for the development and aggravation of the kidney disease .

  16. 脾肾亏虚是原发性高尿酸血症的发病根本,瘀血、痰浊是其病理产物。

    As the nia of both the spleen and kidney is the pathogenic basis of primary hyperuricemia . Blood stasis and phlegm are the pathological products of the disease .

  17. 在肺癌发病机制中,痰、瘀是邪毒侵肺、脏腑功能失调的病理产物,又是正气亏虚、肺部积块形成的致病因素。

    In the pathogenesis of lung cancer , pathogens invade the lung , and dysfunctional organs product stagnation of phlegm and blood , resulting in vital-Qi deficiency and bump in lung .

  18. 通过因子分析得出正虚是风湿病病发病的内在因素;外邪侵袭是风湿病发病的重要条件;痰浊瘀血既是病理产物又是致病因素。

    Through the factor analysis is rheumatism disease pathogenesis is the intrinsic factor , The attacks from rheumatism is the important condition , Stagnant blood stasis and pathogenic factors as pathological products .

  19. 素体虚弱,易致外邪,产生湿热、瘀血、水饮等病理产物,同时湿热、瘀血等因素又可诱发或加重蛋白尿的发生。

    The pericardium , easy cause of ferrite weak , blood stasis , water to drink hot , hot , pathology , etc , blood stasis and can trigger factors or aggravated proteinuria .

  20. 中医认为高脂血症属于痰瘀的范畴,痰瘀是高脂血症发病过程中的病理产物,又是其致病因素,因而化痰祛瘀是治疗高脂血症的大法。

    Both are hyperlipidemia in pathogenesis of pathological product , and its pathogenic factor . Therefore dissipating phlegm and removing blood stasis is the way of improving the abnormal state of lipid metabolism .

  21. 2.2治痰周老师提出要充分认识痰这一中医理论特有病理产物在疾病中作用,并建立有效的针灸治疗方法。

    Zhou proposed the need to fully understand the unique pathological product to traditional Chinese medicine - " phlegm ", the role of it in the diseases , and to establish effective acupuncture treatment .

  22. 病因方面,说明外感内伤以及内环境的各种病理产物,如痰饮、水湿、瘀血、食积等,都可能使脾胃病产生和加重。

    Etiology of a variety of pathological product of the exogenous internal injuries and internal environment , such as phlegm , dampness , blood stasis , the food product may cause the spleen and stomach diseases and aggravating .

  23. 痰是机体水液代谢障碍所形成的病理产物,同时也具有致病作用,能导致脏腑功能失调,从而产生各种复杂的病理变化和临床表现。

    Phlegm is the body fluid disease caused by metabolism disorder ; the pathology of products also has pathogenic effects which will cause the pathological disorder of the viscera function , resulting in various and complex clinical performances .

  24. 另外加入活血化瘀药达到祛除血瘀之病理产物并起到补而不滞,滋而不腻的目的,利于诸药运行。

    Also adding to dispel blood stasis and blood stasis of the drug product and act as a complement rather than pathological stagnation , the purpose of AIDS but not greasy , which will help run the various drugs .

  25. 研究表明,肠源性内毒素既是病理产物,同时又成为致病因素,其影响肝病的发展与预后。

    It shows that intestinal endotoxemia is not only a pathological product , but also a pathogen that affect development and prognosis of hepatopathy , that is to say , IETM is concomitant with hepatopathy and aggravates liver injury .

  26. 痰浊和瘀血常相兼为病,两者既是病理产物,又是致病因素,相互交结,在冠心病发生发展中起着非常重要的作用。

    Both of turbid phlegm and blood stasis can cause diseases . They are not only pathologic results , but also factors causing problems which disturb each other . They played a very important role in improving the occurrence of coronary heart disease .

  27. 而临床对本病的认识当中,要时刻注意到脾肾二脏的相互影响,在蛋白尿的产生中,二者密不可分,共同受累,水湿、血瘀等病理产物也伴随疾病全程。

    The clinical knowledge of this disease among the spleen should always be noted that the interaction between two dirty in the production of proteinuria , the two are inseparable , jointly involved , moisture , blood stasis and other products are also associated with disease pathology throughout .

  28. 认为肝风内动是本病的主要病理特征,痰是抽动症主要的病理产物。

    It is thought that endogenous liver wind is the main pathogenesis . Phlegm is the main pathological product .

  29. 在草酸钙结石形成的病理机制上,多缘于虚,湿热煎熬是其形成的病理过程,结石病理产物。

    In the pathogenesis of calcium oxalate stone formation , virtual , hot and humid suffering is the pathological process of their formation .