
  • 网络Crown colony
  1. 英国的北婆罗洲(现今名为沙巴州sabah)先前是在苏禄人统治下的英国直辖殖民地,同时砂劳越(sarawak)曾经是布鲁克家族的私人封地。

    British North Borneo ( currently the state of Sabah ) was a British crown colony formerly under the rule of the Sultanate of Sulu , whilst the territory of Sarawak was the personal fiefdom of the Brooke ( white Rajah ) family .

  2. 远离阿根廷海岸的南大西洋中的一个数目超过的群岛;一个英国直辖殖民地。

    A group of over 100 islands in the S Atlantic off the coast of Argentina ; a British crown colony .

  3. 但是它们之前的名字皇家直辖殖民地泄露了底细。

    But their former name Crown Colonies gives away their origins .

  4. 由于人口的不断增加和新土地的开发,19世纪,另外五个大的自治英国直辖殖民地已被成功建立。

    As the population grew and new areas were explored , another five largely self-governing crown colonies were successively established over the course of the 19th century .

  5. 然而,在以种族歧视和种族隔离政策为主的直辖殖民地制度下,港英政府对移港华人的福利服务几近于零。

    Due to the racial discrimination and segregation policy under the colony system , the colonial government scarcely gave welfare service to those Chinese immigrants in Hong Kong .

  6. 曾是中国南海岸的一个英国直辖殖民地;年英国向中国租借,年归还;世界最主要的商业中心之一。

    A British Crown Colony on the coast of S China ; leased by China to Britain in 1842 and returned in 1997 ; one of the world 's leading commercial centers .

  7. 再后面是英国政府直辖殖民地,在这些殖民地,英国本国政府的统治简直是专制,譬如锡兰、特立尼达,斐济、直布罗陀和圣赫勒拿。

    Then the crown colonies , in which the rule of the British home government verged on autocracy , as in ceylon , Trinidad and fiji , and Gibraltar and St helena .