
  • 【数】ruled surface
  1. 采用三次非均匀B样条技术,对直纹面叶片的离心压缩机叶轮通道的网格生成方法进行了研究。

    For the centrifugal impeller blade composed of straight-line element , the grid generating method is developed with Cubic Non-Uniform B-Spline , and the corresponding program is completed .

  2. 造型模块中,采用三次B样条插值的技术,构造出叶片盖盘与轴盘曲线,建立了扭曲直纹面形式的叶片型面。

    Arithmetics and implements of function modules are indicated as follows : In the modeling module , the twist ruled surface formed blade is constructed using B-spline interpolation technique .

  3. 基于母线Klein像性质的直纹面重构

    Reconstruction of ruled surface based on Klein images

  4. 分析了Visualc++调用Matlab引擎时数据传递过程,实现了自动编程系统软件设计,并试验加工了陶瓷叶片直纹面。

    Data transfer process was analyzed , when Matlab engine was called from Visual C + + . Software design of automatic programming system was implemented , and the experiment of machining ceramics blade surface was carried out .

  5. 在Matlab编写非均匀B样条曲线的正算、反算、导矢等算法,计算出整体叶轮、直纹面叶片、叶片等距面、叶片缝合面的数据点并生成效果图。

    Using Matlab programming to achieve the non uniform B spline curves and surfaces , the positive operator , inverse , derivative vector algorithm , to calculate the integral impeller blades , ruled surface data point and generates the effect chart .

  6. 构造了直纹面叶片型面数学模型,进行了加工误差分析,编制了数控加工程序并进行了基础工艺试验,首次在Al2O3陶瓷坯料上直接加工出完整的直纹面叶片型面。

    The mathematical model of the blade with ruled surface is constructed , the machining error is analyzed , the NC machining program is written , the basic technological experiment is carried out and a set of Al2O3 ceramic integrated blades with ruled surface are machined for the first time .

  7. Aumann提出的方法是在两边界曲线之间连直线,形成直纹面,然后给直纹面加上可展条件。

    About this Aumann [ 8 ] has provided some methods , connecting lines between two boundary curves , shaping ruled surface , and adding some developable conditions to ruled surface .

  8. 直纹面叶轮叶片非等距轮廓线的生成方法

    Generating Method of Non-equidistant Curves Extracted from Ruled Surface Impeller Vane

  9. 计算机图形直纹面拟合设计新方法

    A New Approach to Design Ruled Surface Fitting in Computer Graph

  10. 采用圆柱铣刀的不可展直纹面数控侧铣加工

    The NC side milling of the ruled surface with cylindrical cutter

  11. 直纹面四坐标侧铣数控加工中的误差分析

    Study on the tolerance in 4-coordinate side milling of ruled surface

  12. 复杂直纹面加工中电极丝中心轨迹的求取算法研究

    An algorithm for the wire path in ruled surfaces WEDM machining

  13. 覆盖件模具CAD/CAM中的直纹面造型方法

    Rude Surface Molding Method used in CAD / CAM of outer Panels

  14. 车用涡轮增压器可展直纹面叶片设计方法研究

    Research on Developable Ruling Blade Surface Design Method for Vehicle Turbocharger Impeller

  15. 离心压缩机直纹面叶轮的网格生成方法

    Grid Generation of Ruled Surface Impeller of Centrifugal Compressor

  16. 基于固定边界的直纹面构造近似可展曲面

    Constructing approximately developable surfaces based on boundary-curve-fixed ruled surfaces

  17. 常曲率空间中的超直纹面

    On the Ruled Hypersurface of a Constant Curvature Space

  18. 锥面刃磨可展直纹面与后刀面刃磨

    Cone Grinding Extended Straight-line Surface and Flank Grinding

  19. 直纹面在弧面凸轮设计中的应用

    Apply ruled surface in design of globoidal cam

  20. 直纹面叶型整体叶轮五坐标数控编程算法研究

    Studies on the Algorithm for Five_Axis NC Programming of Integrated Impeller with Ruled Blade Profile

  21. 直纹面特性及类型判定

    Characteristics and Recognition of Ruled Surfaces

  22. 任意扭曲直纹面叶轮数控侧铣刀位计算与误差分析

    Calculation of Cutter-location and Error Analysis in Numerical Control Flank Milling of Twisted Ruled Surface Impeller

  23. 针对车用涡轮增压器压气机叶轮,研究利用可展直纹面构造叶片曲面方程的方法。

    The method to construct the blade surface of developable impeller of vehicle turbocharger is investigated .

  24. 直纹面整体叶轮展成电解加工关键问题研究

    The study of key issues in electrochemical contour evolution machining integral impeller with STRAIGHT-GENERATRIX surface blades

  25. 一种基于直纹面误差可控的弧面凸轮复杂廓面建模方法

    An Error Controllable Modeling Method of Complicated Roller Gear Cam Spatial Contour Surface Based on Ruled Surface Theory

  26. 数控线切割三维直纹面直接刀补算法的研究

    A Study on the Arithmetic of Direct Tool Radius Compensation of 3D Ruled Surface in NC Wire Electric Cutting

  27. 在此基础上,研究了直纹面多次切割电极丝中心轨迹的生成。

    Based on the algorithm , the wire path of multiple-cut for the ruled surface is generated in 4-axis WEDM .

  28. 介绍了陶瓷超声磨削加工现状,建立了平行直纹面数学模型。

    The present status about ultrasonic grinding of ceramics is introduced , and a mathematical model of parallel ruled surface is constructed .

  29. 侧铣不可展直纹面模具原理性加工误差计算方法

    Machining of Molds and Dies Die and Mould Technology Algorithm for Calculating Theoretical Errors of Undevelopable Ruled Surface Model in Flank Milling

  30. 精确求取电极丝的中心轨迹是保证复杂直纹面电火花线切割加工精度的前提条件。

    Ellipse-offset method is often used for calculation of the wire trajectory from the programmed paths for intricate ruled surfaces in 4-axis WEDM .