
  • 网络Invariant subspace;ESPRIT
  1. (AC)算子在其不变子空间上的限制

    ( AC ) Operator 's Limit in Invariant Subspace

  2. 与紧算子U-交换算子的不变子空间

    The Invariant Subspace of an Oprator , Which U-changed with Compact Operators

  3. 结构(A,B)不变子空间的代数特征

    Algebraic Characterization of Structurally ( A , B ) - Invariant Subspaces

  4. 因而V的不变子空间都是T的超不变子空间。

    Thus all the invariant subspaces of V are hyperinvariant for T.

  5. 最小二乘法重构r重平移不变子空间采样的研究

    Studying on Reconstruction Sampling in Shift-Invariant Subspace with Multiplicity r from Least Squares Method

  6. 更进一步,本文也证明了若联合次正常n元组具有联合的循环向量,则它存在非平凡的超不变子空间。

    Further more , it is also proved that cyclic joint subnormal n-tuple has non - trivial hyperinvariant subspace .

  7. C给出。本文讨论在某些条件下的一般压缩算子正则分解和不变子空间的关系。

    Relation between an invariant subspace and a regular factorization of a general contraction operator under some conditions is studied in this paper .

  8. 证明了任意一个(A,B)不变子空间一定能分解成一些根子空间的直和。

    It is proved that the ( A , B ) invariant subspaces can be always decomposed into a direct-sum form of some radical subspaces .

  9. 算子的超不变子空间与Wolf谱

    Hyperinvariant Subspaces and Wolf Spectrum of Operators

  10. 加权Hardy空间上的不变子空间的性质

    Property of Invariant Subspaces in the Weighted Hardy Space

  11. 求解时连续代数Riccati方程的不变子空间方法研究

    The Research of the Invariant Subspace Method for Solving the Continue-time Algebraic Riccati Equation

  12. 本文研究了Sobolev圆盘代数R(D)上的乘法算子Mz的不变子空间,完全刻画了余维有限的不变子空间的结构。

    In this paper , we study the invariant subspaces of the operator Mz on the Sobolev disk algebra R ( D ) and characterize the invariant subspace with finite codimension .

  13. 指出当反馈变量系数向量属于一个确定线性变换的r维不变子空间时,原系统的绝对稳定性,可化为一个r阶系统的绝对稳定性。

    It is pointed out that the absolute stability of the original system can be reduced to one of a new system of r-order when the coefficient vector of the feedback vector belongs to a certain invariable subspace of r-order .

  14. 此外还对波达方向估计算法进行了仿真,包括基于子空间分解的MUSIC算法、旋转不变子空间算法以及前/后向空间平滑算法,同时对这几种算法的估计性能进行了详细的分析。

    The simulation has been on other algorithms of DOA estimation which include the MUSIC algorithm based on the subspace decomposition , ESPRIT and farword / back spatial smoothing algorithms , at the same time has carried on the detailed analysis to estimation performance of these algorithms .

  15. 基于n维向量空间V在它的一个线性变换A下分解成A-不变子空间的直和,提出了一种新的秘密分拆方案,并分析了这种方案的安全性及计算复杂度。

    A new secret splitting scheme is proposed based on a n dimensional vector space be decomposed into direct sum of A - invariant subspaces under a linear transformation A of V , security and computational complexity of this scheme are also analyzed .

  16. 旋转不变子空间算法的仿真表明信号参数的估计精度随着信噪比的增大,快拍数的增加而提高,且具有较高的估计精确度,入射角度较小时,DOA估计性能要好一些。

    ESPRIT algorithm simulation indicates that the estimation precision of the signal parameter enhances correspondingly along with increasing of SNR and the quick racket number . The incident angle is smaller , and the DOA estimation performance has better ;

  17. 接着分析了一种常用算法旋转不变子空间算法(ESPRIT),并深入研究了两种改进算法TLSESPRIT算法和SLSESPRIT算法。

    Next , by analysis of a commonly used method & rotation-invariant sub-space algorithm ( ESPRIT ), And a deep research on two kinds of the improved algorithm , TLS_ESPRIT algorithm and SLS_ESPRIT algorithm .

  18. 接着细致的分析了ESPRIT算法的DOA估计原理,其基本思想利用旋转不变子空间估计信号参数,在估计参数时要求阵列的几何结构存在不变性。

    The theory of the ESPRIT DOA estimation algorithm is analyzed detail , its basic idea is estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance subspace . It is required that the geometric structure of array is invariant .

  19. 不变子空间与广义不变子空间(Ⅰ)存在与唯一性定理

    Invariant subspaces and generalized invariant subspaces (ⅰ) existence and uniqueness theorems

  20. 带有不变子空间的映射的不动点个数

    On the Number Of Fixed Points for the Maps with Invariant Spaces

  21. 模糊向量空间的不变子空间模糊粗糙子群

    Invariant Subspace of a Fuzzy Vector Space Fuzzy Rough Subsemigroup

  22. 基于旋转不变子空间的垂直分层空时码

    Vertical Layered Space Time Coding Based on Rotational Invariant Subspace

  23. 非正规矩阵的近似不变子空间的特征值估计的改进

    An improvement to spectral variation of approximate invariant subspace of nonnormal matrices

  24. 不变子空间方法在非线性偏微分方程中的应用

    Application of Invariant Subspace Method to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

  25. 有决定集和平移不变子空间中抽样定理

    Determining Set and Sampling Theorem in the Shift Invariant Subspace

  26. 上三角矩阵代数上的保不变子空间格映射超不变子空间的紧摄动

    Additive maps preserving the lattices of invariant subspaces on upper triangular matrix algebras

  27. 解析函数空间上的算子不变子空间

    Invariant Subspaces in the Spaces of Analytic Functions

  28. 一般压缩算子正则分解和不变子空间的关系

    Relation Between An Invariant Subspace And A Regular Factorization of A General Contraction Operator

  29. 奇异系统的取消输出不变子空间和取消输出能控子空间

    Output-nulling Invariant and Controllability Subspaces for Singular Systems

  30. 同时不变子空间与鲁棒干扰解耦

    Simultaneous invariant subspaces and robust disturbance decoupling