
  • 【冶】direct reduction iron making
  1. MIDREX直接还原炼铁&无损环境之途径

    The MIDREX Direct Reduction Process : An Environmentally-Sound Route to Steel Making

  2. 直接还原炼铁技术的最新发展

    Latest development of direct reduction processes of Iron ores

  3. 直接还原炼铁工艺在我国的发展状况

    Development of direct reduction in China

  4. 直接还原炼铁中的粘结剂

    Binder in Direct Reduction Ironmaking

  5. 直接还原炼铁工艺根据还原剂不同分为气基与煤基。

    Direct reduction processes can be divided into gas-based and coal-based ones depending on the type of reducing agents .

  6. 该厂的建成投产是新一代直接还原炼铁法迈向商业化的重要一步。

    The commissioning of Hismelt plant will be a symbol showing that the new-generation direct reduction iron technology is mature in practical appeication .

  7. 分析、比较了各种焦炉煤气利用系统,提出了钢铁联合企业以焦炉煤气作还原剂直接还原炼铁的多联产系统。

    With coke oven gas as reducing reagent for direct reduction of iron , a new poly-generation strategy is proposed for iron and steel enterprises .

  8. 对用铁精矿粉取代烧结矿,用煤取代焦炭的直接还原和熔融还原炼铁工艺的研究正越来越蓬勃兴旺。

    So the research and development of the smelting reduction process are being paid more and more attention .

  9. 随着对环境保护的日益重视以及对成本控制的需要,炼铁工业的改革势在必行。对用铁精矿粉取代烧结矿,用煤取代焦炭的直接还原和熔融还原炼铁工艺的研究正越来越蓬勃兴旺。

    For environmental and economic consideration , it is necessary for ironmaking industry to use iron ore concentrates and coal directly instead of coking and sintering . So the research and development of the smelting reduction process are being paid more and more attention .

  10. 无论是北方流程还是南方流程,都涉及到回转窑直接还原矿石或球团矿的问题,而直接还原用煤的选择则是回转窑直接还原炼铁工艺的关键问题之一。

    Moreover , selection of coal for the direct reduction is one of the key problems of direct reduction ironmaking process in kiln .