
bìng jià
  • sick leave
病假 [bìng jià]
  • (1) [sick leave]

  • (2) 因疾病或伤残而缺勤的期间

  • (3) 雇员每月或每年可照拿工资的病休天数或时数

病假[bìng jià]
  1. 我因抑郁症休了7个月的病假。

    I have been on sick leave for seven months with depression .

  2. 如果你是个体户,就没有带薪休假或病假。

    There are no paid holidays or sick leave if you are self-employed .

  3. 去年英国工人的病假天数创下了纪录。

    Britain 's workers went sick for a record number of days last year .

  4. 埃玛刚才打电话来请病假了。

    Emma has just called in sick .

  5. 我的医生对我有求必应。我想要休一天假时,他总会给我开病假条。

    I have a tame doctor who 'll always give me a sick note when I want a day off .

  6. 去年瑞典人平均休病假27天。

    The average Swede was off sick 27 days last year .

  7. 我们请病假的时候只能拿一半薪水。

    When we are off sick , we only receive half pay .

  8. 他们没有资格领病假工资。

    They are not eligible for sick pay .

  9. 星期一,我还是感觉不适,便打电话到单位请了病假。

    On Monday I was still upset and I phoned in sick to work .

  10. 她老请病假,同事们认为她所说的病纯属无中生有。

    She was always taking days off for what her colleagues considered phantom illnesses .

  11. 每年有2,700万个工作日因为工作事故和病假而损失掉了。

    27 million working days are lost each year due to work accidents and sickness

  12. 因为贝内特先生要请假一段时间,他请医生开了病假条。

    Since Mr Bennett was going to need some time off work , he asked for a sick note

  13. “你今天不是应该上班的吗?”“我打电话请过病假了。”

    ' Shouldn 't you be at work today ? ' — ' I called in sick . '

  14. 经理因病暂时不能工作,已经请了病假。

    The manager has taken sick leave due to his temporary incapacity through illness .

  15. 根据2007年的一项研究,美国在家庭福利政策方面,例如带薪育儿假,带薪病假和支持母乳喂养,远远落后于每一个发达国家,以及许多发展中国家。

    The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave , paid sick days and breast-feeding support , according to a 2007 study .

  16. sickpay表示病假工资,也就是“带薪生病”。

    When you are ill and unable to work , sick pay is the money that you get from your employer instead of your normal wages .

  17. 我只是不想工作,所以请了病假。

    I just didn 't feel like work so I threw a sickie .

  18. 例句蒂姆有时候不得不请病假,因为他的偏头痛很严重,可以持续几天。

    Tim has to take time off work sometimes because he gets really severe1 migraines .

  19. 例句丹请了几天病假,因为他咳嗽得很厉害。

    Dan has been off6 work for a few7 days because he has a terrible chesty cough .

  20. 尽管如此,他在临时替请病假的老师上课时,神采飞扬,根本看不出他其实已有多年没站在讲台上了。

    But when he had to cover for a sick teacher , he hadn 't lost his touch .

  21. 在此之前,要想治感冒,你只能请一天病假,坐在被窝里喝点热的、养养病了。

    Until then , a duvet day with a mug of something warm is about all you can do .

  22. 在英国,轻微的咳嗽和感冒是人们请病假的主要原因——每年因感冒为由的病假天数大约有3400万天。

    In the UK , minor2 coughs and colds are the main reason we take days off work - around 34 million of them every year .

  23. 有些“零时工合同”要求员工必须接受雇主提出的工作时间要求,有些会让员工考虑后做决定;不过,大部分“零时工合同”都不包括带薪病假或休假,也没有裁员津贴或养老金。

    Some zero hours contracts make it compulsory for workers to accept the working hours they 're offered , and others allow the employee to decide , but most contracts of this type don 't offer sick or holiday pay , and deny rights such as redundancy payments and pensions .

  24. .Ihavetocallinsick.我要打电话请病假。我身体不舒服,我要打电话请病假。

    I have to call in sick .

  25. 因为有承包商雇员抱怨没有得到休病假的福利,微软(Microsoft)不得不对此做出了强制规定。

    Microsoft mandated sick leave among its contractors after complaints that some were not given such benefits .

  26. 苹果的CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)休病假,而谷歌的埃里克·施密特(EricSchmidt)则即将辞职。

    As Steve Jobs at Apple , Eric Schmidt is stepping down at Google .

  27. 据《太阳报》(Sun)(不能算最可靠的信息来源,不过还算得上可靠)称,上周一有240万英国人请病假。

    According to the Sun newspaper ( not the most reliable source , but still ) 2.4m Britons threw a sickie last Monday .

  28. 戈登:HR人员必须进行面试,然后帮助计划假期和处理病假时期。

    Gordon : An HR professional must conduct the interview , then follow-up by helping plan vacations , and deal with sick days .

  29. 英国电信(BT)最近表示,在其10.4万名全球雇员中,每天有多达500名员工因精神问题请病假。

    BT recently suggested that as many as 500 of its global workforce of 104,000 employees were off sick every day with psychiatric problems .

  30. Shelly刚打电话来请病假。

    Shelly just called in sick .