
zhēn zhī
  • genuine knowledge;correct views
真知 [zhēn zhī]
  • [correct views; genuine knowledge] 真才实学;深刻的哲理;真理

  • 实践出真知

真知[zhēn zhī]
  1. 实践出真知。

    Genuine knowledge comes from practice .

  2. 一切真知都是从直接经验发源的。

    All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience .

  3. 让他们自己干一干也好,实践出真知嘛。

    We might as well let them do it themselves , since real knowledge comes from practice .

  4. 永远谦卑,永远保持对真知的饥渴。

    Keep being humble and hungry .

  5. 你在寻求真知和智慧,我一度也是这样。

    You seek for knowledge and wisdom , as I once did .

  6. 无明、黑暗如何能包括真知的光线?

    Where there is light , there is no darkness ;

  7. 他具有鲜明唯物论性质的真知实践论,是其实学思想的理论基础,闪耀着思想的火花。

    He was a clear materialist with bright pragmatic thoughts .

  8. 真知的路与障&论南社的国学之真

    Road and Obstacle : Genuine Knowledge of National Learning for the Southern Society

  9. 真知晶球是非常危险的工具,撒鲁曼。

    A palantnr is a dangerous tool , saruman .

  10. 实践出真知,实践出才干。

    Genuine knowledge comes from practice , and practice enhances one 's ability .

  11. 真知生于民间,百姓日用而不觉。

    Truth comes from common people , who use it everyday without notice .

  12. 但只在不久前我们才开始将其奉为真知

    but it 's only relatively recently we 've taken that as read .

  13. 青年要在实践中求真知,长才干。

    A youth will seek genuine knowledge , gain ability in the practice .

  14. 真知晶球是个危险的工具,萨鲁曼。

    A palantir is a dangerous tool , Saruman .

  15. “患难见真知”,谢谢你帮我度过难关!

    " Adversity shows insight ," Thank you help me tide over their difficulties !

  16. 把他们的注意力吸引到真知上面来。

    By attracting them to the true faith .

  17. “仔细观察是获得真知和成功的唯一途径”

    " Careful observation is the only key to true and complete awareness . "

  18. 我们似乎只有在知识后面,才能发现真知。

    It appears that we can find the truth only behind the knowledge we have .

  19. 一切真知都来源于实践。

    Every real knowledge comes from practice .

  20. 其次,不迷信权威,不迷信书本,才能获得真知;

    Secondly , gnosis should be attained by not blind faith of authority and book .

  21. 我们如若真的学会一样真知得经历四五十变的打磨。

    We often have to relearn a lesson forty or fifty times to really get it .

  22. 第二,努力说真话,求真知。

    Two , that you make the effort to speak as well as seek the truth .

  23. 实战真知每场战斗,每级多得2%的经验。

    Battle-hardened all experience that hero gains after battles is increased by2 % per hero level .

  24. 灵性所带给你的是对恒常的真知,以及屹立不摇的实存,与上述的暂存感正好相反。

    Against this sense of temporary existence spirit offers you the knowledge of permanence and unshakeable being .

  25. 科学是人类认识客观世界,获得真知的重要理论,也是我们坚持唯物主义,洗刷唯心精神的锐利武器。

    Science is the important in human 's cognition of the objective world and in obtaining knowledge .

  26. 这种真理,真知,从来没有也永远不会让我们迷失。

    This Truth , this Knowing , will never fail you nor will it ever fail me .

  27. 最终他将会获得天人合一的真知。

    Ultimately he is to achieve the understanding that all is one , and one is all .

  28. 实践出真知实践出人才&论大学生参加社会实践的重要性

    Knowledge and Talents From Practice & Discuss the Importance of the Graduate Taking Part in Social Practice

  29. 认识论的基本问题根本在于方法问题,因为认识的目的就是为了获得真知,而我们必须通过正确的方法才能认识世界达到真知。

    The basic problem of methodology lies in method , the purpose of understanding is to get truth .

  30. 科学自产生以来,就意味着“真知”,即绝对正确的终极知识。

    Since science came into being , it meant " true knowledge ", namely exactly right ultimate knowledge .