
zhí jiē lián xì
  • in direct contact
  1. 他们与劫机者直接联系。

    They are in direct contact with the hijackers .

  2. 他与绑架者有直接联系。

    He was in direct contact with the kidnappers

  3. 这些意见与这项调查没有直接联系。

    These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry .

  4. 我们应该撇开与此问题无直接联系的因素。

    We shall ignore factors extraneous to the problem .

  5. 这两个因素直接联系在一起。

    The two factors are directly linked .

  6. 谁都不会质疑失业率与犯罪之间存在直接联系。

    No one disputes the direct linkage between the unemployment rate and crime

  7. 这一争端与谈判没有直接联系。

    The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations

  8. 通过与客户直接联系,快速应对市场和生态系统的变化,小农户可以领先大农户一步。

    By connecting directly with customers , and by responding quickly to changes in the markets as well as in the ecosystems , small farmers can keep one step ahead of the big guys .

  9. 尤其在小的机构中,设计者没有或者很难直接联系到有经验的FPGA设计者。

    Especially in small organizations , the engineer will not have direct contact or very limited contact with experienced FPGA designers .

  10. GCA与SCA间不存在直接联系。

    There was not direct relationship between GCA and SCA .

  11. 考生必须直接联系CFA协会获得进一步的援助。

    Candidates must contact CFA Institute directly for further assistance .

  12. 若IBM产品库页面并没有提供所需插件的下载,那么您可以直接联系IBM寻求帮助。

    If IBM product library pages do not offer the plug-ins you seek for download , contact IBM to help identify the need for the downloads .

  13. 硬盘:高性能SAS硬盘(15K)、RAID、SAN或者NAS直接联系的硬盘子系统

    Disk : High-performance SAS disk ( 15K ), RAID , SAN or NAS direct-connected disk subsystem

  14. 只有在B2B领域,即在业务伙伴之间建立直接联系方面,人们的期望依然不能得到满足。

    Only in the business-to-business ( B2B ) field the direct connections between business partners do expectations still fall short .

  15. BPEL4WS的故障概念与WSDL的故障概念有直接联系,事实上,前者建立在后者的基础上。

    The fault concept on BPEL4WS is directly related to the fault concept on WSDL and in fact builds on it .

  16. 再加上近年来启动的“沪港通”(Shanghai-HongKongStockConnect),这些都促进了中国与世界其他地区的联系,包括直接联系以及通过香港的间接联系。

    and the recently implemented Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect are all bolstering ties between China and the rest of the world , both directly and through Hong Kong .

  17. 建立CAD图形与外部数据库的对应信息的直接联系,使用户点击图形实体就可直接查询、修改该图形的附带信息,方便查询与管理。

    CAD graphics with the establishment of the corresponding external database of direct contact information so that users can click the graphic entities direct access to , modify the graphics attached to information , easy access and management .

  18. 沙漠地区包气带土壤中的NO3与生态环境密切相关,与地下水的安全有直接联系。

    In desert area , the nitrate in the vadose zone is always crucial to the ecosystem , and has directly effect on the safety of groundwater .

  19. 嗅觉系统中提供了大脑与外部环境的直接联系,嗅觉的脑通路可能成为CNS药物直接进入脑的一条新的途径。

    As the Olfactory system provides a direct pathway through inner brain to outer , the olfactory - to-brain pathway may be a new way for the CNS medicines ' entry into the inner brain .

  20. 而今日成立的法律中心是个独立的组织和OSDL无直接联系。

    The new Law Center announced today will be an independent organization not affiliated with OSDL .

  21. Applet与Servlet之间的联系一般是间接的。若要显示实时动态数据,须将两者直接联系,而在Java应用中,仅仅使用Servlet与AppletAPI是不够的。

    The communications between Applet and Servlet is indirect , if it is necessary to display Real-time and dynamic data , Applet and Servlet should be in contact . But in Java applications , Servlet and Applet API is used not enough .

  22. 欢迎您进入育威服饰有限公司,本公司长期生产SWINGMAN版本球衣,有兴趣着可与我直接联系!

    Welcome to enter the sterile Wei Garments Co. , Ltd. , the company 's long-term production version SWINGMAN uniforms , are interested in a direct contact with me !

  23. SCR催化器设计非常复杂,必须综合考虑液滴雾化、气体流动、化学反应、传热等一系列过程,这些过程与催化剂载体和催化器结构有直接联系。

    The design of a SCR catalytic converter is a complex process involving the consideration of spray droplet distribution , flow of gas , reaction , heat transfer and so on . All of those processes have direct relation with catalyst and the structure of catalytic converter .

  24. 于是我们直接联系了电影的服装设计AriannePhillips,她是麦当娜的造型师哦,最近麦姐的四场巡回服饰都是她的主意。

    We went straight to the source to find out & the film 's costume designer , Arianne Phillips ( who you may know as Madonna 's stylist and the brains behind the outfits on her last four tours !) .

  25. 它与课程内容有着直接联系。

    It has the direct relationships with the content of courses .

  26. 你也可以直接联系你的帐户经理寻求帮助。

    You can also contact your account manager directly for assistance .

  27. 黄头发那个,跟它直接联系那位。

    The blonde one , who made direct contact with it .

  28. 我们和昆南安插的卧底有直接联系吗?

    Do we have direct access to queenan 's undercovers ?

  29. 有关详细信息,请直接联系制造商。

    For further information , please contact the manufacturer directly .

  30. 结果显示,美貌程度与聪明与否并没有直接联系。

    there was no correlation between perceived intellect and pulchritude 。