
shěnɡ zhènɡ fǔ
  • provincial government
  1. 省政府及其合作伙伴提供了许多项目来帮助学生找到暑期工作。

    The provincial government and its partners offer many programs to help students find summer jobs .

  2. 记者唐从广东省政府获悉,2015年4月5日,广东省发生一起溺水事故,造成7人死亡。17岁女生小伊和家人扫墓后洗手时掉进了水库。

    Reporter Tang got the news from Guangdong Provincial Government that seven people died in a drowning accident on April 5th , 2015 . A 17-year-old girl , Xiao Yi , fell into a reservoir while washing hands after a tomb sweeping with her family .

  3. 海南省政府表示,可使用的替代品包括可降解塑料袋、纸袋、布袋以及亚麻布袋,可重复使用的塑料篮子、柳条篮、竹篮等。

    On the list of substitutes are items such as biodegradable plastic bags ; paper , cloth and linen authorities .

  4. 加快推进亚洲象国家公园创建国家林草局和云南省政府计划开发一处国家公园,为亚洲象群提供栖息地保护,同时促进人象和谐共存。

    The forestry department and the provincial government plan to develop a national park , which aims to provide habitat protection for the elephants and a balanced relationship with residents .

  5. 零关税政策是在今年6月1日《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》正式公布后,中央和海南省政府推进海南自贸港建设的最新举措。

    The zero-tariff list is among the latest of the policies that have been released by the central and Hainan provincial authorities to promote construction of Hainan FTP , following the issuance of the Master Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port on June 1 .

  6. 河南省政府表示,截至目前,暴雨已造成郑州市区12人死亡,当地已转移避险约10万人。

    A total of 12 people have been killed in the torrential rains in the downtown area of Zhengzhou , the provincial capital of central China 's Henan province , the local government said . About 100000 people have been relocated to safe places , it added .

  7. 在去年11月珠海航展上,奥地利飞制造商钻石航空公司(DiamondAir)宣布,与山东省政府联合投资4200万美元的山东滨奥飞机制造公司投产。

    Diamond Air , an Austrian aircraft-maker , announced the opening of Shandong BinAo , a $ 42m joint venture with the government of Shandong province , at the Zhuhai Airshow in November .

  8. 北部自称独立的索马里兰省政府,2003年与ophirenergy签署了产量分成协议。

    The government of Somaliland , a northern province that considers itself independent , struck a production-sharing agreement with Ophir energy in 2003 .

  9. 据泰国PBS报道,这所学校向省政府寻求了帮助,以照顾受伤的猕猴。

    The school sought help from provincial officials to care for the injured macaques , according to Thai PBS .

  10. 在此之前,有关方面已经进行了长达一年的透明的拍卖程序,由摩根大通(jpmorgan)监督,并且得到了江苏省政府的支持。

    The deal announcement followed a transparent year-long auction , overseen by JPMorgan , and supported by the provincial government of Jiangsu .

  11. 今年3月,浙江省政府与中海油公司签订了引进液化天然气(LNG)及应用项目合作协议。

    2005.In March last year the contract for importing and using the LNG had been signed between the Zhejiang government and the China ocean petrol company .

  12. 随着在浙江杭州举行的G20峰会的临近,浙江省政府实施了管理无人机等小型航空器和空飘物的措施。

    With the approach of the G20 Summit in Hangzhou , Zhejiang , the provincial government has imposed rules to manage small aircraft and " flying objects " - including unmanned aerial vehicles .

  13. 周二晚些时候,中海油与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省政府签署了一项协议,开始研究在加拿大西海岸的鲁珀特王子港(PortofPrinceRupert)建造一个LNG出口厂的可行性。

    Cnooc signed an agreement with the government of British Columbia , a Canadian province , late on Tuesday to examine the viability of an LNG export plant near Prince Rupert , a port city off the western coast of Canada .

  14. 武装分子发动了针对Parwan省政府办公大楼的袭击。

    Armed men launched an assault on a compound used by the governor of Parwan province .

  15. 按照国家和省政府关于国有经济调整的精神,2008年原省JG集团和LQ集团整合重组,成立了JS集团。

    According to the spirit of both national and provincial governments about adjusting the economy , in 2008 , original province JG Group and LQ Group conformity were reorganized , establishing JS Group .

  16. 上周五,浙江省政府、波音公司和中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC)签署了一份框架协议。

    The Zhejiang Provincial Government , the Boeing Company , and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China , Ltd. ( COMAC ) signed a framework agreement last Friday .

  17. renesola希望获得省政府的额外补贴;目前正等候中央政府部门的批准。

    Renesola expects to gain additional subsidies from the provincial government ; approval from central authorities is pending .

  18. 在回答其它问题时,Ribadu说,已经开始将追回的资金归还它们的主人-在大多数情况下它们是联邦或省政府,或银行。

    Replying to other questions , Ribadu said recovered funds were being returned to their owners –– in most cases the federal or state governments , or banks .

  19. 对山西省政府投资工程管理方式改革的研究

    Research on the reform of management style of government project in Shanxi

  20. 影响河南省政府门户网站建设水平的相关因素分析

    Factors of Impacting on the Level of Construction of Henan Government Portal

  21. 河南省政府办公业务资源网

    The Official and Professional Resource Network of Henan Provincial Government

  22. 现在,我受省政府委托,做工作报告。

    Now , I commissioned by the provincial government , do work .

  23. 因此省政府不遗余力地削减燃煤使用。

    And so the government is to cut the use of coal .

  24. 山东省政府投资项目管理模式研究

    Study of Management Mode for the Projects Invested by Government in Shandong Province

  25. 河北省政府农业投入问题研究

    Research on the Government Agricultural Input of Hebei Province

  26. 广东省政府机关后勤改革问题及对策研究

    Research on Reform of the Guangdong Provincial Government Agencies Logistical Problems and Countermeasures

  27. 吉林省政府工作部门绩效评估指标体系的改进与完善

    The Improvement and Perfection of Jilin Provincial Government departments Performance Evaluation Index System

  28. 海南省政府对发展新能源汽车的政策;

    Policies of Hainan Provincial Government on the development of new energy vehicles ;

  29. 本次大会将会国家互联网信息办公室和浙江省政府联合主办。

    The conference will be co-hosted by the CAC and Zhejiang provincial government .

  30. 河南省政府门户网站评价指标体系和测评方法研究

    The evaluation index system and evaluation method of government portal of Henan province