
zhí xiāo
  • sell products directly to customers or end users;direct sale
  1. 企业销售模式由分销模式向直销模式转变。

    The retail sale mode is being turned the direct sale mode .

  2. 戴尔直销模式的困境及原因分析

    On the Predicament of DELL Direct Sale Model and the Reasons Analysis

  3. 成衣店也面临着来自工厂直销店的激烈竞争。

    Clothing stores also face heavy competition from factory outlets .

  4. 欧塞奇比奇有购物中心、工厂直销店以及出售乡村手工艺品和古玩的小店。

    Osage Beach has shopping centers , factory outlet stores , and small shops with country crafts and antiques .

  5. 最后是分析和描述SALT技术如何在网上直销系统中得到应用。

    The last is to apply the SALT interface to the whole system .

  6. 在加入WTO前的中国直销业运作,基本上是在一种无序、无知、无法的状态下进行的;

    Before China join WTO , the direct selling in China is in illegal situation .

  7. 基于SALT的网上直销系统的实现

    Net Marketing System Based on SALT

  8. 现在,随着我国加入WTO,直销业也即将重新开放。

    Now with China 's entrance of WTO , direct selling industry is to be re-established .

  9. POP这一便捷、高效、廉价的广告直销员得到了前所未有的发展。

    POP this convenient , effective and cheap advertisement salesman has gotten unprecedented development .

  10. 研究结果表明,混合渠道模式是制造商的理性选择,而Internet直销渠道的引入也并不一定构成对传统零售渠道的威胁。

    The results indicate hybrid channel mode is a right choice for manufacturer , and Internet channel is unnecessarily a threat to traditional retailing channel .

  11. Internet的迅速发展正改变着当今世界的商业规则,越来越多的制造企业开始触网,在传统零售渠道之外自行开辟Internet直销渠道,直接与消费者亲密接触。

    The rapidly developing Internet is changing modern business rule . More and more manufacturers go online , adding direct Internet channel besides traditional retailers to contact directly with customers .

  12. 直销包括单层次直销和多层次直销(multi-leveldirectselling),多层次直销就是俗称的传销,都属于产品分销渠道。

    Direct selling includes one-level direct selling and multi-level direct selling commonly called spreading selling , both of which belong to the retail channels of commodity .

  13. 本课题即是充分利用SALT这项新技术和新特点,与电子商务进行技术整合,从而实现基于SALT技术的网上直销系统。

    In this thesis , all of the new technologies and characteristic are integrated into Ecommerce application , and achieved the " Net marketing System based on SALT " .

  14. 研究表明传统零售商和Internet直销商竞争的有力武器是服务,而Internet渠道的最大吸引力在于便捷(也即顾客Internet购物的不适成本较低)。

    The study indicates that retailers will choose to upgrade services to reinforce their competences , while Internet channel is attractive to customers only when they have low discomfort costs of web buying . 5 .

  15. 如新在提交至SEC的声明中说,我们的薪酬机制和在中国经营的其它直销企业类似。

    Nu Skin said in its SEC statement , ' Our compensation is similar to other direct selling companies operating in China .

  16. 此外,文章表示,三菱地所株式会社(MitsubishiEstate)计划在2013年前,在东京成田机场附近开设一家专门针对中国消费者的品牌直销购物中心。

    Meanwhile , Mitsubishi Estate plans to open an outlet mall close to Narita Airport by 2013 , specifically targeting Chinese customers , the story said .

  17. 这段期间,我和同事们一起致力于DVD产品的厂家直销工作。

    This period , I concentrate on the factory house of the product of DVD to keep sell with the colleagues together work .

  18. POP广告作为陈列于商业场所的售卖点促销广告,现已成为商家,特别是大型超市用来展示或推出新商品的直销式广告形式。

    POP advertising displays in commercial establishments as a point of sale promotions , has become a business , especially for large supermarkets to display or new product direct-style advertising .

  19. MT公司一直都是以直销作为自己的主要销售模式,渠道分销一直未收到公司的重视,所以到目前为止,渠道分销占MT中国总销量的比例仅为百分之十左右。

    Direct selling has been main mode for MT before , and proportion of channel occupy only 10 % or so in MT whole turnover at present .

  20. 其分销策略坚定不移地推行直销战略,同时,选择性地利用指定性中间商作为直接销售的补充。以及提出扁平化与事业部制相结合的SD公司的组织架构。

    It implements the vertical sale strategy as well as utilizing the selective middleman as the supplement . Also , propose a flat and alignment of departments SD Company organization structure .

  21. IAC零售公司是一家年营收额高达30亿美元、面向消费者的直销商。

    IAC ( IACI ) retail was a $ 3 billion direct-to-consumer business that included HSN , HSN .

  22. 虽然DL的直销模式具有价格优势,库存优势,能够满足客户的个性化定制并实现直接有效的客户管理。

    With a direct marketing model , DL takes the advantage of price and inventory , meets the requirement of customization , manage the customer relationship effectively .

  23. 虽然Coach的门店和厂家直销店数量多于Kors,但在商场的铺面较少,而商场的打折力度往往更大。

    While Coach has more stores and outlets than Kors , it has less exposure to department stores , which tend to be aggressive with discounts .

  24. 由于SSL证书市场还在不断地增长,他们也认识到拥有一个强大的代理渠道来补充其直销能力不足的重要性。

    As the market for SSL continues to grow among organizations of all sizes , they recognize that it is important to have a strong reseller channel to complement their direct sales organization .

  25. 本文对中小涂料企业的渠道模式尝试新的探索,设计扁平化渠道和B2B直销模式相结合的混合渠道模式。

    The text made a new discussion on the channel model of the coating companies , designed the combination channel strategy including the channel of flat and B2B direct model .

  26. 从乔治亚州到新泽西州,美国的不少州都打击了特斯拉的直销模式,有些州甚至完全禁止特斯拉(Tesla)电动汽车的销售。

    From Georgia to New Jersey , states have attacked Tesla 's direct sales model , in some cases banning sales of the company 's electric vehicles entirely .

  27. 作为较早开展信用卡电话营销的银行之一,Z银行针对目标客户展开了精准的数据库营销,在近几年实现了高速发展,弥补了直销渠道在获取及经营目标客户方面的不足。

    As one of the earliest commercial bank in credit card telemarketing , Z bank launched accurate database marketing to the target customers , and made rapid development in recent years , making up for the lack of direct sales channels .

  28. 为避免遭遇与Coach等品牌相同问题,伊多尔称,他有意将厂家直销店的销售额控制在总零售额的三分之一左右,以确保价格较低的厂家直销店不会影响该品牌的高端形象。

    To avoid the pitfalls of brands like Coach , Mr. Idol said he intends to limit outlet sales to roughly a third of total retail sales to ensure that the lower priced outlets don 't overshadow the brand 's upscale image .

  29. 如今,我们确信葆婴公司正是中国直销商们分享USANA成功的途径。

    Today , we are confident that BabyCare is the way for Distributors in China to share in the success of USANA .

  30. 新模式通过对比国际业内领跑者如TNT和国内直销行业的成功企业如贝塔斯曼,通过他们的业务开展和运行模式分析,将中国邮政在直复营销行业的开展模式进行优化。

    As a result of the comparison between the internal leader like TNT and domestic forerunner like Bertelsmann in service development and operation mode , the new mode optimizes the development mode of postal DM in China .